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Sigma KEE - ComputerAndElectronicProductManufacturing
ComputerAndElectronicProductManufacturing(computer and electronic product manufacturing)

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation ComputerAndElectronicProductManufacturing EnglishLanguage "An Attribute of an Organization, that specifies that the primary business of the organization involves Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing.") naics.kif 5122-5124
(instance ComputerAndElectronicProductManufacturing IndustryAttribute) naics.kif 5120-5120 Computer and electronic product manufacturing is an instance of industry attribute

appearance as argument number 2

(disjoint MiscellaneousManufacturing ComputerAndElectronicProductManufacturing) naics.kif 6144-6144 Miscellaneous manufacturing is disjoint from computer and electronic product manufacturing
(subAttribute AudioAndVideoEquipmentManufacturing ComputerAndElectronicProductManufacturing) naics.kif 5216-5216 Audio and video equipment manufacturing is a subattribute of computer and electronic product manufacturing
(subAttribute CommunicationsEquipmentManufacturing ComputerAndElectronicProductManufacturing) naics.kif 5187-5187 Communications equipment manufacturing is a subattribute of computer and electronic product manufacturing
(subAttribute ComputerAndPeripheralEquipmentManufacturing ComputerAndElectronicProductManufacturing) naics.kif 5152-5152 Computer and peripheral equipment manufacturing is a subattribute of computer and electronic product manufacturing
(subAttribute ManufacturingAndReproducingMagneticAndOpticalMedia ComputerAndElectronicProductManufacturing) naics.kif 5385-5385 Manufacturing and reproducing magnetic and optical media is a subattribute of computer and electronic product manufacturing
(subAttribute NavigationalMeasuringElectromedicalAndControlInstrumentsManufacturing ComputerAndElectronicProductManufacturing) naics.kif 5293-5293 Navigational measuring electromedical and control instruments manufacturing is a subattribute of computer and electronic product manufacturing
(subAttribute SemiconductorAndOtherElectronicComponentManufacturing ComputerAndElectronicProductManufacturing) naics.kif 5222-5222 Semiconductor and other electronic component manufacturing is a subattribute of computer and electronic product manufacturing
(termFormat ChineseLanguage ComputerAndElectronicProductManufacturing "计算机和电子产品制造业") domainEnglishFormat.kif 16260-16260
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage ComputerAndElectronicProductManufacturing "計算機和電子產品製造業") domainEnglishFormat.kif 16259-16259
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ComputerAndElectronicProductManufacturing "computer and electronic product manufacturing") domainEnglishFormat.kif 16258-16258


        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG ComputerAndElectronicProductManufacturing))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?MEM ?EV)
            (exists (?THING ?MEM2 ?EV2)
                    (instance ?EV Manufacture)
                        (instance ?THING Computer)
                            (instance ?THING Machine)
                            (exists (?EV3 ?ELEC)
                                    (patient ?EV3 ?THING)
                                    (resource ?EV3 ?ELEC)
                                    (instance ?ELEC Electricity)))))
                    (patient ?EV ?THING)
                    (member ?MEM2 ?ORG)
                    (instance ?EV2 Selling)
                    (agent ?EV2 ?MEM2)
                    (patient ?EV2 ?THING))))))
naics.kif 5126-5150

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