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Sigma KEE - GraphLoop
GraphLoop(graph loop)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation GraphLoop ChineseLanguage "这是一个由 GraphNode 联系着自己的 GraphArc。") chinese_format.kif 2346-2346
(documentation GraphLoop EnglishLanguage "A GraphArc in which a GraphNode is linked to itself.") Merge.kif 5855-5856
(documentation GraphLoop JapaneseLanguage "GraphArcは、GraphNode がそれ自体にリンクされ ている。") japanese_format.kif 1020-1021
(externalImage GraphLoop " 2/ 28/ 6n-graph2.svg") pictureList.kif 1790-1790
(subclass GraphLoop GraphArc) Merge.kif 5853-5853 Graph loop is a subclass of graph arc

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage GraphLoop "图环路") chinese_format.kif 943-943
(termFormat EnglishLanguage GraphLoop "graph loop") english_format.kif 1093-1093
(termFormat FrenchLanguage GraphLoop " boucle du graph") french_format.kif 619-619
(termFormat Hindi GraphLoop "aalekha paasha") terms-hindi.txt 150-150
(termFormat ItalianLanguage GraphLoop "grafo ciclico") terms-it.txt 153-153
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage GraphLoop "グラフループ") japanese_format.kif 2304-2304
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage GraphLoop "Laco do Grafo") portuguese_format.kif 571-571
(termFormat cz GraphLoop "graph loop") terms-cz.txt 187-187
(termFormat ro GraphLoop "buclã într-un graf") relations-ro.kif 640-640
(termFormat tg GraphLoop "talaguhitang silo") terms-tg.txt 154-154


        (instance ?LOOP GraphLoop)
        (graphPart ?LOOP ?GRAPH))
    (instance ?GRAPH PseudoGraph))
Merge.kif 5814-5818
    (instance ?LOOP GraphLoop)
    (exists (?NODE)
        (links ?NODE ?NODE ?LOOP)))
Merge.kif 5858-5861


            (InitialNodeFn ?ARC) ?NODE)
            (TerminalNodeFn ?ARC) ?NODE))
    (instance ?ARC GraphLoop))
Merge.kif 5867-5871
    (instance ?GRAPH PseudoGraph)
    (exists (?LOOP)
            (instance ?LOOP GraphLoop)
            (graphPart ?LOOP ?GRAPH))))
Merge.kif 5807-5812
    (instance ?GRAPH Tree)
        (exists (?LOOP)
                (instance ?LOOP GraphLoop)
                (graphPart ?LOOP ?GRAPH)))))
Merge.kif 5691-5697
    (links ?NODE ?NODE ?LOOP)
    (instance ?LOOP GraphLoop))
Merge.kif 5863-5865

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