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Sigma KEE - Separating
Separating(separating)Balkanise, Balkanize, French, Secession, amitosis, amitotic, apart, arborise, arborize, asunder, atomisation, atomise, atomistic, atomistical, atomization, atomize, autotomise, autotomize, avulse, avulsion, backscatter, bark, bifurcate, bifurcation, bisection, bisectional, bleed, branch, branching, break, break_apart, break_away, break_down, break_off, break_up, breakage, breaking, brecciate, broken, burst, bust, calve, canton, card, carve_up, chip, chip_off, cleavage, close_off, column_chromatography...

appearance as argument number 1

(disjoint Separating Combining) Merge.kif 12529-12529 Separating is disjoint from combining
(documentation Separating ChineseLanguage "这是当一个 SelfConnectedObject 和它的(一些)part 分离的 Process。注:SeparatingDetaching 的区别在于后者只造成两个物体不再 connected。再 注:SeparatingRemoving 的区别在于其中一个或是同时两分开了的东西可能或不能从它们分开的位置移动。") chinese_format.kif 3178-3180
(documentation Separating EnglishLanguage "A Process where a SelfConnectedObject is separated into (some of) its parts. Note that Separating is different from Detaching in that the latter only results in the two objects not being connected. Note too that Separating is different from Removing in that one or both of the two things which are separated may or may not be moved from the location where they were separated.") Merge.kif 12530-12535
(subclass Separating DualObjectProcess) Merge.kif 12528-12528 Separating is a subclass of dual object process

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Breaking Separating) Merge.kif 12545-12545 Breaking is a subclass of separating
(subclass CarbonDioxideEmission Separating) Geography.kif 2569-2569 Carbon dioxide emission is a subclass of separating
(subclass ChemicalDecomposition Separating) Merge.kif 12605-12605 Chemical decomposition is a subclass of separating
(subclass Chromatography Separating) Mid-level-ontology.kif 19671-19671 Chromatography is a subclass of separating
(subclass Dialysis Separating) Mid-level-ontology.kif 19624-19624 Dialysis is a subclass of separating
(subclass Distilling Separating) Economy.kif 5696-5696 Distilling is a subclass of separating
(subclass Slicing Separating) Mid-level-ontology.kif 22080-22080 Slicing is a subclass of separating
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Separating "分开") chinese_format.kif 1168-1168
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Separating "separating") english_format.kif 1553-1553
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Separating "separer") french_format.kif 846-846
(termFormat Hindi Separating "alagaava") terms-hindi.txt 378-378
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Separating "Separare") terms-it.txt 381-381
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Separating "分離") japanese_format.kif 2530-2530
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Separating "Separar") portuguese_format.kif 798-798
(termFormat cb Separating "pagbulag") terms-cb.txt 383-383
(termFormat cz Separating "separating") terms-cz.txt 417-417
(termFormat ro Separating "separare") relations-ro.kif 867-867
(termFormat tg Separating "paghihilaway") terms-tg.txt 382-382


        (instance ?PROCESS Separating)
        (resource ?PROCESS ?SOURCE)
        (result ?PROCESS ?PRODUCT)
        (instance ?PRODUCT Iron))
    (instance ?SOURCE IronOre))
Economy.kif 5629-5635
    (instance ?SEPARATE Separating)
    (exists (?OBJ)
            (instance ?OBJ SelfConnectedObject)
            (patient ?SEPARATE ?OBJ))))
Merge.kif 12537-12542


        (instance ?C Curdling)
        (patient ?C ?X)
        (instance ?X Colloid))
    (exists (?S ?A)
            (instance ?S Separating)
            (subProcess ?S ?C)
            (patient ?S ?X)
            (result ?S ?A)
            (piece ?A ?X)
            (instance ?A Substance))))
Food.kif 3199-3211
    (holdsDuring ?T
        (attribute ?H BoneFracture))
    (exists (?S ?B)
            (instance ?S Separating)
            (patient ?S ?B)
            (instance ?B Bone)
            (part ?B ?H)
                (WhenFn ?S) ?T))))
Medicine.kif 6128-6137
    (instance ?C Cream)
    (exists (?CH ?M)
            (instance ?CH Separating)
            (patient ?CH ?M)
            (instance ?M Milk)
            (result ?CH Cream))))
Food.kif 3115-3122

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