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Sigma KEE - Runway

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Runway EnglishLanguage "Runway is the class of Transitways that are used for the takeoff and landing of Airplanes. Runways are Transitways for an intermodal transit, which begins with a land transit and ends with air transit, or vice versa. The Airspace immediately above (and adjacent to) a Runway is an AirTransitway.") Transportation.kif 1371-1375
(subclass Runway LandTransitway) Transportation.kif 1370-1370 Runway is a subclass of land transitway

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass PavedRunway Runway) Transportation.kif 1384-1384 Paved runway is a subclass of runway
(subclass UnpavedRunway Runway) Transportation.kif 1622-1622 Unpaved runway is a subclass of runway
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Runway "跑道") domainEnglishFormat.kif 50671-50671 Unpaved runway is a subclass of runway
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Runway "跑道") domainEnglishFormat.kif 50670-50670 Unpaved runway is a subclass of runway
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Runway "runway") domainEnglishFormat.kif 50669-50669 Unpaved runway is a subclass of runway


        (instance ?RUNWAY Runway)
        (surface ?SURFACE ?RUNWAY)
        (instance ?SURFACE Asphalt))
    (instance ?RUNWAY PavedRunway))
Transportation.kif 1396-1401
        (instance ?RUNWAY Runway)
        (surface ?SURFACE ?RUNWAY)
        (instance ?SURFACE Concrete))
    (instance ?RUNWAY PavedRunway))
Transportation.kif 1403-1408
    (instance ?RUNWAY Runway)
    (exists (?LENGTH)
            (instance ?LENGTH LengthMeasure)
            (length ?RUNWAY ?LENGTH))))
Transportation.kif 1377-1382


        (instance ?AIRPORT Airport)
        (attribute ?AIRPORT LongRunwayAirport))
    (exists (?RUNWAY ?LENGTH)
            (instance ?RUNWAY Runway)
            (part ?RUNWAY ?AIRPORT)
            (length ?RUNWAY
                (MeasureFn ?LENGTH Meter))
                (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?LENGTH 2438)
                (lessThanOrEqualTo ?LENGTH 3047)))))
Transportation.kif 1574-1586
        (instance ?AIRPORT Airport)
        (attribute ?AIRPORT MediumLengthRunwayAirport))
    (exists (?RUNWAY ?LENGTH)
            (instance ?RUNWAY Runway)
            (part ?RUNWAY ?AIRPORT)
            (length ?RUNWAY
                (MeasureFn ?LENGTH Meter))
                (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?LENGTH 1524)
                (lessThanOrEqualTo ?LENGTH 2437)))))
Transportation.kif 1555-1567
        (instance ?AIRPORT Airport)
        (attribute ?AIRPORT ShortRunwayAirport))
    (exists (?RUNWAY ?LENGTH)
            (instance ?RUNWAY Runway)
            (part ?RUNWAY ?AIRPORT)
            (length ?RUNWAY
                (MeasureFn ?LENGTH Meter))
                (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?LENGTH 914)
                (lessThanOrEqualTo ?LENGTH 1523)))))
Transportation.kif 1536-1548
        (instance ?AIRPORT Airport)
        (attribute ?AIRPORT VeryLongRunwayAirport))
    (exists (?RUNWAY ?LENGTH)
            (instance ?RUNWAY Runway)
            (part ?RUNWAY ?AIRPORT)
            (length ?RUNWAY
                (MeasureFn ?LENGTH Meter))
            (greaterThan ?LENGTH 3047))))
Transportation.kif 1593-1603
        (instance ?AIRPORT Airport)
        (attribute ?AIRPORT VeryShortRunwayAirport))
    (exists (?RUNWAY ?LENGTH)
            (instance ?RUNWAY Runway)
            (part ?RUNWAY ?AIRPORT)
            (length ?RUNWAY
                (MeasureFn ?LENGTH Meter))
            (lessThan ?LENGTH 914))))
Transportation.kif 1520-1529
    (instance ?T Taxiway)
    (hasPurpose ?T
        (exists (?R ?AA)
                (instance ?R Runway)
                (instance ?AA AirportApron)
                (connects ?T ?R ?AA)))))
Transportation.kif 1421-1428
    (numberOfRunways ?A ?N)
    (exists (?R ?COLL)
            (instance ?R Runway)
            (part ?R ?A)
            (member ?R ?COLL)
            (memberCount ?COLL ?N))))
Transportation.kif 1442-1449

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