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Sigma KEE - Function
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appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Function ChineseLanguage "Function 是一个造词的 Relation,它以最多一个元素 范围,把n元组的参数和这n元组有关的范围联系起来。注:范围是一个SetOrClass,而且范围内的每个元素是这个 SetOrClass 的一个实例。") chinese_format.kif 1991-1993
(documentation Function EnglishLanguage "A Function is a term-forming Relation that maps from a n-tuple of arguments to a range and that associates this n-tuple with at most one range element. Note that the range is a Class, and each element of the range is an instance of the Class.") Merge.kif 3354-3357
(documentation Function JapaneseLanguage "Function とは、Relation で、nタプルの引数から 範囲にマップし、この nタプルを最大1つの範囲要素に関連付ける用語形成である。注:範囲は SetOrClass であり、範囲の各要素は SetOrClass のインスタンスである。") japanese_format.kif 625-627
(externalImage Function " 11/ Inverse_Function_Graph.png") pictureList.kif 11056-11056
(externalImage Function " 2a/ Exponential_Function_%28Real_Part%29.png") pictureList.kif 10026-10026
(externalImage Function " 2f/ Arccoth_function.png") pictureList.kif 11054-11054
(externalImage Function " 63/ Trigonometric_function.png") pictureList.kif 11057-11057
(externalImage Function " 71/ Floor_function.png") pictureList.kif 11059-11059
(externalImage Function " 9b/ Arcsinh_function.png") pictureList.kif 11055-11055
(externalImage Function " c0/ Signum_function.png") pictureList.kif 11058-11058
(externalImage Function " d6/ Convex_Function.png") pictureList.kif 11053-11053
(subclass Function InheritableRelation) Merge.kif 3352-3352 Function est une sous-classe de InheritableRelation
(subclass Function SingleValuedRelation) Merge.kif 3351-3351 Function est une sous-classe de relation simple

appearance as argument number 2

(instance AssignmentFn Function) Merge.kif 784-784 AssignmentFn est une instance de function
(instance GreatestCommonDivisorFn Function) Merge.kif 4845-4845 GreatestCommonDivisorFn est une instance de function
(instance LatitudeFn Function) Geography.kif 405-405 LatitudeFn est une instance de function
(instance LeastCommonMultipleFn Function) Merge.kif 4930-4930 LeastCommonMultipleFn est une instance de function
(instance ListFn Function) Merge.kif 2932-2932 ListFn est une instance de function
(instance LongitudeFn Function) Geography.kif 442-442 LongitudeFn est une instance de function
(subclass BinaryFunction Function) Merge.kif 3399-3399 Fonction binaire est une sous-classe de function
(subclass ContinuousFunction Function) Merge.kif 3473-3473 Fonction continue est une sous-classe de function
(subclass QuaternaryFunction Function) Merge.kif 3462-3462 Function quaternaire est une sous-classe de function
(subclass TernaryFunction Function) Merge.kif 3451-3451 Fonction ternaire est une sous-classe de function
(subclass UnaryFunction Function) Merge.kif 3359-3359 Function unaire est une sous-classe de function
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Function "函数") chinese_format.kif 916-916
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Function "function") english_format.kif 1039-1039
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Function "function") french_format.kif 592-592
(termFormat Hindi Function "prakaarya") terms-hindi.txt 122-122
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Function "Funzione") terms-it.txt 125-125
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Function "関数") japanese_format.kif 2277-2277
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Function "Funcao") portuguese_format.kif 544-544
(termFormat cb Function "kalihukan") terms-cb.txt 127-127
(termFormat cz Function "function") terms-cz.txt 159-159
(termFormat ro Function "funcþie") relations-ro.kif 613-613
(termFormat tg Function "tungkulin") terms-tg.txt 126-126

appearance as argument number 3

(domain AssignmentFn 1 Function) Merge.kif 786-786 Le nombre 1 argument de AssignmentFn est une instance de function
(domain closedOn 1 Function) Merge.kif 3575-3575 Le nombre 1 argument de closedOn est une instance de function
(domain range 1 Function) Merge.kif 306-306 Le nombre 1 argument de range est une instance de function
(domain rangeSubclass 1 Function) Merge.kif 334-334 Le nombre 1 argument de rangeSubclass est une instance de function
(partition Relation Predicate Function) Merge.kif 2162-2162 Relation est compl�tement d�compos� en predicat + function

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