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Sigma KEE - MaxFn

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation MaxFn ChineseLanguage "(MaxFn ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2)得出 ?NUMBER1 和 ?NUMBER2 中最大值。 一旦 ?NUMBER1 等于 ?NUMBER2 的话 MaxFn 就得出其中的一个参数。") chinese_format.kif 2249-2250
(documentation MaxFn EnglishLanguage "(MaxFn ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2) is the largest of ?NUMBER1 and ?NUMBER2. In cases where ?NUMBER1 is equal to ?NUMBER2, MaxFn returns one of its arguments.") Merge.kif 4992-4994
(documentation MaxFn JapaneseLanguage "(MaxFn ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2) は、?NUMBER1と?NUMBER2の 最大数である。?NUMBER1が?NUMBER2と等しい場合、MaxFn は引数の1つを返す。") japanese_format.kif 913-914
(domain MaxFn 1 Number) Merge.kif 4988-4988 The number 1 argument of max is an instance of number
(domain MaxFn 2 Number) Merge.kif 4989-4989 The number 2 argument of max is an instance of number
(instance MaxFn AssociativeFunction) Merge.kif 4984-4984 Max is an instance of associative function
(instance MaxFn BinaryFunction) Merge.kif 4983-4983 Max is an instance of binary function
(instance MaxFn CommutativeFunction) Merge.kif 4985-4985 Max is an instance of commutative function
(instance MaxFn TotalValuedRelation) Merge.kif 4987-4987 Max is an instance of total valued relation
(range MaxFn Number) Merge.kif 4990-4990 The range of max is an instance of number

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage MaxFn "%1 和 %2 中的较大值") chinese_format.kif 710-710
(format EnglishLanguage MaxFn "the larger of %1 and %2") english_format.kif 712-712
(format FrenchLanguage MaxFn "le plus grand de %1 et %2") french_format.kif 428-428
(format ItalianLanguage MaxFn "il maggiore di %1 e %2") relations-it.txt 175-175
(format JapaneseLanguage MaxFn " %1 と %2 の larger 方") japanese_format.kif 2145-2145
(format PortugueseLanguage MaxFn "o maior de %1 e %2") portuguese_format.kif 380-380
(format de MaxFn "das groessere von %1 und %2") relations-de.txt 923-923
(format hi MaxFn "%1 aura %2 kaa adhikatara") relations-hindi.txt 213-213
(format ro MaxFn "cel larger%t{mai mare} dintre %1 ºi %2") relations-ro.kif 450-450
(format sv MaxFn "den större av %1 och %2") relations-sv.txt 479-479
(format tg MaxFn "ang mas malaki ng %1 at %2") relations-tg.txt 347-347
(termFormat ChineseLanguage MaxFn "最大") domainEnglishFormat.kif 36621-36621
(termFormat ChineseLanguage MaxFn "较大值函数") chinese_format.kif 711-711
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage MaxFn "最大") domainEnglishFormat.kif 36620-36620
(termFormat EnglishLanguage MaxFn "max") domainEnglishFormat.kif 36619-36619
(termFormat tg MaxFn "tungkulin ng pinaka") relations-tg.txt 348-348


        (MaxFn ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2) ?NUMBER)
            (equal ?NUMBER ?NUMBER1)
            (greaterThan ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2))
            (equal ?NUMBER ?NUMBER2)
            (greaterThan ?NUMBER2 ?NUMBER1))
            (equal ?NUMBER ?NUMBER1)
            (equal ?NUMBER ?NUMBER2))))
Merge.kif 4996-5007

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