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Sigma KEE - GolfManeuver
GolfManeuver(golf maneuver)
approach, approach_shot, chip, chip_shot, downswing, draw, explosion, fade, golf_shot, golf_stroke, hook, hooking, pitch, pitch_shot, sclaff, shank, slice, slicing, swing

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation GolfManeuver EnglishLanguage "Any Maneuver in Golf.") Sports.kif 939-939
(externalImage GolfManeuver " 9/ 9a/ Golf_player_putting_green_2003.jpg") pictureList.kif 3108-3108
(externalImage GolfManeuver " e/ ec/ Tiger_Woods_2004.jpg") pictureList.kif 2960-2960
(subclass GolfManeuver Maneuver) Sports.kif 938-938 Golf maneuver is a subclass of maneuver

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass GolfDrive GolfManeuver) Sports.kif 947-947 Golf drive is a subclass of golf maneuver
(subclass GolfPutt GolfManeuver) Sports.kif 953-953 Golf put is a subclass of golf maneuver
(termFormat ChineseLanguage GolfManeuver "高尔夫演习") domainEnglishFormat.kif 26238-26238
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage GolfManeuver "高爾夫演習") domainEnglishFormat.kif 26237-26237
(termFormat EnglishLanguage GolfManeuver "golf maneuver") domainEnglishFormat.kif 26236-26236


    (instance ?D DrivingRange)
    (hasPurpose ?D
            (exists (?DRIVE)
                    (instance ?DRIVE GolfDrive)
                    (eventLocated ?DRIVE ?D)))
                (exists (?GOLF)
                        (eventLocated ?GOLF ?D)
                        (instance ?GOLF GolfManeuver)
                            (instance ?GOLF GolfDrive))))))))
Sports.kif 980-993
    (instance ?G Golf)
    (exists (?M)
            (instance ?M GolfManeuver)
            (subProcess ?M ?G))))
Sports.kif 940-945
    (instance ?P PuttingGreen)
    (hasPurpose ?P
            (exists (?PUT)
                    (instance ?PUT GolfPutt)
                    (eventLocated ?PUT ?P)))
                (exists (?GOLF)
                        (eventLocated ?GOLF ?P)
                        (instance ?GOLF GolfManeuver)
                            (instance ?GOLF GolfPutt))))))))
Sports.kif 1001-1014
    (instance ?X GolfFacility)
    (hasPurpose ?X
        (exists (?GOLF)
                    (instance ?GOLF Golf)
                    (instance ?GOLF GolfManeuver))
                (eventLocated ?GOLF ?X)))))
Sports.kif 908-916

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