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Sigma KEE - TransitSystem
TransitSystem(transit system)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation TransitSystem EnglishLanguage "A TransitSystem is a system of interconnected Transitways over which some type(s) of vehicles or travellers may pass. In addition to Transitways, TransitSystems may also include TransitJunctions and TransitTerminals. Transit systems may be demarcated by where they are located (e.g., the rail system of Afghanistan), who owns or manages them (e.g., American Airlines TransitSystem of AirRoutes, or state highways managed by TexDOT), or the type of vehicles or travellers accommodated (e.g., the system of Santa Clara county bike trails.") Transportation.kif 2855-2863
(subclass TransitSystem PhysicalSystem) Transportation.kif 2854-2854 Transit system is a subclass of physical system

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass AirTransportationSystem TransitSystem) Transportation.kif 2929-2929 AirTransportationSystem is a subclass of transit system
(subclass MultiModalTransitSystem TransitSystem) Transportation.kif 2944-2944 Multi modal transit system is a subclass of transit system
(subclass RailTransportationSystem TransitSystem) Transportation.kif 2070-2070 Rail transportation system is a subclass of transit system
(subclass RoadTransportationSystem TransitSystem) Transportation.kif 2091-2091 Road transportation system is a subclass of transit system
(subclass UniModalTransitSystem TransitSystem) Transportation.kif 2939-2939 Uni modal transit system is a subclass of transit system
(subclass WaterTransportationSystem TransitSystem) Transportation.kif 2917-2917 Water transportation system is a subclass of transit system
(termFormat ChineseLanguage TransitSystem "运输系统") domainEnglishFormat.kif 58894-58894
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage TransitSystem "運輸系統") domainEnglishFormat.kif 58893-58893
(termFormat EnglishLanguage TransitSystem "transit system") domainEnglishFormat.kif 58892-58892

appearance as argument number 3

(domain pathInSystem 2 TransitSystem) Transportation.kif 2757-2757 The number 2 argument of path in system is an instance of transit system
(domain routeEnd 2 TransitSystem) Transportation.kif 2811-2811 The number 2 argument of route end is an instance of transit system
(domain routeInSystem 2 TransitSystem) Transportation.kif 2777-2777 The number 2 argument of route in system is an instance of transit system
(domain routeStart 2 TransitSystem) Transportation.kif 2788-2788 The number 2 argument of route start is an instance of transit system


        (instance ?SYSTEM TransitSystem)
        (systemPart ?PART ?SYSTEM))
    (instance ?PART Transitway))
Transportation.kif 2911-2915
        (instance ?TS TransitSystem)
        (instance ?T Transitway)
        (abstractCounterpart ?G ?TS)
        (systemPart ?T ?TS))
    (exists (?GA)
            (instance ?GA GraphArc)
            (abstractCounterpart ?GA ?T)
            (graphPart ?GA ?G))))
Transportation.kif 2879-2889
        (instance ?TS TransitSystem)
        (instance ?TJ TransitwayJunction)
        (abstractCounterpart ?G ?TS)
        (systemPart ?TJ ?TS))
    (exists (?GN)
            (instance ?GN GraphNode)
            (abstractCounterpart ?GN ?TJ)
            (graphPart ?GN ?G))))
Transportation.kif 2891-2901
    (instance ?SYSTEM TransitSystem)
    (exists (?ROUTE)
            (instance ?ROUTE Transitway)
            (part ?ROUTE ?SYSTEM))))
Transportation.kif 2865-2870
    (instance ?TS TransitSystem)
    (exists (?G)
            (instance ?G Graph)
            (abstractCounterpart ?G ?TS))))
Transportation.kif 2872-2877

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