Parents |
attribute |
Qualities which we cannot or choose not to reify into subclasses of.
Children |
algebro differential attribute | Set of both differential and algebraic equations |
| autonomous | autonomous |
| backlashless | With no backlash. |
| biodiversity attribute | BiodiversityAttribute is the class of Attributes that describe the level of biodiversity present in a GeographicArea or Ecosystem. |
| biological attribute | Attributes that apply specifically to instances of OrganicObject (Organism or AnatomicalStructure). |
| breakability attribute | A subclass of Attributes for characterizing the breakability of CorpuscularObjects. |
| brushless | With no brushes (of electrical motors) |
| device state attribute | DeviceStateAttribute is the class of attributes that represent different states that a Device may be in. Examples: DeviceOff, DeviceOn, DeviceOpen, and DeviceClosed. |
| equation attribute | an attribute that applies to an equation or to a set of equations |
| lexicon category | WordNet category: noun, verb, adjective or adverb |
| linguistic attribute | Any Attribute that is expressed by a Language or class of Languages. |
| multipole attribute | a set of tags that can be associated with multipoles |
| nonlinear | The description of the entity (e.g. a Model) involves nonlinear functions. |
| physical attribute | An InternalAttribute given by physical properties of the object. |
| physical domain | An attribute of a multipole pole describing the kind of physical interaction the pole models. |
| physical state | The physical state of an Object. There are three reified instances of this Class: Solid, Liquid, and Gas. Physical changes are not characterized by the transformation of one substance into another, but rather by the change of the form (physical states) of a given substance. For example, melting an iron nail yields a substance still called iron. |
| saturation attribute | A Class of Attributes that specify, in a qualitative manner, the extent of the presence of one kind of Object in another kind of Object. |
| solubility attribute | SolubilityAttribute is a &subclass of InternalAttributes. It describes the property of a Solid, Liquid or Gas Substance to say whether it can dissolve in another Substance of either Solid, Liquid or Gas state. |
| structure attribute | Each subclass of StructureAttribute denotes some facet of the structure of physical entities. Each instance of StructureAttribute denotes some structural characteristic that may pertain to some Physical entity. |
| terrain attribute | TerrainAttribute is a class of Attributes that describe terrain. |
| track gauge | TrackGauge is the collection of attributes that characterize sections of railways, according to the set distances between the two tracks of the Railway. Precisely, the measurement of track gauge is the distance between the inner vertical surfaces of the heads of the rails. Track gauges include broad, dual, standard, and narrow gauges. |
| volcano status | |
| web document attribute | knowledge base document attribute |