appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation AMEV EnglishLanguage "The M113A4 Armored Medical Evacuation Vehicle (AMEV) is a U.S. Army variant of a M113 armoured personnel carrier (APC) made by United Defense (now part of BAE Systems) modified to function as a battlefield emergency medical evacuation (medevac) vehicle. It replaced the M113A3 Armoured Ambulance in U.S. military service and is designed to operate in conjunction with the M577A4 Armored Treatment Vehicle. [from Wikipedia]") | MilitaryDevices.kif 2131-2136 | |
(subclass AMEV Ambulance) | MilitaryDevices.kif 2130-2130 | M113A4 Armored Medical Evacuation Vehicle is a subclass of ambulance |
(subclass AMEV LandVehicle) | MilitaryDevices.kif 2129-2129 | M113A4 Armored Medical Evacuation Vehicle is a subclass of land vehicle |
(subclass AMEV MilitaryVehicle) | MilitaryDevices.kif 2128-2128 | M113A4 Armored Medical Evacuation Vehicle is a subclass of military vehicle |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage AMEV "AMEV") | MilitaryDevices.kif 2137-2137 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage AMEV "M113A4 Armored Medical Evacuation Vehicle") | MilitaryDevices.kif 2138-2138 |
antecedent |
(=> (instance ?AV AMEV) (exists (?A) (and (instance ?A Armor) (part ?A ?AV)))) |
MilitaryDevices.kif 2140-2145 |