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Sigma KEE - Selling

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Selling ChineseLanguage "这是一种 FinancialTransaction, 它发生在当一样 Physical 的实例,用来换取一种 CurrencyMeasure 实例的时候。 ") chinese_format.kif 3109-3110
(documentation Selling EnglishLanguage "A FinancialTransaction in which an instance of Physical is exchanged for an instance of CurrencyMeasure.") Merge.kif 11962-11963
(subclass Selling FinancialTransaction) Merge.kif 11961-11961 Vendre est une sous-classe de financial transaction

appearance as argument number 2

(relatedInternalConcept Buying Selling) Merge.kif 11951-11951 Acheter est reli� � l'int�rieur de SUMO � vendre
(subclass Auctioning Selling) UXExperimentalTerms.kif 328-328 Auctioning est une sous-classe de vendre
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Selling "出售") chinese_format.kif 1143-1143 Auctioning est une sous-classe de vendre
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Selling "selling") english_format.kif 1503-1503 Auctioning est une sous-classe de vendre
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Selling "vendre") french_format.kif 821-821 Auctioning est une sous-classe de vendre
(termFormat Hindi Selling "vikraya") terms-hindi.txt 353-353 Auctioning est une sous-classe de vendre
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Selling "Vendere") terms-it.txt 356-356 Auctioning est une sous-classe de vendre
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Selling "販売") japanese_format.kif 2505-2505 Auctioning est une sous-classe de vendre
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Selling "Vender") portuguese_format.kif 773-773 Auctioning est une sous-classe de vendre
(termFormat cb Selling "pagbaligya") terms-cb.txt 358-358 Auctioning est une sous-classe de vendre
(termFormat cz Selling "selling") terms-cz.txt 392-392 Auctioning est une sous-classe de vendre
(termFormat ro Selling "vânzare") relations-ro.kif 842-842 Auctioning est une sous-classe de vendre
(termFormat tg Selling "nagbibili") terms-tg.txt 357-357 Auctioning est une sous-classe de vendre


        (attribute ?Order LimitOrder)
        (partyToAgreement ?Order ?Broker)
        (attribute ?Broker Broker)
        (orderFor ?Order Selling ?Object)
        (measure ?Object ?Quantity)
        (limitPrice ?Order
            (MeasureFn ?LimitPrice ?U))
        (bidPrice ?Object
            (MeasureFn ?Price ?U) ?Time)
        (instance ?U UnitOfCurrency)
        (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?Price ?LimitPrice))
        (KappaFn ?Sell
                (instance ?Sell Selling)
                (patient ?Sell ?Object)
                (measure ?Object ?Quantity)
                    (WhenFn ?Sell) ?SellingTime)
                (overlapsTemporally ?SellingTime ?Time))) ?Broker))
FinancialOntology.kif 2031-2052
        (instance ?SALES Collection)
        (forall (?MEMBER)
                (member ?MEMBER ?SALES)
                (instance ?MEMBER Selling)))
        (exists (?REGION)
                (instance ?REGION GeopoliticalArea)
                (forall (?SELLER ?SELLING)
                            (instance ?SELLER AutonomousAgent)
                            (instance ?SELLING Buying)
                            (member ?SELLING ?SALES)
                            (agent ?SELLING ?SELLER))
                        (located ?SELLER ?REGION))))))
                (KappaFn ?AMOUNT
                        (instance ?SALE Selling)
                        (member ?SALE ?SALES)
                        (transactionAmount ?SALE ?AMOUNT))) ?TOTAL_SALE_AMOUNT)
                (GMVFn ?SALES) ?TOTAL_SALE_AMOUNT))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2999-3026
        (instance ?SELL Selling)
        (agent ?SELL ?AGENT))
    (origin ?SELL ?AGENT))
Merge.kif 11993-11997
        (instance ?TRANS Selling)
        (attribute ?TRANS CBT)
        (patient ?TRANS ?OBJ)
        (instance ?OBJ Object))
            (instance ?BUYER AutonomousAgent)
            (instance ?SELLER AutonomousAgent)
            (destination ?TRANS ?BUYER)
            (agent ?TRANS ?SELLER)
            (instance ?BUYER_LOCATION GeopoliticalArea)
            (instance ?SELLER_LOCATION GeopoliticalArea)
            (located ?SELLER ?SELLER_LOCATION)
            (located ?BUYER ?BUYER_LOCATION)
                (equal ?BUYER_LOCATION ?SELLER_LOCATION)))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 1822-1839


        (attribute ?Order LimitOrder)
        (partyToAgreement ?Order ?Broker)
        (attribute ?Broker Broker)
        (orderFor ?Order Selling ?Object)
        (measure ?Object ?Quantity)
        (limitPrice ?Order
            (MeasureFn ?LimitPrice ?U))
        (bidPrice ?Object
            (MeasureFn ?Price ?U) ?Time)
        (instance ?U UnitOfCurrency)
        (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?Price ?LimitPrice))
        (KappaFn ?Sell
                (instance ?Sell Selling)
                (patient ?Sell ?Object)
                (measure ?Object ?Quantity)
                    (WhenFn ?Sell) ?SellingTime)
                (overlapsTemporally ?SellingTime ?Time))) ?Broker))
FinancialOntology.kif 2031-2052
        (attribute ?X DutyFree)
        (instance ?X Store))
    (exists (?AREA ?OBJ ?O ?SELL)
            (instance ?AREA GeopoliticalArea)
            (located ?X ?AREA)
            (subclass ?O Object)
            (importCommodityType ?AREA ?O)
            (instance ?OBJ ?O)
            (instance ?SELL Selling)
            (patient ?SELL ?OBJ)
            (located ?SELL ?X))))
Hotel.kif 1478-1491
        (equal ?X
            (ASPFn ?SELLINGS))
        (member ?SELLING ?SELLINGS))
    (instance ?SELLING Selling))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3276-3280
        (firstTimeSellers ?INT ?SITE ?COLL)
        (member ?MEMBER ?COLL))
    (exists (?SELLING)
            (instance ?SELLING Selling)
            (agent ?SELLING ?MEMBER)
            (eCommerceSite ?SELLING ?SITE)
                (WhenFn ?SELLING) ?INT))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3582-3591
        (firstTimeSellers ?INT ?SITE ?COLL)
        (member ?MEMBER ?COLL))
        (exists (?SELLING)
                (instance ?SELLING Selling)
                (agent ?SELLING ?MEMBER)
                (eCommerceSite ?SELLING ?SITE)
                    (WhenFn ?SELLING) ?INT)))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3593-3603
        (instance ?BUY Buying)
        (agent ?BUY ?AGENT1)
        (origin ?BUY ?AGENT2)
        (patient ?BUY ?OBJECT))
    (exists (?SELL)
            (instance ?SELL Selling)
            (agent ?SELL ?AGENT2)
            (destination ?SELL ?AGENT1)
            (patient ?SELL ?OBJECT))))
Merge.kif 11965-11976
        (instance ?Exercise ExerciseAnOption)
        (patient ?Exercise ?Option)
        (property ?Option PutOption)
        (time ?Exercise ?Time)
        (underlier ?Option ?Stocks))
    (exists (?Sell)
            (instance ?Sell Selling)
            (patient ?Sell ?Stocks)
            (time ?Sell ?Time)
            (measure ?Stocks
                (MeasureFn 100 ShareUnit)))))
FinancialOntology.kif 2768-2780
        (instance ?INTERVAL TimeInterval)
        (instance ?SITE WebSite))
    (exists (?NEWSELLERS)
            (instance ?NEWSELLERS Collection)
            (forall (?AGENT)
                    (member ?AGENT ?NEWSELLERS)
                        (exists (?SELLING)
                                (instance ?AGENT AutonomousAgent)
                                (instance ?SELLING Selling)
                                (agent ?SELLING ?AGENT)
                                (instrument ?SELLING ?SITE)
                                (during ?SELLING ?INTERVAL)))
                            (exists (?INTERVAL_BEFORE)
                                    (instance ?INTERVAL_BEFORE TimeInterval)
                                    (earlier ?INTERVAL_BEFORE ?INTERVAL)
                                    (holdsDuring ?INTERVAL_BEFORE
                                        (exists (?SELLING_BEFORE)
                                                (instance ?SELLING_BEFORE Selling)
                                                (agent ?SELLING_BEFORE ?AGENT)
                                                (instrument ?SELLING_BEFORE ?SITE)
                                                (during ?SELLING_BEFORE ?INTERVAL))))))))))
                (SiteWideNewSellersFn ?INTERVAL ?SITE) ?NEWSELLERS))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3475-3507
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG AgricultureForestryFishingAndHunting))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?EV ?MEM)
            (exists (?THING ?EV2 ?MEM2)
                        (instance ?EV Killing)
                        (instance ?EV Maintaining))
                    (patient ?EV ?THING)
                        (instance ?THING Animal)
                        (instance ?THING Plant))
                        (instance ?THING Human))
                    (member ?MEM2 ?ORG)
                    (instance ?EV2 Selling)
                    (agent ?EV2 ?MEM2)
                    (patient ?EV2 ?THING))))))
naics.kif 50-72
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG AirTransportationIndustry))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?MEM ?EV)
            (exists (?P)
                    (instance ?EV Selling)
                    (instance ?P Human)
                    (patient ?EV ?P)
                        (exists (?FLY ?PLANE ?OBJ)
                                (instance ?FLY Transportation)
                                    (patient ?FLY ?P)
                                        (possesses ?P ?OBJ)
                                        (patient ?FLY ?OBJ)
                                        (instance ?OBJ Object)))
                                (possesses ?ORG ?PLANE)
                                (instance ?PLANE Aircraft))) ?MEM ?P))))))
naics.kif 7953-7978
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG ApparelManufacturing))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?MEM ?EV)
            (exists (?THING ?MEM2 ?EV2)
                    (instance ?EV Manufacture)
                    (instance ?THING Clothing)
                    (patient ?EV ?THING)
                    (member ?MEM2 ?ORG)
                    (instance ?EV2 Selling)
                    (agent ?EV2 ?MEM2)
                    (patient ?EV2 ?THING))))))
naics.kif 2194-2210
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG BeverageAndTobaccoProductManufacturing))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?MEM ?EV)
            (exists (?THING ?MEM2 ?EV2)
                    (instance ?EV Manufacture)
                        (instance ?THING Beverage)
                        (instance ?THING TobaccoProduct))
                    (patient ?EV ?THING)
                    (member ?MEM2 ?ORG)
                    (instance ?EV2 Selling)
                    (agent ?EV2 ?MEM2)
                    (patient ?EV2 ?THING))))))
naics.kif 1837-1855
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG BuildingMaterialAndGardenEquipmentAndSuppliesDealers))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?MEM ?EV)
            (exists (?THING)
                    (instance ?EV Selling)
                    (instance ?THING Object)
                        (capability Constructing resource ?THING)
                        (capability Agriculture resource ?THING))
                    (patient ?EV ?THING))))))
naics.kif 7242-7257
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG ChemicalManufacturing))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?MEM ?EV)
            (exists (?THING ?MEM2 ?EV2)
                    (instance ?EV Manufacture)
                    (instance ?THING PureSubstance)
                    (patient ?EV ?THING)
                    (member ?MEM2 ?ORG)
                    (instance ?EV2 Selling)
                    (agent ?EV2 ?MEM2)
                    (patient ?EV2 ?THING))))))
naics.kif 3125-3141
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG ClothingAndClothingAccessoriesStores))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?MEM ?EV)
            (exists (?THING)
                    (instance ?EV Selling)
                    (instance ?THING Clothing)
                    (patient ?EV ?THING))))))
naics.kif 7509-7521
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG ComputerAndElectronicProductManufacturing))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?MEM ?EV)
            (exists (?THING ?MEM2 ?EV2)
                    (instance ?EV Manufacture)
                        (instance ?THING Computer)
                            (instance ?THING Machine)
                            (exists (?EV3 ?ELEC)
                                    (patient ?EV3 ?THING)
                                    (resource ?EV3 ?ELEC)
                                    (instance ?ELEC Electricity)))))
                    (patient ?EV ?THING)
                    (member ?MEM2 ?ORG)
                    (instance ?EV2 Selling)
                    (agent ?EV2 ?MEM2)
                    (patient ?EV2 ?THING))))))
naics.kif 5126-5150
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG Construction))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?MEM ?EV)
            (exists (?THING ?MEM2 ?EV2)
                    (instance ?EV Constructing)
                    (patient ?EV ?THING)
                    (member ?MEM2 ?ORG)
                    (instance ?EV2 Selling)
                    (agent ?EV2 ?MEM2)
                    (patient ?EV2 ?THING))))))
naics.kif 1080-1095
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG CouriersAndMessengers))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?MEM ?EV)
            (exists (?P ?OBJ)
                    (instance ?EV Selling)
                    (instance ?OBJ Object)
                    (instance ?P Human)
                    (patient ?EV ?P)
                        (exists (?TRANS)
                                (instance ?TRANS Transportation)
                                (possesses ?P ?OBJ)
                                (patient ?TRANS ?OBJ))) ?MEM ?P))))))
naics.kif 8736-8756
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG ElectricalEquipmentApplianceAndComponentManufacturing))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?MEM ?EV)
            (exists (?THING ?MEM2 ?EV2)
                    (instance ?EV Manufacture)
                        (instance ?THING Machine)
                        (exists (?EV3 ?ELEC)
                                (patient ?EV3 ?THING)
                                (resource ?EV3 ?ELEC)
                                (instance ?ELEC Electricity))))
                    (patient ?EV ?THING)
                    (member ?MEM2 ?ORG)
                    (instance ?EV2 Selling)
                    (agent ?EV2 ?MEM2)
                    (patient ?EV2 ?THING))))))
naics.kif 5421-5443
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG ElectronicsAndApplianceStores))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?MEM ?EV)
            (exists (?THING)
                    (instance ?EV Selling)
                    (instance ?THING ElectricDevice)
                    (patient ?EV ?THING))))))
naics.kif 7186-7198
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG FabricatedMetalProductManufacturing))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?MEM ?EV)
            (exists (?THING ?MEM2 ?EV2)
                    (instance ?EV Manufacture)
                    (instance ?THING Metal)
                    (patient ?EV ?THING)
                    (member ?MEM2 ?ORG)
                    (instance ?EV2 Selling)
                    (agent ?EV2 ?MEM2)
                    (patient ?EV2 ?THING))))))
naics.kif 4225-4241
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG FoodAndBeverageStores))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?MEM ?EV)
            (exists (?THING)
                    (instance ?EV Selling)
                        (instance ?THING
                            (FoodForFn Animal))
                        (instance ?THING Beverage))
                    (patient ?EV ?THING))))))
naics.kif 7319-7333
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG FoodManufacturing))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?MEM ?EV)
            (exists (?THING ?MEM2 ?EV2)
                    (instance ?EV Cooking)
                    (instance ?EV Manufacture)
                    (patient ?EV ?THING)
                    (member ?MEM2 ?ORG)
                    (instance ?EV2 Selling)
                    (agent ?EV2 ?MEM2)
                    (patient ?EV2 ?THING))))))
naics.kif 1361-1377
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG FurnitureAndHomeFurnishingsStores))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?MEM ?EV)
            (exists (?THING)
                    (instance ?EV Selling)
                    (instance ?THING Furniture)
                    (patient ?EV ?THING))))))
naics.kif 7125-7137
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG FurnitureAndRelatedProductManufacturing))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?MEM ?EV)
            (exists (?THING ?MEM2 ?EV2)
                    (instance ?EV Manufacture)
                    (instance ?THING Furniture)
                    (patient ?EV ?THING)
                    (member ?MEM2 ?ORG)
                    (instance ?EV2 Selling)
                    (agent ?EV2 ?MEM2)
                    (patient ?EV2 ?THING))))))
naics.kif 5994-6010

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