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Sigma KEE - lexicon

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation lexicon EnglishLanguage "associates a SUMO concept with a lexicon word") engineering.kif 37-37
(domain lexicon 1 SetOrClass) engineering.kif 39-39 The number 1 argument of lexicon is an instance of set or class
(domain lexicon 2 LexiconCategory) engineering.kif 40-40 The number 2 argument of lexicon is an instance of lexicon category
(domain lexicon 3 SymbolicString) engineering.kif 41-41 The number 3 argument of lexicon is an instance of symbolic string
(instance lexicon TernaryPredicate) engineering.kif 38-38 lexicon is an instance of ternary predicate

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage lexicon "对于 %1 的 %2 word 是 %3 ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 3748-3748
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage lexicon "對於 %1 的 %2 word 是 %3 ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 3747-3747
(format EnglishLanguage lexicon "the %2 word for %1 is %3") domainEnglishFormat.kif 3746-3746
(termFormat ChineseLanguage lexicon "词库") domainEnglishFormat.kif 34233-34233
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage lexicon "詞庫") domainEnglishFormat.kif 34232-34232
(termFormat EnglishLanguage lexicon "lexicon") domainEnglishFormat.kif 34231-34231

appearance as argument number 0

(lexicon AbsoluteValueFn LexNoun "abs") engineering.kif 134-134
(lexicon AbsoluteValueFn LexNoun "absolute value") engineering.kif 135-135
(lexicon AcrossVariableAccumulator LexNoun "{across variable} accumulator") engineering.kif 512-512
(lexicon AcrossVariableSource LexNoun "{across variable} source") engineering.kif 523-523
(lexicon AlgebraicAttribute LexAdjective "algebraic") engineering.kif 224-224
(lexicon AlgebroDifferentialAttribute LexAdjective "algebro-differential") engineering.kif 228-228
(lexicon Amplifier LexNoun "amplifier") engineering.kif 989-989
(lexicon Amplifier LexNoun "non-inverting amplifier") engineering.kif 1004-1004
(lexicon ArticleCategory LexNoun "article") engineering.kif 1388-1388
(lexicon Autonomous LexAdjective "autonomous") engineering.kif 723-723
(lexicon Autonomous LexAdverb "autonomously") engineering.kif 724-724
(lexicon Backlashless LexAdjective "backlashless") engineering.kif 710-710
(lexicon Base LexNoun "base") engineering.kif 1069-1069
(lexicon BesselsEquation LexNoun "Bessel's equation") engineering.kif 193-193
(lexicon BjtTransistor LexNoun "BJT transistor") engineering.kif 1082-1082
(lexicon BridgeSinglePhaseRectifier LexNoun "bridge single-phase rectifier") engineering.kif 1024-1024
(lexicon Brushless LexAdjective "brushless") engineering.kif 714-714
(lexicon CapacitorElement LexNoun "capacitor") engineering.kif 534-534
(lexicon Collector LexNoun "collector") engineering.kif 1074-1074
(lexicon Computer LexNoun "computer") engineering.kif 1292-1292
(lexicon ComputerDirectory LexNoun "directory") engineering.kif 1339-1339
(lexicon ComputerDirectory LexNoun "folder") engineering.kif 1338-1338
(lexicon ComputerFile LexNoun "file") engineering.kif 1341-1341
(lexicon ComputerKeyboard LexNoun "keyboard") QoSontology.kif 475-475
(lexicon ComputerProgram LexNoun "program") engineering.kif 1295-1295

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Sigma version 3.0 is open source software produced by Articulate Software and its partners