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Sigma KEE - diseaseMedicine

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation diseaseMedicine EnglishLanguage "(diseaseMedicine ?DISEASE ?SUBSTANCE ?PROCESS) means that the BiologicallyActiveSubstance ?SUBSTANCE is effective in the treatment of the DiseaseOrSyndrome ?DISEASE when administered via the Process ?PROCESS, i.e. it has been demonstrated (in a significant sample of patients) to cure the ?DISEASE or at least reduce the severity of symptoms associated with the ?DISEASE.") WMD.kif 935-939
(domain diseaseMedicine 1 DiseaseOrSyndrome) WMD.kif 932-932 The number 1 argument of disease treatment is an instance of disease or syndrome
(domainSubclass diseaseMedicine 2 BiologicallyActiveSubstance) WMD.kif 933-933 The number 2 argument of disease treatment is a subclass of biologically active substance
(domainSubclass diseaseMedicine 3 Process) WMD.kif 934-934 The number 3 argument of disease treatment is a subclass of process
(instance diseaseMedicine TernaryPredicate) WMD.kif 931-931 disease treatment is an instance of ternary predicate

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage diseaseMedicine "%1 %p{是} %n{不是} 对于 %3 的 dis​​ease 治愈 %2") domainEnglishFormat.kif 780-780
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage diseaseMedicine "%1 %p{是} %n{不是} 對於 %3 的 disease 治癒 %2 ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 779-779
(format EnglishLanguage diseaseMedicine "%1 %p{is} %n{isn't} disease treatment %2 for %3") domainEnglishFormat.kif 778-778
(termFormat ChineseLanguage diseaseMedicine "疾病治疗") domainEnglishFormat.kif 19835-19835
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage diseaseMedicine "疾病治療") domainEnglishFormat.kif 19834-19834
(termFormat EnglishLanguage diseaseMedicine "disease treatment") domainEnglishFormat.kif 19833-19833


        (diseaseMedicine ?DISEASE ?SUBSTANCE ?PROCESS)
        (subclass ?SUB ?PROCESS))
    (diseaseMedicine ?DISEASE ?SUBSTANCE ?SUB))
WMD.kif 957-961
        (diseaseMedicine ?DISEASE ?SUBSTANCE ?PROCESS)
        (subclass ?SUB ?SUBSTANCE))
    (diseaseMedicine ?DISEASE ?SUB ?PROCESS))
WMD.kif 963-967
    (diseaseMedicine ?DISEASE ?SUBSTANCE ?PROCESS)
            (holdsDuring ?TIME
                (attribute ?ORGANISM ?DISEASE))
                    (instance ?PROC ?PROCESS)
                        (WhenFn ?PROC) ?TIME)
                    (experiencer ?PROC ?ORGANISM)
                    (patient ?PROC ?SAMPLE)
                    (instance ?SAMPLE ?SUBSTANCE))
                    (ImmediateFutureFn ?TIME)
                        (attribute ?ORGANISM ?DISEASE)))))))
WMD.kif 941-955
    (diseaseMedicine ?DISEASE Antibiotic ?PROCESS)
    (instance ?DISEASE BacterialDisease))
WMD.kif 1274-1276
    (diseaseMedicine ?DISEASE Bacitracin ?PROCESS)
        (instance ?DISEASE BacterialDisease)
        (subclass ?PROCESS Putting)))
WMD.kif 1322-1326
    (diseaseMedicine ?DISEASE OralAntibiotic ?PROCESS)
    (subclass ?PROCESS Ingesting))
WMD.kif 1288-1290
    (diseaseMedicine ?DISEASE TopicalAntibiotic ?PROCESS)
    (subclass ?PROCESS Covering))
WMD.kif 1315-1317


        (diseaseMedicine ?DISEASE ?SUBSTANCE ?PROCESS)
        (subclass ?SUB ?PROCESS))
    (diseaseMedicine ?DISEASE ?SUBSTANCE ?SUB))
WMD.kif 957-961
        (diseaseMedicine ?DISEASE ?SUBSTANCE ?PROCESS)
        (subclass ?SUB ?SUBSTANCE))
    (diseaseMedicine ?DISEASE ?SUB ?PROCESS))
WMD.kif 963-967
    (holdsDuring ?T
            (attribute ?H InfectiousDisease)
            (attribute ?H Diabetes)
            (attribute ?H
                (ImpairedBodyPartFn Foot))))
    (holdsDuring ?T
        (diseaseMedicine InfectiousDisease Ertapenem Injecting)))
Medicine.kif 1362-1369
    (instance ?DISEASE ViralDisease)
    (exists (?PROCESS)
            (diseaseMedicine ?DISEASE Antibiotic ?PROCESS))))
WMD.kif 1278-1282
    (subclass ?I Immunosuppressive)
    (hasPurpose ?I
            (instance ?AID AutoImmuneDisorder)
            (diseaseMedicine ?AID ?I ?P))))
Medicine.kif 4602-4607

appearance as argument number 0

(diseaseMedicine ADHD Adderall Ingesting) Medicine.kif 4753-4753 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is disease treatment Mydayis for ingesting
(diseaseMedicine Abatacept RheumatoidArthritis Ingesting) Medicine.kif 4939-4939 Abatacept is disease treatment rheumatoid arthritis for ingesting
(diseaseMedicine AllergicRhinitis Chlorpheniramine Ingesting) Medicine.kif 5622-5622 Hay fever is disease treatment Chlorpheniramine for ingesting
(diseaseMedicine AllergicRhinitis Levocetirizine Ingesting) Medicine.kif 5243-5243 Hay fever is disease treatment Levocetirizine for ingesting
(diseaseMedicine Anthrax Ciprofloxacin Ingesting) WMD.kif 1140-1140 Anthrax is disease treatment ciprofloxacin for ingesting
(diseaseMedicine Anthrax Doxycycline Ingesting) WMD.kif 1139-1139 Anthrax is disease treatment doxycycline for ingesting
(diseaseMedicine Anxiety Benzodiazepine Ingesting) Medicine.kif 3870-3870 Anxiety is disease treatment benzodiazepine for ingesting
(diseaseMedicine AttentionDeficitHyperactivityDisorder Lisdexamfetamine Ingesting) Medicine.kif 3967-3967 AttentionDeficitHyperactivityDisorder is disease treatment lisdexamfetamine for ingesting
(diseaseMedicine BacterialPneumonia Clarithromycin Ingesting) Medicine.kif 3587-3587 Bacterial pneumonia is disease treatment clarithromycin for ingesting
(diseaseMedicine Beriberi VitaminB1 Ingesting) Medicine.kif 2457-2457 Beriberi is disease treatment thiamine for ingesting
(diseaseMedicine BurkholderiaMallei Ciprofloxacin Ingesting) WMD.kif 359-359 Burkholderia mallei is disease treatment ciprofloxacin for ingesting
(diseaseMedicine ChronicObstructivePulmonaryDisease Roflumilast Ingesting) Medicine.kif 3920-3920 COPD is disease treatment roflumilast for ingesting
(diseaseMedicine CrohnsDisease MycophenolicAcid Ingesting) Medicine.kif 4724-4724 Crohn's disease is disease treatment mycophenolic acid for ingesting
(diseaseMedicine CrohnsDisease Sulfasalazine Ingesting) Medicine.kif 3903-3903 Crohn's disease is disease treatment sulfasalazine for ingesting
(diseaseMedicine Depression Escitalopram Ingesting) Medicine.kif 4039-4039 Depressed is disease treatment escitalopram for ingesting
(diseaseMedicine Eczema Crisaborole TopicalApplication) Medicine.kif 4365-4365 Atopic dermatitis is disease treatment crisaborole for topical application
(diseaseMedicine HeartAttack BetaBlocker Ingesting) Medicine.kif 4667-4667 Myocardial infarction is disease treatment beta blocker for ingesting
(diseaseMedicine HeartPalpitations BetaBlocker Ingesting) Medicine.kif 4668-4668 Palpitations is disease treatment beta blocker for ingesting
(diseaseMedicine HighBloodPressure BetaBlocker Ingesting) Medicine.kif 4669-4669 Hypertension is disease treatment beta blocker for ingesting
(diseaseMedicine Hives Levocetirizine Ingesting) Medicine.kif 5242-5242 Urticaria is disease treatment Levocetirizine for ingesting
(diseaseMedicine Insomnia Benzodiazepine Ingesting) Medicine.kif 3871-3871 Insomnia is disease treatment benzodiazepine for ingesting
(diseaseMedicine LouseBorneTyphus OralAntibiotic Ingesting) WMD.kif 273-273 Louse borne typhus is disease treatment oral antibiotic for ingesting
(diseaseMedicine Lupus Benelysta Ingesting) Medicine.kif 4612-4612 Lupus is disease treatment Benelysta for ingesting
(diseaseMedicine Lupus Hydroxychloroquine Ingesting) Medicine.kif 5605-5605 Lupus is disease treatment hydroxychloroquine for ingesting
(diseaseMedicine Lupus MycophenolicAcid Ingesting) Medicine.kif 4725-4725 Lupus is disease treatment mycophenolic acid for ingesting

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