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NSAID(non-steriodal anti-inflammatory)Meclomen, meclofenamate, meclofenamate_sodium

appearance as argument number 1

(disjoint NSAID Steroid) Medicine.kif 3489-3489 Non-steriodal anti-inflammatory is disjoint from steroid
(disjointDecomposition NSAID Aspirin Ibuprofen Acetaminophen) Medicine.kif 3505-3505 Non-steriodal anti-inflammatory is disjointly decomposed into aspirin, ibuprofen, and paracetamol
(documentation NSAID EnglishLanguage "A Medicine that is not a Steriod and is intended to control Inflammation.") Medicine.kif 3490-3491
(subclass NSAID Analgesic) Medicine.kif 6408-6408 Non-steriodal anti-inflammatory is a subclass of painkiller
(subclass NSAID AntiInflammatory) Medicine.kif 3488-3488 Non-steriodal anti-inflammatory is a subclass of anti-inflammatory

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Acetaminophen NSAID) Medicine.kif 3501-3501 Paracetamol is a subclass of non-steriodal anti-inflammatory
(subclass Aspirin NSAID) Medicine.kif 3495-3495 Aspirin is a subclass of non-steriodal anti-inflammatory
(subclass Ibuprofen NSAID) Medicine.kif 3498-3498 Ibuprofen is a subclass of non-steriodal anti-inflammatory
(termFormat EnglishLanguage NSAID "NSAID") Medicine.kif 3492-3492
(termFormat EnglishLanguage NSAID "non-steriodal anti-inflammatory") Medicine.kif 3493-3493

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