Sigma KEE - KabyleLanguage
kabyle language
The KabyleLanguage is a NorthernAfroAsiaticLanguage (a KabyleGroupLanguage) of Algeria. SIL code: KYL. ISO 639-2: kab. Population: 2,537,000 or more in Algeria (1995), 8% of the population. Estimates by some sources are up to 6,000,000 in Algeria (1998). Population total all countries: 3,074,000 or more. Region: Grande Kabylie Mt. range, western Kabylia. Also spoken in Belgium, France. Dialects: GREATER KABYLE, LESSER KABYLE. Comments: French is often used by men in trade and correspondence. Arabic is also used as second language. Kabyle is used in the home and market. Speakers have pride in Kabyle and resistance to Arabic. The name 'Kabyle' is reported by some sources to derive from the Arabic word for 'tribesman', 'qabila'. Patrilineal and patrilocal. Roman script. Mountain slope. Peasant agriculturalists: olives, figs, pomegranates, peaches, apricots, pears, plums, vegetables. Muslim, secular, Christian. NT 1901-1995.(extract from http://www.ethnologue.com/)
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