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Sigma KEE - Room

appearance as argument number 1

(disjoint Room Building) Merge.kif 15778-15778 Pi�ce est disjoint de immeuble
(documentation Room ChineseLanguage "这是 BuildingproperPart,它由墙把它和 Building 的外墙和/ 或 Building 其他的 Room 分隔。有些 Room 会有特定的用途,例如:睡觉、洗澡、煮食和娱乐 等等。") chinese_format.kif 3588-3590
(documentation Room EnglishLanguage "A properPart of a Building which is separated from the exterior of the Building and/ or other Rooms of the Building by walls. Some Rooms may have a specific purpose, e.g. sleeping, bathing, cooking, entertainment, etc.") Merge.kif 15779-15782
(externalImage Room " OvalOffice.whitehouse.jpg") pictureList.kif 141-141
(subclass Room StationaryArtifact) Merge.kif 15777-15777 Pi�ce est une sous-classe de artefact stationnaire

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Bathroom Room) Mid-level-ontology.kif 15492-15492 Bathroom est une sous-classe de pi�ce
(subclass Bedroom Room) Mid-level-ontology.kif 15583-15583 Bedroom est une sous-classe de pi�ce
(subclass BusinessCenter Room) Hotel.kif 1650-1650 BusinessCenter est une sous-classe de pi�ce
(subclass Classroom Room) Mid-level-ontology.kif 15593-15593 Classroom est une sous-classe de pi�ce
(subclass Closet Room) Mid-level-ontology.kif 15503-15503 Closet est une sous-classe de pi�ce
(subclass CourtRoom Room) Mid-level-ontology.kif 16171-16171 CourtRoom est une sous-classe de pi�ce
(subclass DiningRoom Room) Mid-level-ontology.kif 15579-15579 DiningRoom est une sous-classe de pi�ce
(subclass DressingRoom Room) Mid-level-ontology.kif 15515-15515 DressingRoom est une sous-classe de pi�ce
(subclass GameRoom Room) Mid-level-ontology.kif 26767-26767 GameRoom est une sous-classe de pi�ce
(subclass Hallway Room) Mid-level-ontology.kif 15612-15612 Hallway est une sous-classe de pi�ce
(subclass HotelFunctionRoom Room) Hotel.kif 1686-1686 HotelFunctionRoom est une sous-classe de pi�ce
(subclass HotelRoom Room) Hotel.kif 119-119 HotelRoom est une sous-classe de pi�ce
(subclass Kitchen Room) Mid-level-ontology.kif 15553-15553 Kitchen est une sous-classe de pi�ce
(subclass Nursery Room) Mid-level-ontology.kif 26780-26780 Nursery est une sous-classe de pi�ce
(subclass SelfServiceLaundry Room) Mid-level-ontology.kif 25395-25395 SelfServiceLaundry est une sous-classe de pi�ce
(subclass Solarium Room) Mid-level-ontology.kif 26738-26738 Solarium est une sous-classe de pi�ce
(subclass SteamBath Room) Mid-level-ontology.kif 26791-26791 SteamBath est une sous-classe de pi�ce
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Room "房间") chinese_format.kif 1052-1052
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Room "room") english_format.kif 1315-1315
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Room "pi�ce") french_format.kif 730-730
(termFormat Hindi Room "kaksha") terms-hindi.txt 261-261
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Room "Stanza") terms-it.txt 264-264
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Room "部屋") japanese_format.kif 2414-2414
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Room "Comodo") portuguese_format.kif 682-682

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        (attribute ?X WheelchairAccessible)
            (instance ?X Building)
            (instance ?X Room)))
        (exists (?MOTION ?WHEELCHAIR)
                (instance ?MOTION Motion)
                (instrument ?MOTION ?WHEELCHAIR)
                (instance ?WHEELCHAIR Wheelchair)
                (eventLocated ?MOTION ?X))) Possibility))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 26147-26159
        (instance ?KL KnockLight)
        (located ?KL ?ROOM)
        (instance ?ROOM Room)
        (instance ?DOOR Door)
        (part ?DOOR ?ROOM))
    (hasPurpose ?KL
        (exists (?KNOCK ?SOUND ?LIGHT)
                (instance ?KNOCK Impacting)
                (patient ?KNOCK ?DOOR)
                (causes ?KNOCK ?SOUND)
                (instance ?SOUND RadiatingSound)
                (agent ?SOUND ?DOOR)
                (causes ?SOUND ?LIGHT)
                (instance ?LIGHT RadiatingVisibleLight)
                (instrument ?LIGHT ?KL)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 25809-25826
        (located ?T ?R)
        (instance ?T Toilet)
        (instance ?R Room))
    (instance ?R Bathroom))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 2202-2207
        (viewType ?ROOM ?OBJ)
        (instance ?ROOM Room)
        (instance ?INST ?OBJ)
        (orientation ?INST ?ROOM Outside))
        (exists (?HUMAN ?SEE)
                (instance ?HUMAN Human)
                (located ?HUMAN ?ROOM)
                (instance ?SEE Seeing)
                (patient ?SEE ?INST)
                (agent ?SEE ?HUMAN))) Possibility))
Hotel.kif 954-967
    (instance ?ROOM Room)
    (exists (?BUILD)
            (instance ?BUILD Building)
            (properPart ?ROOM ?BUILD))))
Merge.kif 15784-15789


        (unitNumber ?UNITSTR ?PLACE)
        (floorCode ?FLRCODE ?PLACE))
    (exists (?UNIT ?FLOOR)
            (instance ?FLOOR BuildingLevel)
            (instance ?UNIT Room)
            (located ?UNIT ?FLOOR)
            (part ?FLOOR ?PLACE)
            (names ?UNITSTR ?UNIT)
            (names ?FLRCODE ?FLOOR))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 24631-24642
        (unitNumber ?UNITSTR ?PLACE)
            (exists (?FLR)
                (floorCode ?FLR ?PLACE))))
    (exists (?UNIT)
            (instance ?UNIT Room)
            (names ?UNITSTR ?UNIT)
            (located ?UNIT ?PLACE))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 24644-24654
    (attribute ?ROOM OpenLayout)
        (instance ?ROOM Room)
        (exists (?R1 ?R2 ?H)
                (instance ?R1 Region)
                (instance ?R2 Region)
                (located ?R1 ?ROOM)
                (located ?R2 ?ROOM)
                    (equal ?R1 ?R2))
                (orientation ?R1 ?R2 Adjacent)
                (exists (?P1 ?P2)
                        (instance ?P1 Process)
                        (instance ?P2 Process)
                        (hasPurpose ?R1 ?P1)
                        (hasPurpose ?R2 ?P2)))
                        (instance ?H AutonomousAgent)
                        (located ?H ?R2))
                        (capability Seeing agent ?H)
                        (capability Seeing patient ?R1)))))))
Dining.kif 956-980
    (attribute ?X AdjoiningRoom)
    (instance ?X Room))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 15232-15234
    (instance ?C Ceiling)
    (exists (?R)
            (top ?C ?R)
            (instance ?R Room))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 15335-15340
    (instance ?DOOR Door)
    (exists (?ARTIFACT)
            (part ?DOOR ?ARTIFACT)
                (instance ?ARTIFACT Building)
                (instance ?ARTIFACT Room)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 15298-15305
    (instance ?FLOOR Floor)
    (exists (?ARTIFACT)
            (part ?FLOOR ?ARTIFACT)
            (instance ?ARTIFACT Room))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 15324-15329
    (instance ?HALL Hallway)
    (hasPurpose ?HALL
        (exists (?TRAN ?BUILD ?R1 ?R2)
                (instance ?TRAN Translocation)
                (path ?TRAN ?HALL)
                (located ?HALL ?BUILD)
                (instance ?BUILD Building)
                (between ?R1 ?HALL ?R2)
                (instance ?R1 Room)
                (instance ?R2 Room)
                (located ?R1 ?BUILD)
                (located ?R2 ?BUILD)
                    (equal ?R1 ?R2))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 15621-15636
    (instance ?P Wallpaper)
    (hasPurpose ?P
        (exists (?W ?R ?C)
                (instance ?W Wall)
                (part ?W ?R)
                (instance ?R Room)
                (instance ?C Covering)
                (patient ?C ?W)
                (instrument ?C ?P)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 3131-3141
    (instance ?W Window)
    (exists (?A)
            (part ?W ?A)
                (instance ?A Building)
                (instance ?A Room)
                (instance ?A Vehicle)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 15175-15183
    (instance ?WALL Wall)
    (exists (?ARTIFACT)
            (part ?WALL ?ARTIFACT)
                (instance ?ARTIFACT Building)
                (instance ?ARTIFACT Room)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 15311-15318
    (instance ?WAY Doorway)
    (exists (?ARTIFACT)
            (part ?WAY ?ARTIFACT)
                (instance ?ARTIFACT Building)
                (instance ?ARTIFACT Room)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 15289-15296
    (instance ?X RoomHeater)
    (hasPurpose ?X
        (exists (?AIR ?HEATING ?ROOM)
                (instance ?AIR Air)
                (instance ?ROOM Room)
                (located ?AIR ?ROOM)
                (instance ?HEATING Heating)
                (patient ?HEATING ?AIR)
                (instrument ?HEATING ?X)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 26832-26842

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