appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Needle EnglishLanguage "A needle is a MedicalDevice intended for Inserting or Removing a Fluid Inside a patient.") | Medicine.kif 920-921 | |
(subclass Needle MedicalDevice) | Medicine.kif 919-919 | Needle is a subclass of medical device |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(subclass DecompressionNeedle Needle) | Medicine.kif 6045-6045 | Decompression needle is a subclass of needle |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Needle "needle") | Medicine.kif 922-922 |
antecedent |
(=> (instance ?N Needle) (hasPurpose ?N (exists (?H ?TP ?F ?RI) (and (instance ?H Animal) (instance ?TP TherapeuticProcss) (attribute ?F Fluid) (patient ?TP ?H) (instrument ?TP ?N) (or (instance ?RI Removing) (instance ?RI Inserting)) (subProcess ?RI ?TP) (objectTransferred ?RI ?F))))) |
Medicine.kif 924-938 |
consequent |