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Sigma KEE - LinguisticExpression
LinguisticExpression(linguistic expression)Americanism, Anglicism, Briticism, Britishism, Gallicism, accusative, acronymic, acronymous, adscript, adverbial, allographic, allusive, ambiguity, ambiguous, amphibology, amphiboly, anacoluthic, anaphoric_relation, anatomical, anatomical_reference, antepenult, antepenultima, antepenultimate, appositional, appositive, argot, boilerplate, cant, clausal, cognate, collocation, colloquialism, conjunction, constituent, contrastive, coordinating, coordinating_conjunction, coordinative, copperplate, copulative, copulative_conjunction, coreference, countersign, cross-linguistic, cryptogamic, cryptogamous, cursive, cursive_script, dead_metaphor, denotative...

appearance as argument number 1

(disjoint LinguisticExpression Icon) Merge.kif 1398-1398 Linguistic expression is disjoint from icon
(documentation LinguisticExpression ChineseLanguage "这是 ContentBearingPhysical 和语言有关联的子类本。 注:这个 Class 涵盖 Language 和属于 Language 的元素,例如 Words 。") chinese_format.kif 1656-1657
(documentation LinguisticExpression EnglishLanguage "This is the subclass of ContentBearingPhysical which are language-related. Note that this Class encompasses both Language and the the elements of Languages, e.g. Words.") Merge.kif 1400-1403
(documentation LinguisticExpression JapaneseLanguage "これはの ContentBearingPhysical の サブクラスで、言語関連である。 注:このClass は、LanguageLanguages の要素の両方を含 む。 例:Words。") japanese_format.kif 243-245
(documentation LinguisticExpression SpanishLanguage "Esta es la subclase de ContentBearingPhysical que es relacionada con idiomas. Note que esta Class abarca ambos Language y los elementos de Languages, por ejemplo Words «palabras».") spanish_format.kif 287-289
(subclass LinguisticExpression ContentBearingPhysical) Merge.kif 1397-1397 Linguistic expression is a subclass of content bearing physical

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass AlphaNumericString LinguisticExpression) Media.kif 2939-2939 Alpha numeric string is a subclass of linguistic expression
(subclass AlphabeticString LinguisticExpression) Media.kif 2902-2902 Alphabetic string is a subclass of linguistic expression
(subclass Language LinguisticExpression) Merge.kif 1405-1405 Language is a subclass of linguistic expression
(subclass Morpheme LinguisticExpression) Merge.kif 15320-15320 Morpheme is a subclass of linguistic expression
(subclass Phrase LinguisticExpression) Merge.kif 15347-15347 Phrase is a subclass of linguistic expression
(subclass PostalAddressText LinguisticExpression) Mid-level-ontology.kif 24904-24904 Postal address text is a subclass of linguistic expression
(subclass Sentence LinguisticExpression) Merge.kif 15488-15488 Sentence is a subclass of linguistic expression
(subclass Text LinguisticExpression) Merge.kif 15405-15405 Text is a subclass of linguistic expression
(subclass Word LinguisticExpression) Merge.kif 1543-1543 Word is a subclass of linguistic expression
(termFormat ChineseLanguage LinguisticExpression "语言式表达") chinese_format.kif 838-838
(termFormat EnglishLanguage LinguisticExpression "linguistic expression") english_format.kif 878-878
(termFormat FrenchLanguage LinguisticExpression "expression linguistique") french_format.kif 514-514
(termFormat Hindi LinguisticExpression "bhaashaa-sambandhI abhivyakti") terms-hindi.txt 46-46
(termFormat ItalianLanguage LinguisticExpression "EspressioneLinguistica") terms-it.txt 49-49
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage LinguisticExpression "言語表現") japanese_format.kif 2199-2199
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage LinguisticExpression "Expressao Linguistica") portuguese_format.kif 466-466
(termFormat cz LinguisticExpression "linguistic expression") terms-cz.txt 81-81
(termFormat ro LinguisticExpression "expresie lingvisticã") relations-ro.kif 535-535
(termFormat tg LinguisticExpression "hatol") terms-tg.txt 50-50

appearance as argument number 3

(domain expressedInLanguage 1 LinguisticExpression) Merge.kif 4618-4618 The number 1 argument of expressed in language is an instance of linguistic expression
(domain representsInLanguage 1 LinguisticExpression) Merge.kif 4478-4478 The number 1 argument of represents in language is an instance of linguistic expression


    (instance ?COMMUNICATE LinguisticCommunication)
    (exists (?OBJ)
            (represents ?COMMUNICATE ?OBJ)
            (instance ?OBJ LinguisticExpression)
            (patient ?COMMUNICATE ?OBJ))))
Merge.kif 13176-13182
    (instance ?SIGNING SigningAnAgreement)
    (exists (?DOC ?TERMS)
            (instance ?DOC LinguisticExpression)
            (instance ?TERMS Agreement)
            (containsInformation ?DOC ?TERMS)
            (patient ?SIGNING ?DOC))))
Geography.kif 3125-3132
    (instance ?TEXT Text)
    (exists (?PART)
            (part ?PART ?TEXT)
            (instance ?PART LinguisticExpression))))
Merge.kif 15413-15418
    (originalExpressedInLanguage ?PROP ?LANG)
    (exists (?PHYS ?TIME)
            (instance ?PHYS LinguisticExpression)
            (representsInLanguage ?PHYS ?PROP ?LANG)
            (equal ?TIME
                (WhenFn ?PHYS))
                (exists (?BEFORE ?OTHER)
                        (instance ?OTHER LinguisticExpression)
                        (represents ?OTHER ?PROP)
                        (equal ?BEFORE
                            (WhenFn ?OTHER))
                        (before ?BEFORE ?TIME)))))))
Music.kif 1457-1470
    (exists (?TITLE)
            (instance ?TITLE SymbolicString)
            (instance ?TITLE LinguisticExpression)
            (titleInLanguage ?TITLE ?WORKTYPE ?LANGUAGE))))
Media.kif 3216-3222
    (titleInLanguage ?STRING ?CBP-TYPE ?LANGUAGE)
    (instance ?STRING LinguisticExpression))
Media.kif 3099-3101

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