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Sigma KEE - ChinookWawaLanguage
ChinookWawaLanguage(chinook wawa language)Chinook_Jargon, Oregon_Jargon

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation ChinookWawaLanguage EnglishLanguage "The ChinookWawaLanguage is an AmerindianPidginLanguage of Canada. SIL code: CRW. ISO 639-2: chn. Population: Population total both countries 100 speakers, all over 50 years old (1962 Chafe). Region: British Columbia. Also spoken in USA. Alternate names: CHINOOK JARGON, CHINOOK PIDGIN. Comments: Bilingualism in English. Formerly used along the Pacific coast from Oregon to Alaska, between Indian and white, and between speakers of different languages. All speakers are now probably scattered. Nearly extinct. Bible portions 1912. Also spoken in: USA. (Language name: CHINOOK WAWA.) Population: 17 speakers in USA (1990 census). Alternate names: CHINOOK JARGON, CHINOOK PIDGIN, TSINUK WAWA. Comments: Consists mainly of words from Chinook, with a large admixture of words from Nootka, Canadian French, and English. Bilingualism in English. Formerly used widely during the 19th century between Indian and white, and between speakers of different languages. Trade language. Nearly extinct. Bible portions 1912.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 3487-3500
(instance ChinookWawaLanguage AmerindianPidginLanguage) Languages.kif 3486-3486 Chinook wawa language is an instance of amerindian pidgin language

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage ChinookWawaLanguage "chinook wawa 语言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 14562-14562
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage ChinookWawaLanguage "chinook wawa 語言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 14561-14561
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ChinookWawaLanguage "chinook wawa language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 14560-14560

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