appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation UnitOfMass ChineseLanguage "这个 Class 所有的实例都是可以用 MeasureFn 来组成 MassMeasure 实例的 UnitOfMeasure,来表示 PhysicalObject 所含物质的数量。") | chinese_format.kif 4064-4064 | |
(documentation UnitOfMass EnglishLanguage "Every instance of this Class is a UnitOfMeasure that can be used with MeasureFn to form instances of MassMeasure, which denote the amount of matter in PhysicalObjects.") | Merge.kif 6262-6265 | |
(documentation UnitOfMass JapaneseLanguage "この Class のすべてのインスタンスは、MeasureFn と共に MassMeasure のインスタンスを形成するために使用できる UnitOfMeasure であり、 PhysicalObject での問題の量を示す。") | japanese_format.kif 1093-1095 | |
(subclass UnitOfMass NonCompositeUnitOfMeasure) | Merge.kif 6260-6260 | Unit of mass is a subclass of non composite unit of measure |
appearance as argument number 2 |
appearance as argument number 3 |
(domain AmountsFn 3 UnitOfMass) | Merge.kif 7580-7580 | The number 3 argument of Amounts fn is an instance of unit of mass |
antecedent |
consequent |
(=> (effectiveDose ?AGENT (PerFn (MeasureFn ?NUMBER1 ?UNIT1) (MeasureFn ?NUMBER2 ?UNIT2))) (and (instance ?UNIT1 UnitOfMass) (instance ?UNIT2 UnitOfMass))) |
WMD.kif 803-810 |
(=> (lethalDose ?AGENT (PerFn (MeasureFn ?NUMBER1 ?UNIT1) (MeasureFn ?NUMBER2 ?UNIT2))) (and (instance ?UNIT1 UnitOfMass) (instance ?UNIT2 UnitOfMass))) |
WMD.kif 860-867 |