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Sigma KEE - industryProductType

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation industryProductType EnglishLanguage "(industryProductType ?INDUSTRY ?TYPE) means that organizations with the IndustryAttribute ?INDUSTRY produce products of the kind ?TYPE.") Economy.kif 1603-1605
(domain industryProductType 1 IndustryAttribute) Economy.kif 1600-1600 The number 1 argument of industry product type is an instance of industry attribute
(domainSubclass industryProductType 2 Object) Economy.kif 1601-1601 The number 2 argument of industry product type is a subclass of object
(instance industryProductType BinaryPredicate) Economy.kif 1599-1599 industry product type is an instance of binary predicate

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage industryProductType "%2 %n 是 %1 的 industry 产品类别") domainEnglishFormat.kif 1321-1321
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage industryProductType "%2 %n 是 %1 的 industry 產品類別") domainEnglishFormat.kif 1320-1320
(format EnglishLanguage industryProductType "%2 is %n an industry product type of %1") domainEnglishFormat.kif 1319-1319
(termFormat ChineseLanguage industryProductType "行业产品类型") domainEnglishFormat.kif 29946-29946
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage industryProductType "行業產品類型") domainEnglishFormat.kif 29945-29945
(termFormat EnglishLanguage industryProductType "industry product type") domainEnglishFormat.kif 29944-29944


        (industryProductType ?INDUSTRY ?TYPE)
        (instance ?INDUSTRY IndustryAttribute)
        (instance ?BUSINESS Organization)
        (attribute ?BUSINESS ?INDUSTRY))
    (organizationProductType ?BUSINESS ?TYPE))
Economy.kif 1633-1639
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG ?INDUSTRY)
        (industryProductType ?INDUSTRY ?TYPE))
    (exists (?EVENT ?ITEM)
            (instance ?EVENT Making)
            (instance ?ITEM ?TYPE)
            (agent ?EVENT ?ORG)
            (result ?EVENT ?ITEM))))
Economy.kif 1607-1617

appearance as argument number 0

(industryProductType AircraftManufacturing Aircraft) Economy.kif 1698-1698 Aircraft is an industry product type of aircraft manufacturing
(industryProductType AluminaRefining Alumina) Economy.kif 1701-1701 Alumina is an industry product type of alumina refining
(industryProductType AsphaltPavingRoofingAndSaturatedMaterialsManufacturing Asphalt) Economy.kif 1846-1846 Asphalt is an industry product type of asphalt paving roofing and saturated materials manufacturing
(industryProductType AutomobileManufacturing Automobile) Economy.kif 1705-1705 Automobile is an industry product type of automobile manufacturing
(industryProductType BarleyFarming BarleyGrain) Economy.kif 6289-6289 Barley grain is an industry product type of barley farming
(industryProductType CattleRanchingAndFarming Cattle) Economy.kif 6318-6318 Cattle is an industry product type of cattle ranching and farming
(industryProductType CementManufacturing Cement) Economy.kif 1708-1708 Cement is an industry product type of cement manufacturing
(industryProductType CerealGrainFarming CerealGrain) Economy.kif 6271-6271 Cereal grain is an industry product type of cereal grain farming
(industryProductType CoalMining Coal) Economy.kif 1716-1716 Coal is an industry product type of coal mining
(industryProductType ConcretePipeBrickAndBlockManufacturing Concrete) Economy.kif 6011-6011 Concrete is an industry product type of concrete pipe brick and block manufacturing
(industryProductType CopperOreMining CopperOre) Economy.kif 1729-1729 Copper ore is an industry product type of copper ore mining
(industryProductType CornFarming MaizeGrain) Economy.kif 6277-6277 Maize grain is an industry product type of corn farming
(industryProductType CottonFarming Cotton) Economy.kif 6324-6324 Cotton is an industry product type of cotton farming
(industryProductType CrudePetroleumExtraction Petroleum) Economy.kif 1843-1843 Petroleum is an industry product type of crude petroleum extraction
(industryProductType ElectricalPowerGeneration Electricity) Economy.kif 5840-5840 Electricity is an industry product type of electrical power generation
(industryProductType FabricMills Fabric) Economy.kif 1886-1886 Fabric is an industry product type of fabric mills
(industryProductType FertilizerMineralMining Fertilizer) Economy.kif 1741-1741 Fertilizer is an industry product type of fertilizer mineral mining
(industryProductType FoodManufacturing
    (FoodForFn Animal))
Economy.kif 1744-1744 Food for animal is an industry product type of food manufacturing
(industryProductType FootwearManufacturing Shoe) Economy.kif 1749-1749 Shoe is an industry product type of footwear manufacturing
(industryProductType ForestryAndLogging Timber) Economy.kif 1779-1779 Timber is an industry product type of forestry and logging
(industryProductType FruitFarming Fruit) Economy.kif 6308-6308 Fruit is an industry product type of fruit farming
(industryProductType FurnitureManufacturing Furniture) Economy.kif 1756-1756 Furniture is an industry product type of furniture manufacturing
(industryProductType GoatFarming Goat) Economy.kif 6320-6320 Goat is an industry product type of goat farming
(industryProductType HogAndPigFarming Pork) Economy.kif 6321-6321 Pork is an industry product type of hog and pig farming
(industryProductType IndustrialSandMining Sand) Economy.kif 1805-1805 Sand is an industry product type of industrial sand mining

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