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Sigma KEE - EngineControlModule
EngineControlModule(engine control module)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation EngineControlModule EnglishLanguage "A Computer that is present in most modern Automobiles, which controls the major functions of the Engine, including the Air - Fuel Mixture, ignition timing and pollution control systems.") Cars.kif 2497-2500
(subclass EngineControlModule Computer) Cars.kif 2495-2495 Engine control module is a subclass of computer

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage EngineControlModule "engine control module") Cars.kif 2496-2496


    (instance ?ECM EngineControlModule)
    (hasPurpose ?ECM
        (exists (?A ?E ?P1 ?P2)
                (instance ?A Automobile)
                (instance ?E Engine)
                (instance ?P1 Process)
                (instance ?P2 Process)
                (part ?E ?A)
                (part ?ECM ?A)
                (eventLocated ?P1 ?ECM)
                (eventLocated ?P2 ?E)
                (causes ?P1 ?P2)))))
Cars.kif 2502-2515


    (instance ?EMS EngineMAPSensor)
    (hasPurpose ?EMS
        (exists (?ECM ?A)
                (instance ?ECM EngineControlModule)
                (instance ?A Automobile)
                (part ?EMS ?A)
                (part ?ECM ?A)
                (connectedEngineeringComponents ?EMS ?ECM)))))
Cars.kif 3271-3280

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