appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Carburetor EnglishLanguage "A Device that uses the suction created by engine cycles, and the venturi effect in the carburetor itself to draw fuel through and out a small opening to atomize it and combine it with Air.") | Cars.kif 1135-1137 | |
(externalImage Carburetor " thumb/ 2/ 2b/ Carburetor.svg/ 220px-Carburetor.svg.png") | Cars.kif 1134-1134 | |
(subclass Carburetor FuelAtomizer) | Cars.kif 1132-1132 | Carburetor is a subclass of fuel atomizer |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Carburetor "carburetor") | Cars.kif 1133-1133 |