appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Fogging ChineseLanguage "Fogging 是悬浮在 EarthAtmosphere 的 Water 小滴 或 Ice Crystal,它 causes visibilityInMeteorology 下降至少于 1,000 Meter.") | Weather.kif 2514-2515 | |
(documentation Fogging EnglishLanguage "Fogging is Water droplets or Ice Crystal suspended in the EarthAtmosphere, causes visibilityInMeteorology to be reduced to less than 1,000 Meter.") | Weather.kif 2511-2513 | |
(subclass Fogging WeatherProcess) | Weather.kif 2516-2516 | Fog is a subclass of weather process |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Fogging "雾") | Weather.kif 2518-2518 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Fogging "fog") | Weather.kif 2517-2517 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (instance ?FOG Fogging) (eventLocated ?FOG ?AREA) (instance ?AREA GeographicArea) (instance ?AIR AtmosphericRegion) (orientation ?AIR ?AREA Above) (instance ?A Aerosal) (locatedAtTime ?A (WhenFn ?FOG) ?AIR) (visibilityInMeteorology ?AREA (WhenFn ?FOG) (MeasureFn ?VISIBILITY Meter))) (lessThan ?VISIBILITY 1000.0)) |
Weather.kif 2520-2533 |