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Sigma KEE - SouthernOcean
SouthernOcean(southern ocean)

appearance as argument number 1

(attribute SouthernOcean PolarClimateZone) Geography.kif 4681-4681 Polar climate zone is an attribute of southern ocean
(comparativeArea SouthernOcean greaterThan 2.0 UnitedStates) Geography.kif 4676-4676 Southern ocean comparative area greater than for 2.0 with united states
(documentation SouthernOcean EnglishLanguage "SouthernOcean represents the Southern Ocean.") Geography.kif 4652-4653
(externalImage SouthernOcean " geography/ Country_Maps/ S/ Southern_Ocean.png") pictureList.kif 750-750
(geographicSubregion SouthernOcean SouthernHemisphere) Geography.kif 4655-4655 Southern ocean is a geographic subregion of southern hemisphere
(instance SouthernOcean Ocean) Geography.kif 4649-4649 Southern ocean is an instance of ocean
(naturalHazardTypeInArea SouthernOcean CyclonicStorm) Geography.kif 4677-4677 Cyclonic storm is a natural hazard type in area of southern ocean
(naturalHazardTypeInArea SouthernOcean Iceberg) Geography.kif 4678-4678 Iceberg is a natural hazard type in area of southern ocean
(naturalHazardTypeInArea SouthernOcean SeaIce) Geography.kif 4679-4679 Sea ice is a natural hazard type in area of southern ocean
(partlyLocated SouthernOcean EasternHemisphere) Geography.kif 4656-4656 Southern ocean is partly located in eastern hemisphere
(partlyLocated SouthernOcean WesternHemisphere) Geography.kif 4657-4657 Southern ocean is partly located in western hemisphere
(totalArea SouthernOcean
    (MeasureFn 20327000.0 SquareKilometer))
Geography.kif 4659-4660 20327000.0 Square kilometer(s) is a total area of southern ocean

appearance as argument number 2

(connected IndianOcean SouthernOcean) Geography.kif 4632-4632 Indian ocean is connected to southern ocean
(geographicSubregion SouthSandwichTrench SouthernOcean) Geography.kif 4692-4692 South sandwich trench is a geographic subregion of southern ocean
(located AntarcticCircumpolarCurrent SouthernOcean) Geography.kif 4695-4695 Antarctic circumpolar current is located at southern ocean
(names "Southern Ocean" SouthernOcean) Geography.kif 4650-4650 Southern ocean has name "Southern Ocean"
(termFormat ChineseLanguage SouthernOcean "南部海洋") domainEnglishFormat.kif 54242-54242
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage SouthernOcean "南部海洋") domainEnglishFormat.kif 54241-54241
(termFormat EnglishLanguage SouthernOcean "southern ocean") domainEnglishFormat.kif 54240-54240


    (ElevationHighPointFn SouthernOcean)
    (MeasureFn 0.0 Meter))
Geography.kif 4683-4685 0.0 Meter(s) is an elevation of the elevation high point of southern ocean
    (ElevationLowPointFn SouthernOcean)
    (MeasureFn -7235.0 Meter))
Geography.kif 4687-4689 -7235.0 Meter(s) is an elevation of the elevation low point of southern ocean
    (ShorelineFn SouthernOcean Antarctica)
    (MeasureFn 17968.0
        (KiloFn Meter)))
Geography.kif 4671-4674 The length of the shoreline of southern ocean and antarctica is 17968.0 1 thousand meters(s)
    (GeographicCenterFn SouthernOcean)
    (LatitudeFn South
        (MeasureFn 65.0 AngularDegree)
        (MeasureFn 0.0 ArcMinute))
    (LongitudeFn East
        (MeasureFn 0.0 AngularDegree)
        (MeasureFn 0.0 ArcMinute)))
Geography.kif 4662-4669 The geographic center of southern ocean is object geographic coordinates the region south of 65.0 angular degree(s) for the meridian at 0.0 angular degree(s) east

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