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Sigma KEE - patient
(patient ?PROCESS ?ENTITY) means that ?ENTITY is a participant in ?PROCESS that may be moved, said, experienced, etc. For example, the direct objects in the sentences 'The cat swallowed the canary' and 'Billy likes the beer' would be examples of patients. Note that the patient of a Process may or may not undergo structural change as a result of the Process. The CaseRole of patient is used when one wants to specify as broadly as possible the object of a Process.
Parents involved in event (involvedInEvent ?EVENT ?THING) means that in the Process ?EVENT, the Entity ?THING plays some CaseRole.
Children account usedThe UserAccount used in a particular Process.
 controlled(controlled ?EVENT ?OBJECT) means that during the AchievingControl denoted by ?EVENT, ?OBJECT comes to be physically controlled by an AutonomousAgent.
 data processedThe data being processed during a ComputerProcess.
 defendant(defendant ?AGENT ?ACTION) means the LegalAction ?ACTION makes a legal claim against ?AGENT.
 defense lawyerThe representative of the defendant in a criminal case or the respondant in a civil one. The goal of the defense is to prevent or reduce any punishment imposed on the client as a result of the case.
 detainee(detainee ?EVENT ?OBJECT) means that in the Confining ?EVENT, the Object ?OBJECT is restrained by force, threat, or other form of intimidation.
 evidenceA relation between a LegalAction and some Physical Object or Process that is used to support an Argument in a case.
 experimental control(experimentalControl ?EXPERIMENT ?OBJ) means that the Object ?OBJ serves as a control in the instance of Experimenting ?EXPERIMENT, i.e. ?OBJ is the standard against which something else in the experiment can be compared.
 instrument(instrument ?EVENT ?TOOL) means that ?TOOL is used by an agent in bringing about ?EVENT and that ?TOOL is not changed by ?EVENT. For example, the key is an instrument in the following proposition: The key opened the door. Note that instrument and resource cannot be satisfied by the same ordered pair.
 attachedRelates an object that is attached to the Process of Attaching.
 detachedRelates an object that is dettached to the Process of Detaching.
 object transferredA relation that specifies the object that is transferred during the process. For example, in a Mailing process, the object transferred is a letter or package.
 playsThe CaseRole of being a player of a game, as opposed to a judge or other supporting role.
 refereeThe CaseRole of being a judge or coordinator of a game, as opposed to a player in the game.
 resource(resource ?PROCESS ?RESOURCE) means that ?RESOURCE is present at the beginning of ?PROCESS, is used by ?PROCESS, and as a consequence is changed by ?PROCESS. For example, soap is a resource in the following proposition: the gun was carved out of soap. Note that resource differs from instrument, another subrelation of patient, in that its internal or physical properties are altered in some way by the Process.
 resource used(resourceUsed ?Process ?Resource) means that the ComputerProcess ?Process has access to the ComputerResource ?Resource.
 result(result ?ACTION ?OUTPUT) means that ?OUTPUT is a product of ?ACTION. For example, house is a result in the following proposition: Eric built a house.
 target in attackThis relation identifies the patient in the event that is the object of the attack.
 victimThe one who is the object of a CriminalAction and suffers its results.
 witnessA party in a LegalAction who has been the experiencer in some prior event that is evidence for the case. Note that this excludes the 'expert witness' who is just offering an opinion on the evidence. Note also that the defendant also may take the stand as a witness in his or her own case, as may other parties to the case.
InstancesabstractProperties or qualities as distinguished from any particular embodiment of the properties/qualities in a physical medium. Instances of Abstract can be said to exist in the same sense as mathematical objects such as sets and relations, but they cannot exist at a particular place and time without some physical encoding or embodiment.
 antisymmetric relationBinaryRelation ?REL is an AntisymmetricRelation if for distinct ?INST1 and ?INST2, (?REL ?INST1 ?INST2) implies not (?REL ?INST2 ?INST1). In other words, for all ?INST1 and ?INST2, (?REL ?INST1 ?INST2) and (?REL ?INST2 ?INST1) imply that ?INST1 and ?INST2 are identical. Note that it is possible for an AntisymmetricRelation to be a ReflexiveRelation.
 asymmetric relationA BinaryRelation is asymmetric if and only if it is both an AntisymmetricRelation and an IrreflexiveRelation.
 binary predicateA Predicate relating two items - its valence is two.
 binary relationBinaryRelations are relations that are true only of pairs of things. BinaryRelations are represented as slots in frame systems.
 case roleThe Class of Predicates relating the spatially distinguished parts of a Process. CaseRoles include, for example, the agent, patient or destination of an action, the flammable substance in a burning process, or the water that falls in rain.
 entityThe universal class of individuals. This is the root node of the ontology.
 inheritable relationThe class of Relations whose properties can be inherited downward in the class hierarchy via the subrelation Predicate.
 irreflexive relationRelation ?REL is irreflexive iff (?REL ?INST ?INST) holds for no value of ?INST.
 partial valued relationA Relation is a PartialValuedRelation just in case it is not a TotalValuedRelation, i.e. just in case assigning values to every argument position except the last one does not necessarily mean that there is a value assignment for the last argument position. Note that, if a Relation is both a PartialValuedRelation and a SingleValuedRelation, then it is a partial function.
 predicateA Predicate is a sentence-forming Relation. Each tuple in the Relation is a finite, ordered sequence of objects. The fact that a particular tuple is an element of a Predicate is denoted by '(*predicate* arg_1 arg_2 .. arg_n)', where the arg_i are the objects so related. In the case of BinaryPredicates, the fact can be read as `arg_1 is *predicate* arg_2' or `a *predicate* of arg_1 is arg_2'.
 relationThe Class of relations. There are two kinds of Relation: Predicate and Function. Predicates and Functions both denote sets of ordered n-tuples. The difference between these two Classes is that Predicates cover formula-forming operators, while Functions cover term-forming operators.
Belongs to Class asymmetric relation

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