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Sigma KEE - HotelRoomAttribute
HotelRoomAttribute(hotel room attribute)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation HotelRoomAttribute EnglishLanguage "HotelRoomAttribute gives descriptions about HotelUnit") Hotel.kif 974-975
(subclass HotelRoomAttribute RelationalAttribute) Hotel.kif 973-973 Hotel room attribute is a subclass of relational attribute

appearance as argument number 2

(instance AnnexRoom HotelRoomAttribute) Hotel.kif 1121-1121 Annex room is an instance of hotel room attribute
(instance AsianRoomStyle HotelRoomAttribute) Hotel.kif 1113-1113 Asian room style is an instance of hotel room attribute
(instance CastleRoom HotelRoomAttribute) Hotel.kif 1118-1118 Castle room is an instance of hotel room attribute
(instance ChildrenSuite HotelRoomAttribute) Hotel.kif 1023-1023 Children's suite is an instance of hotel room attribute
(instance DeluxeRoom HotelRoomAttribute) Hotel.kif 991-991 Deluxe room is an instance of hotel room attribute
(instance DownAndInRoom HotelRoomAttribute) Hotel.kif 1052-1052 Down and in room is an instance of hotel room attribute
(instance DownAndOutRoom HotelRoomAttribute) Hotel.kif 1067-1067 Down and out room is an instance of hotel room attribute
(instance FemaleExecutiveRoom HotelRoomAttribute) Hotel.kif 1037-1037 Female executive room is an instance of hotel room attribute
(instance StandardRoom HotelRoomAttribute) Hotel.kif 984-984 Standard room is an instance of hotel room attribute
(instance Suite HotelRoomAttribute) Hotel.kif 997-997 Suite is an instance of hotel room attribute
(instance ThemeRoom HotelRoomAttribute) Hotel.kif 1082-1082 Theme room is an instance of hotel room attribute
(instance TowerRoom HotelRoomAttribute) Hotel.kif 1096-1096 Tower room is an instance of hotel room attribute
(instance WesternRoomStyle HotelRoomAttribute) Hotel.kif 1108-1108 Western room style is an instance of hotel room attribute
(termFormat EnglishLanguage HotelRoomAttribute "hotel room attribute") Hotel.kif 976-976 Western room style is an instance of hotel room attribute


        (attribute ?X ?Y)
        (instance ?Y HotelRoomAttribute))
    (instance ?X HotelUnit))
Hotel.kif 978-982

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