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Sigma KEE - SheddingPart
SheddingPart(shedding part)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation SheddingPart EnglishLanguage "The Class of BinaryPredicates relating an Organism and the Removing of one of its Part as part of the normal process of life. Unlike Birth, the paitent dies upon its removal from the its origin.") Geography.kif 6408-6410
(relatedInternalConcept SheddingPart DeadFn) Geography.kif 6407-6407 Shedding part is internally related to Dead fn
(subclass SheddingPart BinaryPredicate) Geography.kif 6406-6406 Shedding part is a subclass of binary predicate

appearance as argument number 2

(instance sheddingBodyPart SheddingPart) Geography.kif 6447-6447 shedding body part is an instance of shedding part
(instance sheddingLeaves SheddingPart) Geography.kif 6436-6436 shedding leaves is an instance of shedding part
(termFormat EnglishLanguage SheddingPart "shedding part") domainEnglishFormat.kif 65484-65484


        (instance ?REL SheddingPart)
        (?REL ?O ?P)
        (instance ?O ?ORG)
        (subclass ?ORG Organism))
    (exists (?PART)
            (instance ?P
                (DeadFn ?PART))
            (initialPart ?PART ?ORG))))
Geography.kif 6425-6434
        (instance ?REL SheddingPart)
        (?REL ?O ?P)
        (instance ?O Organism)
        (instance ?P AnatomicalStructure)
        (part ?P ?O))
    (exists (?R)
            (instance ?R Removing)
            (origin ?R ?O)
            (patient ?R ?P))))
Geography.kif 6412-6423

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