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physical quantity |
A PhysicalQuantity is a measure of some quantifiable aspect of the modeled world, such as 'the earth's diameter' (a constant length) and 'the stress in a loaded deformable solid' (a measure of stress, which is a function of three spatial coordinates). Every PhysicalQuantity is either a ConstantQuantity or FunctionQuantity. Instances of ConstantQuantity are dependent on a UnitOfMeasure, while instances of FunctionQuantity are Functions that map instances of ConstantQuantity to other instances of ConstantQuantity (e.g., a TimeDependentQuantity is a FunctionQuantity). Although the name and definition of PhysicalQuantity is borrowed from physics, a PhysicalQuantity need not be material. Aside from the dimensions of length, time, velocity, etc., nonphysical dimensions such as currency are also possible. Accordingly, amounts of money would be instances of PhysicalQuantity. A PhysicalQuantity is distinguished from a pure Number by the fact that the former is associated with a dimension of measurement.
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angle measure | The value of an angle in a plane or in a solid. |
| currency measure | Instances of this subclass of ConstantQuantity are measures of monetaryValue stated in terms of some UnitOfCurrency such as UnitedStatesDollar, UnitedStatesCent, RMB, Lira, Yen, etc. |
| information measure | Measures of the amount of information. Includes Bit, Byte, and multiples of these, e.g. KiloByte and MegaByte. |
| length measure | A subclass of ConstantQuantity, instances of which are measures of length. |
| mass measure | A subclass of ConstantQuantity, instances of which are measures of the amount of matter in an Object. |
| non composite unit of measure | Instances of this Class are UnitsOfMeasure that are applied to a single dimension, and so are not intrinsically defined by the functional composition of other units. |
| measure of radiation | Measurement of the radiation of some object |
| temperature measure | Measures of temperature. In scientific circles, the temperature of something is understood as the average velocity of the atoms or molecules that make up the thing. |
| time measure | The class of temporal durations (instances of TimeDuration) and positions of TimePoints and TimeIntervals along the universal timeline (instances of TimePosition). |
| wave height | waveHeight is a BinaryPredicate. (waveHeight ?WW ?X) means that ?X is the LengthMeasure of the difference between the altitude of the crest and its leading trough of the BodyOfWater of where a ?WW (WaterWave) takes place. |