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Sigma KEE - TropicalCyclonicSystem
TropicalCyclonicSystem(tropical cyclonic system)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation TropicalCyclonicSystem ChineseLanguage "TropicalCyclonicSystem (热带气旋系统) 是CyclonicStorm (气旋风暴)的一类,它在热带(Tropics)产生,风向朝气旋中心,向内旋转,风速一般达强风 (>25 mph)程度或更高的风速。整个系统通常以每小时10-15英里 (10-15 mph)向前移动,可是有时候也会 保持停留不动,或是移动速度快达每小时40英里 (40 mph)。 https:/ / research/ weather/ tropical-cyclones/ facts") Weather.kif 607-611
(documentation TropicalCyclonicSystem EnglishLanguage "TropicalCyclonicSystem is the class of CyclonicStorms that originates in the Tropics and typically have rotational winds of strong force (> 25 mph) or higher.The whole system typically moving forward at 10-15 mph, but it can also stay quasistationary, or travel as fast as 40 mph. https:/ / research/ weather/ tropical-cyclones/ facts") Weather.kif 602-606
(subclass TropicalCyclonicSystem CyclonicStorm) Weather.kif 601-601 Tropical cyclonic system is a subclass of cyclonic storm

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Hurricane TropicalCyclonicSystem) Weather.kif 732-732 Hurricane is a subclass of tropical cyclonic system
(subclass TropicalCyclone TropicalCyclonicSystem) Weather.kif 668-668 Tropical cyclone is a subclass of tropical cyclonic system
(subclass TropicalDepression TropicalCyclonicSystem) Weather.kif 644-644 Tropical depression is a subclass of tropical cyclonic system
(subclass TropicalStorm TropicalCyclonicSystem) Weather.kif 704-704 Tropical storm is a subclass of tropical cyclonic system
(subclass Typhoon TropicalCyclonicSystem) Weather.kif 766-766 Typhoon is a subclass of tropical cyclonic system
(termFormat ChineseLanguage TropicalCyclonicSystem "热带氣旋系统") Weather.kif 613-613
(termFormat EnglishLanguage TropicalCyclonicSystem "tropical cyclonic system") Weather.kif 612-612


        (instance ?TC TropicalCyclonicSystem)
        (origin ?TC ?SEA)
            (instance ?SEA NorthAtlanticOcean)
            (instance ?SEA PacificOcean)
            (instance ?SEA IndianOcean)))
        (exists (?AREA ?DIR ?NUM ?LONG)
                (located ?AREA ?SEA)
                (instance ?DIR DirectionalAttribute)
                (objectGeographicCoordinates ?AREA
                    (LatitudeFn ?DIR
                        (MeasureFn ?NUM AngularDegree)) ?LONG)
                    (equal ?DIR North)
                    (equal ?DIR South))
                (lessThan ?NUM 5.0)))))
Weather.kif 623-642
    (instance ?STORM TropicalCyclonicSystem)
    (exists (?PLACE)
            (instance ?PLACE GeographicArea)
            (geographicSubregion ?PLACE Tropics)
            (origin ?STORM ?PLACE))))
Weather.kif 615-621

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