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Sigma KEE - SupportEPW
supporting prisoners of war
PSYOP support can dispel rumors, create dialogue and pacify or indoctrinate EPWs, CIs, or DCs to minimize violence, facilitate efficient camp operations, and ensure safe and humane conditions persist.
Parents helping From WordNet: give help or assistance, be of service. Examples: Everyone helped out during the earthquake. Can you help me carry this table? She never helps around the house.
  psychological operation These are planned operations that convey selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of foreign governments, organizations, groups, and individuals. The purpose of PSYOP is to induce or reinforce foreign attitudes and behaviors favorable to the JFC's objectives. Planning and employment considerations include: (1) Force Multiplier. PSYOP are among the most effective nonlethal weapons available to a commander. It can reduce casualties on both sides by reducing the morale and combat effectiveness of the adversary, creating dissent and disaffection within their ranks, encouraging surrenders or defections, promoting disobedience, or inducing a lack of support for a hostile regime within a civilian populace. (2) Combatant Commander Responsibilities. Each geographic combatant commander is responsible for conducting PSYOP programs in peacetime. Such efforts are designed to create a favorable image of the friendly government, of the United States, and of the Armed Forces of the United States, encourage support for democratic institutions, human rights, regional stability, and counterdrug activities, and assist a HN in explaining and publicizing humanitarian and civic action projects to local citizens. When used as part of an integrated theater strategy or strategic information operation, PSYOP can reduce the probability of conflict, reduce the damage if conflict does occur, and speed the transition to normality in the postconflict phase. (3) PSYOP Applications. Taking advantage of their language and culture skills, in-depth knowledge of the region, and understanding of interagency operations, SOF provide the geographic combatant commander with a broad range of PSYOP capabilities to be employed independently or in support of a larger theater campaign. These capabilities include the following: (a) Developing, Producing, Distributing, and Disseminating. PSYOP units design, develop, and produce programs. They distribute and disseminate products that support tactical, operational, and strategic goals. (b) Coordinating and Directing PSYOP Programs. PSYOP support national policy goals with programs developed for and approved by higher authority. PSYOP personnel coordinate with the chain of command to ensure the credibility and effectiveness of the program. (c) Producing PSYOP Studies and Estimates. PSYOP personnel produce and maintain studies and estimates for the commander. They advise supported commanders on the expected psychological impacts of their courses of action (COAs). They identify the adversary PSYOP effort and the susceptibilities of friendly forces. (d) Support Enemy Prisoner of War (EPW), Civilian Internee (CI), and Dislocated Civilian (DC) Operations. PSYOP support can dispel rumors, create dialogue and pacify or indoctrinate EPWs, CIs, or DCs to minimize violence, facilitate efficient camp operations, and ensure safe and humane conditions persist. (e) Providing Support to HN Assistance Operations. During CMO, PSYOP personnel may work with CA or conventional units to promote civic action projects either by or in support of the host government. (f) Employ Tactical PSYOP. Tactical PSYOP forces, with augmentation, are capable of providing all functions of PSYOP, on a limited scale, to component commands within a designated area of operations (AO). (4) PSYOP Support to Information Operations. PSYOP are a core capability of IO. PSYOP activities are integrated into IO plans and synchronized with IO objectives and themes. Mission-type orders and decentralized execution can give PSYOP forces considerable autonomy to conduct tactical operations within established IO guidance. For additional information on PSYOP, see JP 3-53, Doctrine for Joint Psychological Operations.

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