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Sigma KEE - Relation
Relation(relation)accompany, active, active_voice, affiliated, affinity, agreement, alliance, antipode, antithesis, applicability, apposition, arithmetic, arithmetical, arithmetically, aspect, associability, associableness, asymptotically, attach_to, attached, average, bearing, bilinear, bivariate, bond, case_agreement, caught_up, cogency, come_with, commensalism, common_mood, complementarity, complementation, comprehension, concatenation, concerned, concord, conformance, conformity, congener, connected, connectedness, connection, connexion, continuous_tense, coordination, correlate, correlated, correlation, correlational...

appearance as argument number 1

(disjointDecomposition Relation BinaryRelation TernaryRelation QuaternaryRelation QuintaryRelation VariableArityRelation) Merge.kif 2160-2161 Relation is disjointly decomposed into binary relation, ternary relation, quaternary relation, quintary relation, and variable arity relation
(documentation Relation ChineseLanguage "这是关系的 Class。现有三类的 Relation: PredicateFunctionListPredicateFunction 皆表示有序的n元组集合, 这两个 Class 的差别在于 Predicate 包括组成公式的运算符,而Function 则包括组成 术语的运算符,而一个 List 却是一个特定的有序n元组。") chinese_format.kif 1816-1819
(documentation Relation EnglishLanguage "The Class of relations. There are two kinds of Relation: Predicate and Function. Predicates and Functions both denote sets of ordered n-tuples. The difference between these two Classes is that Predicates cover formula-forming operators, while Functions cover term-forming operators. ") Merge.kif 2165-2169
(documentation Relation JapaneseLanguage "関係の ClassRelation には、PredicateFunction、と List の3種類がある。 %Predicate と Function の両方が、順序付けされた n タプ ルのセットを示す。これら2つの Class の違いは、Predicate カバー式形成演算子、Function カ バー用語形成演算子である。一方、List は特定の順序付けされた n タプルである。") japanese_format.kif 434-437
(partition Relation Predicate Function) Merge.kif 2162-2162 Relation is exhaustively partitioned into predicate and function
(partition Relation TotalValuedRelation PartialValuedRelation) Merge.kif 2163-2163 Relation is exhaustively partitioned into total valued relation and partial valued relation
(subclass Relation Abstract) Merge.kif 2159-2159 Relation is a subclass of abstract

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass BinaryRelation Relation) Merge.kif 2232-2232 Binary relation is a subclass of relation
(subclass InheritableRelation Relation) Merge.kif 2558-2558 Inheritable relation is a subclass of relation
(subclass IntentionalRelation Relation) Merge.kif 2671-2671 Intentional relation is a subclass of relation
(subclass PPPBasedEconomicValuation Relation) Economy.kif 965-965 PPP based economic valuation is a subclass of relation
(subclass PartialValuedRelation Relation) Merge.kif 2223-2223 Partial valued relation is a subclass of relation
(subclass Predicate Relation) Merge.kif 3340-3340 Predicate is a subclass of relation
(subclass ProbabilityRelation Relation) Merge.kif 2564-2564 Probability relation is a subclass of relation
(subclass QuaternaryRelation Relation) Merge.kif 2862-2862 Quaternary relation is a subclass of relation
(subclass QuintaryRelation Relation) Merge.kif 2869-2869 Quintary relation is a subclass of relation
(subclass RelationExtendedToQuantities Relation) Merge.kif 3534-3534 Relation extended to quantities is a subclass of relation
(subclass SingleValuedRelation Relation) Merge.kif 2176-2176 Single valued relation is a subclass of relation
(subclass SpatialRelation Relation) Merge.kif 2656-2656 Spatial relation is a subclass of relation
(subclass TemporalRelation Relation) Merge.kif 2663-2663 Temporal relation is a subclass of relation
(subclass TernaryRelation Relation) Merge.kif 2855-2855 Ternary relation is a subclass of relation
(subclass TotalValuedRelation Relation) Merge.kif 2194-2194 Total valued relation is a subclass of relation
(subclass VariableArityRelation Relation) Merge.kif 3523-3523 Variable arity relation is a subclass of relation
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Relation "关系") chinese_format.kif 888-888
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Relation "relation") english_format.kif 978-978
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Relation "relation") french_format.kif 564-564
(termFormat Hindi Relation "sambandha") terms-hindi.txt 94-94
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Relation "Relazione") terms-it.txt 97-97
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Relation "関係") japanese_format.kif 2249-2249
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Relation "Relacao") portuguese_format.kif 516-516
(termFormat cb Relation "relasyon") terms-cb.txt 99-99

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Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25

appearance as argument number 3

(domain applicableRelation 2 Relation) Mid-level-ontology.kif 31409-31409 The number 2 argument of applicable relation is an instance of relation
(domain disjointRelation 1 Relation) Merge.kif 412-412 The number 1 argument of disjoint relation is an instance of relation
(domain disjointRelation 2 Relation) Merge.kif 413-413 The number 2 argument of disjoint relation is an instance of relation
(domain domain 1 Relation) Merge.kif 208-208 The number 1 argument of domain is an instance of relation
(domain domainSubclass 1 Relation) Merge.kif 230-230 The number 1 argument of domain subclass is an instance of relation
(domain exactCardinality 1 Relation) Media.kif 2069-2069 The number 1 argument of exact cardinality is an instance of relation
(domain maxCardinality 1 Relation) Media.kif 2193-2193 The number 1 argument of max cardinality is an instance of relation
(domain minCardinality 1 Relation) Media.kif 2156-2156 The number 1 argument of min cardinality is an instance of relation
(domain subrelation 1 Relation) Merge.kif 171-171 The number 1 argument of subrelation is an instance of relation
(domain subrelation 2 Relation) Merge.kif 172-172 The number 2 argument of subrelation is an instance of relation
(domain valence 1 Relation) Merge.kif 361-361 The number 1 argument of valence is an instance of relation

appearance as argument number 4

(disjointDecomposition Abstract Quantity Attribute Relation Proposition List) Merge.kif 1670-1670 Abstract is disjointly decomposed into quantity, attribute, relation, proposition, and list

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