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Sigma KEE - Antacid

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Antacid EnglishLanguage "An antacid is a substance which neutralizes stomach acidity and is used to relieve heartburn, indigestion or an upset stomach. Some antacids have been used in the treatment of constipation and diarrhea. Currently marketed antacids contain salts of aluminum, calcium, magnesium, or sodium. Some preparations contain a combination of two salts, such as magnesium carbonate and aluminum hydroxide.[from Wikipedia]") Mid-level-ontology.kif 10048-10054
(subclass Antacid BiologicallyActiveSubstance) Mid-level-ontology.kif 10046-10046 Antacid est une sous-classe de substance biologique active

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Famotidine Antacid) Medicine.kif 3563-3563 Famotidine est une sous-classe de Antacid
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Antacid "antacid") Mid-level-ontology.kif 10055-10055 Famotidine est une sous-classe de Antacid


        (instance ?A Antacid)
        (instance ?I Ingesting)
        (agent ?I ?H)
        (moves ?I ?A)
        (instance ?S Stomach)
        (part ?S ?H)
                (WhenFn ?I))
                (contains ?S ?F1)
                (instance ?F1 Fluid)))
                (WhenFn ?I))
                (contains ?S ?F2)
                (instance ?F2 Fluid)))
        (phMeasure ?F1 ?N1)
        (phMeasure ?F2 ?N2))
    (greaterThan ?N2 ?N1))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10057-10079

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