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Sigma KEE - FootLength

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation FootLength ChineseLanguage "这是英制长度单位的英尺。") chinese_format.kif 2591-2591
(documentation FootLength EnglishLanguage "English length unit of feet.") Merge.kif 7184-7184
(documentation FootLength JapaneseLanguage "英国でのフィートの長さの単位。") japanese_format.kif 1300-1300
(externalImage FootLength " c/ ca/ Vitruvian_Man_Measurements.png") pictureList.kif 9232-9232
(externalImage FootLength " e/ e4/ Britanski_merki_za_dalzhina_Grinuich_2005.jpg") pictureList.kif 9231-9231
(instance FootLength UnitOfLength) Merge.kif 7182-7182 FootLength est une instance de UnitOfLength

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage FootLength "脚长") domainEnglishFormat.kif 24614-24614
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage FootLength "腳長") domainEnglishFormat.kif 24613-24613
(termFormat EnglishLanguage FootLength "foot length") domainEnglishFormat.kif 24612-24612


        (instance ?SZ SurfZone)
        (significantWaveHeight ?SZ
            (WhenFn ?SZ)
            (MeasureFn ?X FootLength))
        (greaterThan ?X 8.0))
    (attribute ?SZ RedFlagSwimmingCondition))
Weather.kif 1394-1401
        (instance ?ZEPHYR WindFlow)
        (instance ?PLACE Object)
        (partlyLocated ?ZEPHYR ?PLACE)
        (elevation ?ZEPHYR
            (MeasureFn ?X FootLength))
        (lessThanOrEqualTo ?X 500.0)
        (measure ?ZEPHYR
            (SpeedFn ?DIST ?TIME)))
    (surfaceWindSpeed ?PLACE
        (SpeedFn ?DIST ?TIME)))
Weather.kif 148-157


        (instance ?SEA Sea)
        (top ?TOP ?SEA))
    (altitude ?TOP SeaLevel
        (MeasureFn 0.0 FootLength)))
Geography.kif 4772-4777
        (instance ?ocean Ocean)
        (surface ?top ?ocean))
    (elevation ?top
        (MeasureFn 0.0 FootLength)))
Geography.kif 4837-4842
    (equal ?NUM
        (MultiplicationFn 1.0 ?NUM))
        (MeasureFn ?NUM NauticalMile)
            (MultiplicationFn ?NUM 6076.1) FootLength)))
Geography.kif 3903-3910
    (equal ?NUMBER
        (MultiplicationFn 1.0 ?NUMBER))
        (MeasureFn ?NUMBER Fathom)
            (MultiplicationFn ?NUMBER 6.0) FootLength)))
Geography.kif 3844-3848
    (equal ?NUMBER
        (MultiplicationFn 1.0 ?NUMBER))
        (MeasureFn ?NUMBER YardLength)
            (MultiplicationFn 3.0 ?NUMBER) FootLength)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 19072-19076
    (instance ?HARBOR DeepDraftHarbor)
    (navigableForDraft ?HARBOR
        (MeasureFn 45 FootLength)))
Transportation.kif 904-906
    (instance ?HS HeavySurf)
    (exists (?SZ ?SWH)
            (instance ?SZ SurfZone)
            (eventLocated ?HS ?SZ)
            (significantWaveHeight ?SZ
                (WhenFn ?HS)
                (MeasureFn ?SWH FootLength))
            (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?SWH 13.0))))
Weather.kif 1553-1562
    (instance ?LCAC LCAC)
        (length ?LCAC
            (MeasureFn 88.0 FootLength))
        (effectiveRange ?LCAC
            (MeasureFn 555.0 Kilometer))))
MilitaryDevices.kif 1967-1973


    (MeasureFn 1.0 Fathom)
    (MeasureFn 6.0 FootLength))
Geography.kif 3842-3842 1.0 Fathom(s) est FootLength(s)
    (MeasureFn 1.0 NauticalMile)
    (MeasureFn 6076.1 FootLength))
Geography.kif 3861-3863 1.0 NauticalMile(s) est FootLength(s)
    (MeasureFn ?NUMBER FootLength)
        (MultiplicationFn ?NUMBER 0.3048) Meter))
Merge.kif 7186-7188 Nombre r�el FootLength(s) est nombre r�el + 0.3048 Meter(s)

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