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Sigma KEE - ContentBearingObject
ContentBearingObject(content bearing object)ABA_transit_number, BIN, C, C_clef, Christian_name, F_clef, G_clef, I.D., ID, John_Hancock, Labanotation, Latin_square, Lukasiewicz_notation, MEDLARS, Mass_card, Medical_Literature_Analysis_and_Retrieval_System, Polish_notation, Princeton_WordNet, Social_Security_number, Station_of_the_Cross, Universal_Product_Code, WordNet, a.k.a., accentual_system, acciaccatura, accidental, accolade, actuarial_table, address, adducing, adult, adumbration, aerogram, aerogramme, air_letter, air_mail, airmail, airmail_letter, algorism, alias, alla_breve, allograph, allusion, also_known_as, alto_clef, anon., anonymous, antigenic_determinant, appoggiatura, argument...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation ContentBearingObject ChineseLanguage "任何能表达内容的 SelfConnectedObject 内容可以是一篇 Proposition , 举例说当 ContentBearingObject 是一个 SentenceText , 又或者是抽象或有形物体像一个 Icon 、一个 Word 或一个 Phrase 。") chinese_format.kif 1641-1643
(documentation ContentBearingObject EnglishLanguage "Any SelfConnectedObject that expresses content. This content may be a Proposition, e.g. when the ContentBearingObject is a Sentence or Text, or it may be a representation of an abstract or physical object, as with an Icon, a Word or a Phrase.") Merge.kif 1331-1334
(documentation ContentBearingObject JapaneseLanguage "コンテンツを表現する任意の SelfConnectedObject 。 このコンテンツは Proposition である可能性がある。例:IconWord、または Phrase と同様、ContentBearingObjectSentenceText の時、または 抽象的または物理的なオブジェクトの表現である可能性がある場合。") japanese_format.kif 225-228
(documentation ContentBearingObject SpanishLanguage "Cualquier SelfConnectedObject que expresa contenido. Puede ser una Proposition, por ejemplo cuando ContentBearingObject sea una Sentence o Text, o pueda ser una representación de un objeto abstracto o físico representation como un Icon, Word o Phrase.") spanish_format.kif 267-270
(relatedInternalConcept ContentBearingObject containsInformation) Merge.kif 1329-1329 Content bearing object is internally related to contains information
(subclass ContentBearingObject ContentBearingPhysical) Merge.kif 1328-1328 Content bearing object is a subclass of content bearing physical
(subclass ContentBearingObject CorpuscularObject) Merge.kif 1327-1327 Content bearing object is a subclass of corpuscular object

appearance as argument number 2

(rangeSubclass EditionFn ContentBearingObject) Merge.kif 15556-15556 The values returned by edition are subclasses of content bearing object
(subclass Account ContentBearingObject) ComputingBrands.kif 4540-4540 Account is a subclass of content bearing object
(subclass Compass ContentBearingObject) Mid-level-ontology.kif 2254-2254 Compass is a subclass of content bearing object
(subclass ConstitutionDocument ContentBearingObject) Government.kif 646-646 Constitution document is a subclass of content bearing object
(subclass Descriptor ContentBearingObject) Mid-level-ontology.kif 24583-24583 Descriptor is a subclass of content bearing object
(subclass DescriptorPart ContentBearingObject) Mid-level-ontology.kif 24600-24600 Descriptor part is a subclass of content bearing object
(subclass Document ContentBearingObject) Mid-level-ontology.kif 26419-26419 Document is a subclass of content bearing object
(subclass Feedback ContentBearingObject) QoSontology.kif 672-672 Feedback is a subclass of content bearing object
(subclass HolidayCard ContentBearingObject) Mid-level-ontology.kif 14894-14894 Holiday card is a subclass of content bearing object
(subclass MultipoleDiagram ContentBearingObject) engineering.kif 381-381 Multipole diagram is a subclass of content bearing object
(subclass PlayingCard ContentBearingObject) Mid-level-ontology.kif 17152-17152 Playing card is a subclass of content bearing object
(subclass ProcessState ContentBearingObject) QoSontology.kif 554-554 Process state is a subclass of content bearing object
(subclass Recording ContentBearingObject) Merge.kif 1386-1386 Recording is a subclass of content bearing object
(subclass SheetMusic ContentBearingObject) Mid-level-ontology.kif 14434-14434 Sheet music is a subclass of content bearing object
(subclass ShipRegister ContentBearingObject) Transportation.kif 1106-1106 Ship register is a subclass of content bearing object
(subclass ShipRegistration ContentBearingObject) Transportation.kif 1087-1087 Ship registration is a subclass of content bearing object
(subclass Sign ContentBearingObject) Mid-level-ontology.kif 17146-17146 Sign is a subclass of content bearing object
(subclass Text ContentBearingObject) Merge.kif 15406-15406 Text is a subclass of content bearing object
(subclass UniformResourceIdentifier ContentBearingObject) QoSontology.kif 1674-1674 Uniform resource identifier is a subclass of content bearing object
(subclass UserAccount ContentBearingObject) QoSontology.kif 2035-2035 User account is a subclass of content bearing object
(subclass VisualContentBearingObject ContentBearingObject) Mid-level-ontology.kif 26244-26244 Visual content bearing object is a subclass of content bearing object
(subclass WebDocument ContentBearingObject) engineering.kif 1363-1363 Web document is a subclass of content bearing object
(termFormat ChineseLanguage ContentBearingObject "有内用物体") chinese_format.kif 833-833
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ContentBearingObject "content bearing object") english_format.kif 868-868

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Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25

appearance as argument number 3

(domain cardCode 1 ContentBearingObject) FinancialOntology.kif 3499-3499 The number 1 argument of card code is an instance of content bearing object
(domain coding 1 ContentBearingObject) QoSontology.kif 2200-2200 The number 1 argument of coding is an instance of content bearing object
(domain deceptiveIdentifier 1 ContentBearingObject) Mid-level-ontology.kif 23373-23373 The number 1 argument of deceptive identifier is an instance of content bearing object
(domain inventory 1 ContentBearingObject) Mid-level-ontology.kif 22769-22769 The number 1 argument of inventory is an instance of content bearing object
(domain record 1 ContentBearingObject) Mid-level-ontology.kif 14360-14360 The number 1 argument of record is an instance of content bearing object
(domain stored 1 ContentBearingObject) Mid-level-ontology.kif 14386-14386 The number 1 argument of stored is an instance of content bearing object
(domainSubclass EditionFn 1 ContentBearingObject) Merge.kif 15554-15554 The number 1 argument of edition is a subclass of content bearing object
(domainSubclass authors 2 ContentBearingObject) Merge.kif 15503-15503 The number 2 argument of authors is a subclass of content bearing object


        (instance ?EVENT OperationPlanning)
        (result ?EVENT ?CBO)
        (instance ?CBO ContentBearingObject)
        (containsInformation ?CBO ?INFO))
    (instance ?INFO OperationPlan))
MilitaryProcesses.kif 1527-1533
        (instance ?EVENT Planning)
        (result ?EVENT ?CBO)
        (instance ?CBO ContentBearingObject))
    (exists (?PLAN)
            (instance ?PLAN Plan)
            (containsInformation ?CBO ?PLAN))))
Merge.kif 10874-10882
        (instance ?INTERPRET Interpreting)
        (agent ?INTERPRET ?AGENT)
        (patient ?INTERPRET ?CONTENT)
        (instance ?CONTENT ContentBearingObject))
    (exists (?PROP)
                (WhenFn ?INTERPRET))
            (believes ?AGENT
                (containsInformation ?CONTENT ?PROP)))))
Merge.kif 10897-10904
        (instance ?PLAN OperationPlan)
        (containsInformation ?CBO ?PLAN)
        (instance ?CBO ContentBearingObject)
        (result ?EVENT ?CBO))
    (instance ?EVENT OperationPlanning))
MilitaryProcesses.kif 1535-1541
        (instance ?PLAN OperationPlan)
        (instance ?CBO ContentBearingObject)
        (containsInformation ?CBO ?PLAN)
        (instance ?OP MilitaryOperation)
        (result ?OP ?CBO))
    (represents ?PLAN ?OP))
MilitaryProcesses.kif 1573-1580
        (instance ?PLAN Plan)
        (instance ?OBJ ContentBearingObject)
        (containsInformation ?OBJ ?PLAN))
    (exists (?PLANNING)
            (instance ?PLANNING Planning)
            (result ?PLANNING ?OBJ))))
Merge.kif 16873-16881
        (instance ?PLANNING JointOperationPlanning)
        (result ?PLANNING ?CBO)
        (instance ?CBO ContentBearingObject)
        (containsInformation ?CBO ?INFO))
    (instance ?INFO OPLAN))
MilitaryProcesses.kif 1812-1818
        (instance ?PROP Proposition)
        (instance ?CBO ContentBearingObject)
        (containsInformation ?CBO ?PROP)
        (instance ?COMM Communication)
        (patient ?COMM ?CBO))
    (represents ?COMM ?PROP))
Geography.kif 3025-3032
        (instance ?X ContentBearingObject)
        (attribute ?X Braille))
    (exists (?H)
            (instance ?H Human)
            (attribute ?H Blind)
            (capability Interpreting agent ?H)
            (capability Interpreting patient ?X))))
Dining.kif 244-253


    (attribute ?X Braille)
    (instance ?X ContentBearingObject))
Dining.kif 240-242
    (instance ?DA DisplayArtifact)
    (hasPurpose ?DA
        (exists (?P ?D ?I)
                (instance ?P Putting)
                (instance ?D Disseminating)
                (instance ?I ContentBearingObject)
                (patient ?P ?I)
                (patient ?D ?I)
                (destination ?P ?DA)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 3349-3359
    (instance ?DEVELOP ContentDevelopment)
    (exists (?OBJ)
            (instance ?OBJ ContentBearingObject)
            (result ?DEVELOP ?OBJ))))
Merge.kif 12721-12726
    (realization ?PROCESS ?PROP)
    (exists (?OBJ)
            (instance ?OBJ ContentBearingObject)
            (containsInformation ?OBJ ?PROP))))
Merge.kif 4609-4614

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