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Sigma KEE - utterance

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation utterance EnglishLanguage "A prototypical linguistic statement incorporating the concept in a phrase or sentence.") emotion.kif 189-190
(domain utterance 1 HumanLanguage) emotion.kif 191-191 The number 1 argument of utterance is an instance of human language
(domain utterance 2 Entity) emotion.kif 192-192 The number 2 argument of utterance is an instance of entity
(domain utterance 3 SymbolicString) emotion.kif 193-193 The number 3 argument of utterance is an instance of symbolic string
(instance utterance TernaryPredicate) emotion.kif 188-188 utterance is an instance of ternary predicate

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage utterance "utterance") domainEnglishFormat.kif 66031-66031

appearance as argument number 0

(utterance EnglishLanguage AestheticPleasure "aesthetic pleasure") emotion.kif 1163-1163 utterance english language, aesthetic pleasure and "aesthetic pleasure"
(utterance EnglishLanguage Amusement "amused") emotion.kif 1165-1165 utterance english language, amusement and "amused"
(utterance EnglishLanguage Anger "angry") emotion.kif 969-969 utterance english language, anger and "angry"
(utterance EnglishLanguage Annoyance "annoyed") emotion.kif 699-699 utterance english language, annoyance and "annoyed"
(utterance EnglishLanguage Anxiety "anxious") emotion.kif 1171-1171 utterance english language, anxiety and "anxious"
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsAvoidableConsequences "there are consequences but they are avoidable") emotion.kif 288-289 utterance english language, appraisal as avoidable consequences and "there are consequences but they are avoidable"
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsBeingAtTheCentreOfAttention "I am at the centre of attention") emotion.kif 647-648 utterance english language, appraisal as being at the centre of attention and "I am at the centre of attention"
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsCausedByAnother "this is being caused by someone else") emotion.kif 600-601 utterance english language, appraisal as caused by an other and "this is being caused by someone else"
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsCausedByChance "this is being caused by chance") emotion.kif 625-626 utterance english language, appraisal as caused by chance and "this is being caused by chance"
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsCausedBySelf "this is being caused by me") emotion.kif 617-618 utterance english language, appraisal as caused by self and "this is being caused by me"
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsCausedSupernaturally "this is being caused supernaturally") emotion.kif 608-609 utterance english language, appraisal as caused supernaturally and "this is being caused supernaturally"
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsCongruentWithIdeals "this is in line with my ideals") emotion.kif 465-466 utterance english language, appraisal as congruent with ideals and "this is in line with my ideals"
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsDangerous "this is dangerous") emotion.kif 564-564 utterance english language, appraisal as dangerous and "this is dangerous"
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsDeliberate "this is being deliberately caused") emotion.kif 682-683 utterance english language, appraisal as deliberate and "this is being deliberately caused"
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsDesirableConsequences "this has desirable consequences") emotion.kif 405-406 utterance english language, appraisal as desirable consequences and "this has desirable consequences"
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsExpected "this is expected") emotion.kif 533-533 utterance english language, appraisal as expected and "this is expected"
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsFamiliar "this is familiar") emotion.kif 320-320 utterance english language, appraisal as familiar and "this is familiar"
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsJustTreatment "I am being treated justly") emotion.kif 366-367 utterance english language, appraisal as just treatment and "I am being treated justly"
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsNotBeingAtTheCentreOfAttention "I am not at the centre of attention") emotion.kif 654-655 utterance english language, appraisal as not being at the centre of attention and "I am not at the centre of attention"
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsNotCongruentWithIdeals "this is against my ideals") emotion.kif 479-480 utterance english language, appraisal as not congruent with ideals and "this is against my ideals"
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsNotDangerous "this is not dangerous") emotion.kif 560-560 utterance english language, appraisal as not dangerous and "this is not dangerous"
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsNotExpected "this is not expected") emotion.kif 543-543 utterance english language, appraisal as not expected and "this is not expected"
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsNotFamiliar "this is not familiar") emotion.kif 327-327 utterance english language, appraisal as not familiar and "this is not familiar"
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsNotPredictable "this is not predictable") emotion.kif 250-251 utterance english language, appraisal as not predictable and "this is not predictable"
(utterance EnglishLanguage AppraisalAsNotSudden "this is not sudden") emotion.kif 586-586 utterance english language, appraisal as not sudden and "this is not sudden"

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