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Sigma KEE - hasExpertise

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation hasExpertise EnglishLanguage "(hasExpertise ?PERSON ?FIELD) means that ?PERSON has studied the FieldOfStudy ?FIELD and is regarded as an expert.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 21350-21351
(domain hasExpertise 1 Human) Mid-level-ontology.kif 21348-21348 The number 1 argument of has expertise is an instance of human
(domainSubclass hasExpertise 2 FieldOfStudy) Mid-level-ontology.kif 21349-21349 The number 2 argument of has expertise is a subclass of field of study
(instance hasExpertise BinaryPredicate) Mid-level-ontology.kif 21347-21347 has expertise is an instance of binary predicate

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage hasExpertise "%2 %p{有} %n{没有} 在 %1 的专业知识") domainEnglishFormat.kif 1141-1141
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage hasExpertise "%2 %p{有} %n{沒有} 在 %1 的專業知識") domainEnglishFormat.kif 1140-1140
(format EnglishLanguage hasExpertise "%2 %p{has} %n{does not have} an expertise in %1") domainEnglishFormat.kif 1139-1139
(termFormat ChineseLanguage hasExpertise "有专业知识") domainEnglishFormat.kif 27522-27522
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage hasExpertise "有專業知識") domainEnglishFormat.kif 27521-27521
(termFormat EnglishLanguage hasExpertise "has expertise") domainEnglishFormat.kif 27520-27520


    (hasExpertise ?H Architecture)
    (exists (?D ?P ?B)
            (instance ?D ContentDevelopment)
            (agent ?D ?H)
            (result ?D ?P)
            (instance ?P Blueprint)
            (represents ?P ?B)
            (instance ?B Building))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 21182-21191
    (hasExpertise ?PERSON ?FIELD)
    (exists (?LEARN ?SPECIALITY)
            (instance ?LEARN Learning)
            (agent ?LEARN ?PERSON)
            (instance ?SPECIALITY ?FIELD)
            (realization ?LEARN ?SPECIALITY))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 21353-21360


            (instance ?ROLE OccupationalTrade)
            (instance ?ROLE Profession))
        (holdsDuring ?T1
            (attribute ?HUMAN ?ROLE)))
    (exists (?FIELD)
            (subclass ?FIELD FieldOfStudy)
            (holdsDuring ?T1
                (hasExpertise ?HUMAN ?FIELD)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 8292-8301
    (attribute ?P Lawyer)
    (hasExpertise ?P FieldOfLaw))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 20972-20974
    (attribute ?P Researcher)
    (exists (?S)
            (subclass ?S Science)
            (hasExpertise ?P ?S))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 18895-18900
    (attribute ?PERSON Actuary)
    (hasExpertise ?PERSON ActuaryScience))
Biography.kif 357-359
    (attribute ?PERSON Anthropologist)
    (hasExpertise ?PERSON Anthropology))
Biography.kif 365-367
    (attribute ?PERSON Archeologist)
    (hasExpertise ?PERSON Archeology))
Biography.kif 373-375
    (attribute ?PERSON Architect)
    (hasExpertise ?PERSON Architecture))
Biography.kif 380-382
    (attribute ?PERSON Astronomer)
    (hasExpertise ?PERSON Astronomy))
Biography.kif 388-390
    (attribute ?PERSON Biologist)
    (hasExpertise ?PERSON Biology))
Biography.kif 396-398
    (attribute ?PERSON Botanist)
    (hasExpertise ?PERSON Botany))
Biography.kif 617-619
    (attribute ?PERSON Chemist)
    (hasExpertise ?PERSON Chemistry))
Biography.kif 404-406
    (attribute ?PERSON ComputerScientist)
    (hasExpertise ?PERSON ComputerScience))
Biography.kif 412-414
    (attribute ?PERSON Economist)
    (hasExpertise ?PERSON Economics))
Biography.kif 420-422
    (attribute ?PERSON Engineer)
    (hasExpertise ?PERSON Engineering))
Biography.kif 427-429
    (attribute ?PERSON Geographer)
    (hasExpertise ?PERSON Geography))
Biography.kif 471-473
    (attribute ?PERSON Geologist)
    (hasExpertise ?PERSON Geology))
Biography.kif 479-481
    (attribute ?PERSON Historian)
    (hasExpertise ?PERSON History))
Biography.kif 486-488
    (attribute ?PERSON Librarian)
    (hasExpertise ?PERSON LibraryScience))
Biography.kif 564-566
    (attribute ?PERSON Linguist)
    (hasExpertise ?PERSON Linguistics))
Biography.kif 494-496
    (attribute ?PERSON Mathematician)
    (hasExpertise ?PERSON Mathematics))
Biography.kif 501-503
    (attribute ?PERSON MedicalResearcher)
        (attribute ?PERSON Researcher)
        (hasExpertise ?PERSON MedicalScience)))
Biography.kif 509-513
    (attribute ?PERSON Paleontologist)
    (hasExpertise ?PERSON Paleontology))
Biography.kif 519-521
    (attribute ?PERSON Philosopher)
    (hasExpertise ?PERSON Philosophy))
Biography.kif 526-528
    (attribute ?PERSON Physicist)
    (hasExpertise ?PERSON Physics))
Biography.kif 548-550
    (attribute ?PERSON PoliticalScientist)
    (hasExpertise ?PERSON PoliticalScience))
Biography.kif 556-558

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