appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation HydraulicCylinder EnglishLanguage "A Device consisting of a HoleRegion that is the cylinder, and a Piston. Oil is forces into one part of the cylinder, moving the piston in the opposite direction, imparting force to a shaft that is part of the piston. Note that a cylinder without a piston, or a piston without a cylinder, is not considered a hydraulic cylinder. Both parts are essential to its identity.") | Cars.kif 1605-1609 | |
(subclass HydraulicCylinder PhysicalSystem) | Cars.kif 1603-1603 | Hydraulic cylinder is a subclass of physical system |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(subclass BrakeMasterCylinder HydraulicCylinder) | Cars.kif 1623-1623 | Master cylinder is a subclass of hydraulic cylinder |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage HydraulicCylinder "hydraulic cylinder") | Cars.kif 1604-1604 | Master cylinder is a subclass of hydraulic cylinder |
antecedent |
(=> (instance ?HC HydraulicCylinder) (exists (?HH ?C ?P) (and (instance ?C HoleRegion) (equal ?HH (HoleHostFn ?C)) (shape ?C Cylinder) (instance ?P Piston) (part ?P ?HC) (part ?HH ?HC)))) |
Cars.kif 1611-1621 |