appearance as argument number 1 |
(connectedBodyPartTypes LeftSubclavianArtery AorticArch Human) | arteries.kif 759-759 | connectedBodyPartTypes LeftSubclavianArtery, AorticArch and humain |
(connectedBodyPartTypes LeftSubclavianArtery VertebralArtery Human) | arteries.kif 767-767 | connectedBodyPartTypes LeftSubclavianArtery, VertebralArtery and humain |
(documentation LeftSubclavianArtery EnglishLanguage "In human anatomy, the subclavian arteries are paired major arteries of the upper thorax, below the clavicle. They receive blood from the aortic arch. The left subclavian artery supplies blood to the left arm and the right subclavian artery supplies blood to the right arm, with some branches supplying the head and thorax. On the left side of the body, the subclavian comes directly off the aortic arch, while on the right side it arises from the relatively short brachiocephalic artery when it bifurcates into the subclavian and the right common carotid artery. The usual branches of the subclavian on both sides of the body are the vertebral artery, the internal thoracic artery, the thyrocervical trunk, the costocervical trunk and the dorsal scapular artery, which may branch off the transverse cervical artery, which is a branch of the thyrocervical trunk. The subclavian becomes the axillary artery at the lateral border of the first rib.[from Wikipedia]") | arteries.kif 745-756 | |
(externalImage LeftSubclavianArtery "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ commons/ thumb/ a/ a4/ Blausen_0170_Carotid Arteries.png/ 800px-Blausen_0170_Carotid Arteries.png") | arteries.kif 760-760 | |
(subclass LeftSubclavianArtery Artery) | arteries.kif 743-743 | LeftSubclavianArtery est une sous-classe de Artery |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(connectedBodyPartTypes AxillaryArtery LeftSubclavianArtery Human) | arteries.kif 969-969 | connectedBodyPartTypes AxillaryArtery, LeftSubclavianArtery and humain |
(connectedBodyPartTypes BrachialArtery LeftSubclavianArtery Human) | arteries.kif 1028-1028 | connectedBodyPartTypes BrachialArtery, LeftSubclavianArtery and humain |
(connectedBodyPartTypes CostocervicalTrunkArtery LeftSubclavianArtery Human) | arteries.kif 948-948 | connectedBodyPartTypes CostocervicalTrunkArtery, LeftSubclavianArtery and humain |
(connectedBodyPartTypes InternalThoracicArtery LeftSubclavianArtery Human) | arteries.kif 837-837 | connectedBodyPartTypes InternalThoracicArtery, LeftSubclavianArtery and humain |
(connectedBodyPartTypes ThyrocervicalTrunkArtery LeftSubclavianArtery Human) | arteries.kif 914-914 | connectedBodyPartTypes ThyrocervicalTrunkArtery, LeftSubclavianArtery and humain |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage LeftSubclavianArtery "left subclavian artery") | arteries.kif 744-744 |