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Sigma KEE - EndFn

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation EndFn ChineseLanguage "这是一个 UnaryFunction,它把一个 TimeInterval 和 这个时段结束的 TimePoint联系起来。") chinese_format.kif 2699-2700
(documentation EndFn EnglishLanguage "A UnaryFunction that maps a TimeInterval to the TimePoint at which the interval ends.") Merge.kif 8035-8036
(documentation EndFn JapaneseLanguage "UnaryFunction は、TimeInterval を間隔が終了する TimePoint にマップする。") japanese_format.kif 1422-1423
(domain EndFn 1 TimeInterval) Merge.kif 8032-8032 Le nombre 1 argument de EndFn est une instance de interval temporel
(instance EndFn TemporalRelation) Merge.kif 8029-8029 EndFn est une instance de relation temporel
(instance EndFn TotalValuedRelation) Merge.kif 8031-8031 EndFn est une instance de relation total
(instance EndFn UnaryFunction) Merge.kif 8030-8030 EndFn est une instance de function unaire
(range EndFn TimePoint) Merge.kif 8033-8033 Le domaine de EndFn est une instance de point temporel

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage EndFn "%1 的结束") chinese_format.kif 451-451
(format EnglishLanguage EndFn "the end of %1") english_format.kif 457-457
(format FrenchLanguage EndFn "la fin de %1") french_format.kif 262-262
(format ItalianLanguage EndFn "la fine di %1") relations-it.txt 92-92
(format JapaneseLanguage EndFn "%1 の end") japanese_format.kif 2052-2052
(format PortugueseLanguage EndFn "o fim de %1") portuguese_format.kif 214-214
(format cz EndFn "the end of %1'") relations-cz.txt 268-268
(format de EndFn "das ende von %1") relations-de.txt 589-589
(format hi EndFn "%1 kii samaapti") relations-hindi.txt 132-132
(format ro EndFn "the end%t{sfânceputul} lui %1") relations-ro.kif 283-283
(format sv EndFn "slutet på %1") relations-sv.txt 288-288
(format tg EndFn "ang dulo sa %1") relations-tg.txt 199-199
(termFormat ChineseLanguage EndFn "结束") domainEnglishFormat.kif 22042-22042
(termFormat ChineseLanguage EndFn "结束函数") chinese_format.kif 452-452
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage EndFn "結束") domainEnglishFormat.kif 22041-22041
(termFormat EnglishLanguage EndFn "end") domainEnglishFormat.kif 22040-22040
(termFormat tg EndFn "tungkulin ng dulo") relations-tg.txt 200-200


            (BeginFn ?INTERVAL2)
            (BeginFn ?INTERVAL1))
            (EndFn ?INTERVAL2)
            (EndFn ?INTERVAL1)))
    (finishes ?INTERVAL1 ?INTERVAL2))
Merge.kif 8108-8116
            (BeginFn ?INTERVAL1)
            (BeginFn ?INTERVAL2))
            (EndFn ?INTERVAL1)
            (EndFn ?INTERVAL2)))
    (starts ?INTERVAL1 ?INTERVAL2))
Merge.kif 8076-8084
        (equal ?PROCESSSTART
                (WhenFn ?PROCESS)))
        (equal ?AGENTEND
                (WhenFn ?AGENT)))
        (benefits ?PROCESS ?AGENT))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 22919-22924
        (equal ?PROCESSSTART
                (WhenFn ?PROCESS)))
        (equal ?AGENTEND
                (WhenFn ?AGENT)))
        (suffers ?PROCESS ?AGENT))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 29583-29592
        (instance ?A Attaching)
        (patient ?A ?O1)
        (patient ?A ?O2)
                (WhenFn ?A))
                (connected ?O1 ?O2)))
                (WhenFn ?A))
            (connected ?O1 ?O2)))
        (objectAttached ?A ?O1)
        (objectAttached ?A ?O2)))
Merge.kif 12405-12419
        (instance ?ACCESSING AccessingWebPage)
        (instance ?PAGE WebPage)
        (instance ?TRANSFER DataTransfer)
        (instance ?SERVER Server)
        (instance ?REQUESTING Requesting)
        (instance ?BROWSER WebBrowser)
        (instance ?INTERVAL TimeInterval)
        (patient ?ACCESSING ?PAGE)
        (agent ?REQUESTING ?BROWSER)
        (destination ?REQUESTING ?SERVER)
        (patient ?REQUESTING ?PAGE)
        (origin ?TRANSFER ?SERVER)
        (destination ?TRANSFER ?BROWSER)
        (patient ?TRANSFER ?PAGE)
        (subProcess ?TRANSFER ?ACCESSING)
        (subProcess ?REQUESTING ?ACCESSING)
                (WhenFn ?REQUESTING))
            (BeginFn ?INTERVAL))
                (WhenFn ?TRANSFER))
            (EndFn ?INTERVAL)))
        (SiteSpeedFn ?ACCESSING) ?INTERVAL))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3759-3784
        (instance ?CD CertificateOfDeposit)
        (maturityDate ?CD ?MaturityDate)
        (instance ?Withdrawal Withdrawal)
        (origin ?Withdrawal
            (CurrencyFn ?CD))
        (date ?Withdrawal ?DateOfWithdrawal)
            (EndFn ?DateOfWithdrawal)
            (BeginFn ?MaturityDate)))
    (exists (?Penalty)
            (instance ?Penalty Penalty)
            (destination ?Penalty
                (CurrencyFn ?CD))
            (causes ?Withdrawal ?Penalty))))
FinancialOntology.kif 1087-1099
        (instance ?CHANGE ChangeOfPossession)
        (patient ?CHANGE ?OBJ)
                (WhenFn ?CHANGE))
            (possesses ?AGENT1 ?OBJ))
                (WhenFn ?CHANGE))
            (possesses ?AGENT2 ?OBJ)))
        (equal ?AGENT1 ?AGENT2)))
Merge.kif 11669-11676
        (instance ?D Detaching)
        (patient ?D ?O1)
        (patient ?D ?O2)
                (WhenFn ?D))
            (connected ?O1 ?O2))
                (WhenFn ?A))
                (connected ?O1 ?O2))))
        (objectDetached ?A ?O1)
        (objectDetached ?A ?O2)))
Merge.kif 12453-12462
        (instance ?EXPORT Exporting)
        (patient ?EXPORT ?ITEM)
        (instance ?AREA1 GeopoliticalArea)
        (instance ?AREA2 GeopoliticalArea)
                (WhenFn ?EXPORT))
            (located ?ITEM ?AREA1))
                (WhenFn ?EXPORT))
            (located ?ITEM ?AREA2)))
        (located ?AREA2 ?AREA1)))
Economy.kif 2456-2466
        (instance ?INTERVAL1 TimeInterval)
        (instance ?INTERVAL2 TimeInterval)
            (BeginFn ?INTERVAL1)
            (BeginFn ?INTERVAL2))
            (EndFn ?INTERVAL1)
            (EndFn ?INTERVAL2)))
    (equal ?INTERVAL1 ?INTERVAL2))
Merge.kif 8376-8386
        (instance ?PROCESS ?PROCESS_CLASS)
        (subclass ?PROCESS_CLASS Process)
        (instance ?ACCESSING AccessingWebPage)
        (instance ?AGENT AutonomousAgent)
        (agent ?PROCESS ?AGENT)
        (agent ?ACCESSING ?AGENT)
        (during ?PROCESS ?ACCESSING)
        (instance ?TIMETOFIRST TimeInterval)
            (exists (?PROCESS2)
                    (instance ?PROCESS2 ?PROCESS_CLASS)
                    (agent ?PROCESS2 ?AGENT)
                    (during ?PROCESS2 ?ACCESSING)
                            (WhenFn ?PROCESS2))
                            (WhenFn ?PROCESS))))))
                (WhenFn ?ACCESSING))
                (WhenFn ?TIMETOFIRST)))
                (WhenFn ?PROCESS))
                (WhenFn ?TIMETOFIRST))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 1496-1518
        (instance ?TI TimeInterval)
        (equal ?S
            (BeginFn ?TI))
        (equal ?E
            (EndFn ?TI)))
    (before ?S ?E))
Merge.kif 8284-8289
        (instance ?TI1 TimeInterval)
        (instance ?TI2 TimeInterval)
            (BeginFn ?TI2)
            (BeginFn ?TI1))
            (BeginFn ?TI1)
            (EndFn ?TI2)))
    (overlapsTemporally ?TI2 ?TI1))
Merge.kif 8291-8301
        (patient ?PROCESS ?PATIENT)
        (time ?PATIENT
                (WhenFn ?PROCESS)))
            (time ?PATIENT
                    (WhenFn ?PROCESS)))))
    (instance ?PROCESS Creation))
Merge.kif 12826-12832
        (property ?Option Option)
        (optionHolder ?Option ?Agent)
        (strikePrice ?Option ?Price)
        (agreementExpirationDate ?Option ?ExpDate)
        (price ?Stocks ?Price ?Time)
        (instance ?Time TimeInterval)
            (EndFn ?Time)
            (BeginFn ?ExpDate))
        (underlier ?Option ?Stocks))
        (KappaFn ?Sell
                (instance ?Sell Selling)
                (patient ?Sell ?Stocks)
                (time ?Sell ?Time)
                (measure ?Stocks
                    (MeasureFn 100 ShareUnit))
                (agent ?Sell ?Agent))) ?Agent))
FinancialOntology.kif 2669-2685
        (property ?Option Option)
        (optionHolder ?Option ?Agent)
        (strikePrice ?Option ?Price)
        (agreementExpirationDate ?Option ?ExpDate)
        (underlier ?Option ?Stocks)
        (price ?Stocks ?Price ?Time)
        (instance ?Time TimeInterval)
            (EndFn ?Time)
            (BeginFn ?ExpDate)))
        (KappaFn ?Buy
                (instance ?Buy Buying)
                (patient ?Buy ?Stocks)
                (time ?Buy ?Time)
                (measure ?Stocks
                    (MeasureFn 100 ShareUnit))
                (agent ?Buy ?Agent))) ?Agent))
FinancialOntology.kif 2623-2639
        (property ?Option Option)
        (optionSeller ?Option ?Agent)
        (strikePrice ?Option ?Price)
        (agreementExpirationDate ?Option ?ExpDate)
        (price ?Stocks ?Price ?Time)
        (instance ?Time TimeInterval)
            (EndFn ?Time)
            (BeginFn ?ExpDate))
        (underlier ?Option ?Stocks))
        (KappaFn ?Buy
                (instance ?Buy Buying)
                (patient ?Buy ?Stocks)
                (time ?Buy ?Time)
                (measure ?Stocks
                    (MeasureFn 100 ShareUnit))
                (agent ?Buy ?Agent))) ?Agent))
FinancialOntology.kif 2687-2703
        (property ?Option Option)
        (optionSeller ?Option ?Seller)
        (strikePrice ?Option ?Price)
        (agreementExpirationDate ?Option ?ExpDate)
        (underlier ?Option ?Stocks)
        (price ?Stocks ?Price ?Time)
        (instance ?Time TimeInterval)
            (EndFn ?Time)
            (BeginFn ?ExpDate)))
        (KappaFn ?Sell
                (instance ?Sell Selling)
                (patient ?Sell ?Stocks)
                (time ?Sell ?Time)
                (measure ?Stocks
                    (MeasureFn 100 ShareUnit))
                (agent ?Sell ?Agent))) ?Seller))
FinancialOntology.kif 2641-2659
        (resource ?PROC ?OBJ)
                (WhenFn ?PROC))
            (measure ?OBJ ?QUANT1))
                (WhenFn ?PROC))
            (measure ?OBJ ?QUANT2)))
    (greaterThan ?QUANT1 ?QUANT2))
Merge.kif 8047-8052
        (transactionAmount ?Payment ?Amount)
        (date ?Payment ?Date)
        (instance ?Account FinancialAccount)
        (destination ?Payment
            (CurrencyFn ?Account))
        (amountDue ?Account ?Amount ?DueDate)
            (EndFn ?Date)
            (BeginFn ?DueDate)))
    (instance ?Payment Prepayment))
FinancialOntology.kif 834-842
        (EndFn ?INTERVAL1)
        (BeginFn ?INTERVAL2))
    (earlier ?INTERVAL1 ?INTERVAL2))
Merge.kif 8404-8406
        (EndFn ?INTERVAL) ?POINT)
    (forall (?OTHERPOINT)
                (temporalPart ?OTHERPOINT ?INTERVAL)
                    (equal ?OTHERPOINT ?POINT)))
            (before ?OTHERPOINT ?POINT))))
Merge.kif 8038-8045
        (EndFn ?INTERVAL1)
        (BeginFn ?INTERVAL2))
    (meetsTemporally ?INTERVAL1 ?INTERVAL2))
Merge.kif 8361-8365
    (exists (?Time1 ?Time2)
            (dependencyDelay ?Program1 ?Delay)
            (dependencyType ?Program1 ShutdownBlock)
            (hasDependency ?Program1 ?Program2)
            (instance ?Process1 ComputerProcess)
            (programRunning ?Process1 ?Program1)
            (instance ?Process2 ComputerProcess)
            (programRunning ?Process2 ?Program2)
                (WhenFn ?Process2) ?Time2)
            (finishes ?Time ?Time1)
                (WhenFn ?Process2) ?Time2)
                (BeginFn ?Time)
                (EndFn ?Time2))))
    (duration ?Time ?Delay))
QoSontology.kif 1270-1284

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        (instance ?COMBINE Combining)
        (resource ?COMBINE ?OBJ1)
        (result ?COMBINE ?OBJ2))
                (WhenFn ?COMBINE))
                (part ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)))
                (WhenFn ?COMBINE))
            (part ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2))))
Merge.kif 12488-12495 Processus est une instance de combiner objet est une resource pour processus entit� est le resultat de processus objet est une partie de entit� pendant le d�but de temps d'existence de processus objet est une partie de entit� pendant la fin de temps d'existence de processus
        (amountDue ?Account ?Amount ?DueDate)
        (accountHolder ?Account ?Agent))
        (KappaFn ?Payment
                (instance ?Payment Payment)
                (transactionAmount ?Payment ?Amount)
                    (destination ?Payment
                        (CurrencyFn ?Account))
                    (origin ?Payment
                        (CurrencyFn ?Account)))
                (date ?Payment ?Date)
                    (EndFn ?Date)
                    (BeginFn ?DueDate)))) ?Agent))
FinancialOntology.kif 655-667
        (birthdate JesusOfNazareth ?DAY)
        (instance ?Y1
            (YearFn -6))
        (instance ?Y2
            (YearFn 4)))
    (temporalPart ?DAY
            (BeginFn ?Y1)
            (EndFn ?Y2))))
Media.kif 1936-1941
        (deathdate JesusOfNazareth ?DAY)
        (instance ?Y1
            (YearFn 29))
        (instance ?Y2
            (YearFn 36)))
    (temporalPart ?DAY
            (BeginFn ?Y1)
            (EndFn ?Y2))))
Media.kif 1943-1948
            (EditionFn ?TEXT ?INT1) ?EDITION1)
            (EditionFn ?TEXT ?INT2) ?EDITION2)
        (greaterThan ?INT2 ?INT1)
        (instance ?PUB1 Publication)
        (instance ?PUB2 Publication)
        (instance ?CBO1 ?EDITION1)
        (instance ?CBO2 ?EDITION2)
        (patient ?PUB1 ?CBO1)
        (patient ?PUB2 ?CBO2)
        (date ?PUB1 ?DATE1)
        (date ?PUB2 ?DATE2))
        (EndFn ?DATE1)
        (EndFn ?DATE2)))
Merge.kif 15537-15554
        (instance ?A Aborting)
        (patient ?A ?W)
        (instance ?W Woman))
                (WhenFn ?A))
            (attribute ?W Pregnant))
                (WhenFn ?A))
                (attribute ?W Pregnant)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 21494-21505
        (instance ?ACCELERATE Accelerating)
        (agent ?ACCELERATE ?AGENT))
    (exists (?LENGTH1 ?LENGTH2 ?TIME1 ?TIME2 ?U1 ?U2)
                    (WhenFn ?ACCELERATE))
                (measure ?AGENT
                        (MeasureFn ?LENGTH1 ?U1)
                        (MeasureFn ?TIME1 ?U2))))
                    (WhenFn ?ACCELERATE))
                (measure ?AGENT
                        (MeasureFn ?LENGTH2 ?U1)
                        (MeasureFn ?TIME2 ?U2))))
                (greaterThan ?LENGTH2 ?LENGTH1)
                (greaterThan ?TIME2 ?TIME1)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 17142-17163
        (instance ?ACT ActivatingUIElement)
        (patient ?ACT ?GUIE)
        (instance ?GUIE GUIElement))
            (EndFn ?ACT)
            (hasGUEState ?GUIE GUE_ActiveState))
            (BeginFn ?ACT)
                (hasGUEState ?GUIE GUE_ActiveState)))))
ComputerInput.kif 2268-2277
        (instance ?ACT BringingGEToFront)
        (patient ?ACT ?WINDOW)
        (instance ?WINDOW InterfaceWindow)
            (BeginFn ?ACT)
            (hasGUEState ?WINDOW ?STATE))
        (contraryAttribute ?STATE GUE_UncoveredState))
        (EndFn ?ACT)
            (hasGUEState ?WINDOW ?STATE))))
ComputerInput.kif 2332-2343
        (instance ?ACT BringingGEToFront)
        (patient ?ACT ?WINDOW)
        (instance ?WINDOW InterfaceWindow))
        (EndFn ?ACT)
        (hasGUEState ?WINDOW GUE_UncoveredState)))
ComputerInput.kif 2347-2354
        (instance ?ALT ShapeChange)
        (patient ?ALT ?OBJ))
    (exists (?PROPERTY)
            (instance ?PROPERTY ShapeAttribute)
                            (WhenFn ?ALT))
                        (attribute ?OBJ ?PROPERTY))
                            (WhenFn ?ALT))
                            (attribute ?OBJ ?PROPERTY))))
                            (WhenFn ?ALT))
                            (attribute ?OBJ ?PROPERTY)))
                            (WhenFn ?ALT))
                        (attribute ?OBJ ?PROPERTY)))))))
Merge.kif 12678-12691
        (instance ?ALT SurfaceChange)
        (patient ?ALT ?OBJ))
    (exists (?PART ?PROPERTY)
            (superficialPart ?PART ?OBJ)
                            (WhenFn ?ALT))
                        (attribute ?PART ?PROPERTY))
                            (WhenFn ?ALT))
                            (attribute ?PART ?PROPERTY))))
                            (WhenFn ?ALT))
                            (attribute ?PART ?PROPERTY)))
                            (WhenFn ?ALT))
                        (attribute ?PART ?PROPERTY)))))))
Merge.kif 12638-12651
        (instance ?ATC AddToCart)
        (instance ?OBJ Object)
        (patient ?ATC ?OBJ)
        (agent ?ATC ?USER))
    (exists (?COLL ?SITE ?AFTER ?INTERVAL)
            (instance ?COLL Collection)
            (instance ?SITE WebSite)
            (instance ?INTERVAL TimeInterval)
            (webcart ?USER ?COLL ?SITE)
                (BeginFn ?INTERVAL)
                (EndFn ?ATC))
            (holdsDuring ?AFTER
                (member ?OBJ ?COLL)))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 1326-1342
        (instance ?ATTACH Attaching)
        (patient ?ATTACH ?OBJ1)
        (patient ?ATTACH ?OBJ2))
                (WhenFn ?ATTACH))
                (connected ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)))
                (WhenFn ?ATTACH))
            (connected ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2))))
Merge.kif 12382-12389
        (instance ?B BecomingDrunk)
        (experiencer ?B ?A))
                (WhenFn ?B))
            (attribute ?A Sober))
                (WhenFn ?B))
            (attribute ?A Drunk))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 16342-16352
        (instance ?B Boarding)
        (agent ?B ?A)
        (patient ?B ?V))
                (WhenFn ?B))
                (onboard ?A ?V)))
                (WhenFn ?B))
            (onboard ?A ?V))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 17385-17396
        (instance ?B Deboarding)
        (agent ?B ?A)
        (patient ?B ?V))
                (WhenFn ?B))
            (onboard ?A ?V))
                (WhenFn ?B))
                (onboard ?A ?V)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 17426-17438
        (instance ?B Object)
        (roastedToTemperature ?B ?T))
    (exists (?H)
            (instance ?H Heating)
            (patient ?H ?B)
                    (WhenFn ?H))
                (measure ?B
                    (MeasureFn ?T CelsiusDegree))))))
Food.kif 468-478
        (instance ?B SoberingUp)
        (experiencer ?B ?A))
                (WhenFn ?B))
            (attribute ?A Drunk))
                (WhenFn ?B))
            (attribute ?A Sober))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 16362-16372
        (instance ?BLEED Bleeding)
        (experiencer ?BLEED ?ANIMAL))
    (exists (?BLOOD)
            (instance ?BLOOD Blood)
                    (WhenFn ?BLEED))
                (part ?BLOOD ?ANIMAL))
                    (WhenFn ?BLEED))
                    (part ?BLOOD ?ANIMAL))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 21394-21402
        (instance ?BOIL Boiling)
        (patient ?BOIL ?OBJ))
    (exists (?PART)
            (part ?PART ?OBJ)
                    (WhenFn ?BOIL))
                (attribute ?PART Liquid))
                    (WhenFn ?BOIL))
                (attribute ?PART Gas)))))
Merge.kif 13955-13963
        (instance ?C CausingHappiness)
        (patient ?C ?P))
                (WhenFn ?C))
                (attribute ?P Happiness)))
                (WhenFn ?C))
            (attribute ?P Happiness))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 23767-23778
        (instance ?C CausingUnhappiness)
        (patient ?C ?P))
                (WhenFn ?C))
                (attribute ?P Unhappiness)))
                (WhenFn ?C))
            (attribute ?P Unhappiness))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 23788-23799
        (instance ?C ChurningButter)
        (instance ?E Emulsion)
        (patient ?C ?E))
    (exists (?M ?B)
                    (WhenFn ?C))
                    (equal ?E ?M)
                    (instance ?M Milk)))
                    (WhenFn ?C))
                    (equal ?E ?B)
                    (instance ?B Butter))))))
Food.kif 3076-3094
        (instance ?C Cricothyroidotomy)
        (patient ?C ?O))
            (WhenFn ?C))
        (exists (?H)
                (instance ?H HoleRegion)
                (equal ?T
                    (HoleHostFn ?H))
                (instance ?T Throat)
                (part ?T ?O)))))
Medicine.kif 754-765

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