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Sigma KEE - Animal
Animal(animal)Animalia, Insessores, Mantophasmatodea, Mecoptera, abranchial, abranchiate, abranchious, acaudal, acaudate, acrodont, all-devouring, ametabolic, ametabolous, anguine, animal, animal_kingdom, animal_order, animate, animate_being, anthophagous, anthophilous, anurous, arenicolous, armored, armoured, autoecious, axenic, baccivorous, beakless, beast, beast_of_burden, big_game, biped, bipedal, bobtail, bobtailed, body, bone-covered, bottom-feeder, branchiate, broken, broken_in, brute, by-catch, bycatch, captive, carnivore, carpophagous, caudate, caudated...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Animal ChineseLanguage "这是一种有真核 CellOrganism。 它们没有硬的细胞壁、 质体和光合色素。") chinese_format.kif 3392-3393
(documentation Animal EnglishLanguage "An Organism with eukaryotic Cells, and lacking stiff cell walls, plastids, and photosynthetic pigments.") Merge.kif 14470-14471
(partition Animal Vertebrate Invertebrate) Merge.kif 14469-14469 Animal is exhaustively partitioned into vertebrate and invertebrate
(subclass Animal Organism) Merge.kif 14468-14468 Animal is a subclass of organism

appearance as argument number 2

(initialPart AnimalAnatomicalStructure Animal) Mid-level-ontology.kif 23720-23720 Every animal anatomical structure is initially part of a animal
(initialPart AnimalShell Animal) Mid-level-ontology.kif 11528-11528 Every animal shell is initially part of a animal
(initialPart Exoskeleton Animal) Mid-level-ontology.kif 11672-11672 Every exoskeleton is initially part of a animal
(initialPart Hair Animal) Mid-level-ontology.kif 11783-11783 Every hair is initially part of a animal
(partition Organism Animal Plant Fungus Microorganism) Merge.kif 14379-14379 Organism is exhaustively partitioned into animal, plant, fungus, and microorganism
(subclass Biped Animal) Mid-level-ontology.kif 4407-4407 Biped is a subclass of animal
(subclass DomesticAnimal Animal) Mid-level-ontology.kif 20016-20016 Domestic animal is a subclass of animal
(subclass Invertebrate Animal) Merge.kif 14525-14525 Invertebrate is a subclass of animal
(subclass Locust Animal) Geography.kif 6794-6794 Locust is a subclass of animal
(subclass Vertebrate Animal) Merge.kif 14522-14522 Vertebrate is a subclass of animal
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Animal "动物") chinese_format.kif 972-972
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Animal "animal") english_format.kif 1151-1151
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Animal "animal") french_format.kif 649-649
(termFormat Hindi Animal "pashu") terms-hindi.txt 180-180
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Animal "Animale") terms-it.txt 183-183
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Animal "動物") japanese_format.kif 2333-2333
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Animal "Animal") portuguese_format.kif 601-601
(termFormat cb Animal "hayup") terms-cb.txt 185-185
(termFormat cz Animal "animal") terms-cz.txt 217-217
(termFormat ro Animal "animal") relations-ro.kif 670-670
(termFormat tg Animal "hayop") terms-tg.txt 184-184

appearance as argument number 3

(domain birthplace 1 Animal) Mid-level-ontology.kif 24252-24252 The number 1 argument of birthplace is an instance of animal
(domain burialplace 1 Animal) Biography.kif 204-204 The number 1 argument of burialplace is an instance of animal
(domain deathplace 1 Animal) Mid-level-ontology.kif 24296-24296 The number 1 argument of deathplace is an instance of animal
(domain detainee 2 Animal) Mid-level-ontology.kif 6784-6784 The number 2 argument of detainee is an instance of animal
(domain grasps 1 Animal) Merge.kif 11518-11518 The number 1 argument of grasps is an instance of animal
(domain wears 1 Animal) Merge.kif 15946-15946 The number 1 argument of wears is an instance of animal
(domainSubclass meatOfAnimal 2 Animal) Mid-level-ontology.kif 20353-20353 The number 2 argument of meat of animal is a subclass of animal


        (antagonistMuscles ?A ?B)
        (instance ?E Extension)
        (instrument ?E ?AC)
        (moves ?E ?BC)
        (instance ?AC ?A)
        (instance ?BC ?B)
        (part ?AC ?H)
        (part ?BC ?H)
        (instance ?H Animal))
    (capability Flexion instrument ?BC))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10684-10695
        (antagonistMuscles ?A ?B)
        (instance ?F Flexion)
        (instrument ?F ?AC)
        (moves ?F ?BC)
        (instance ?AC ?A)
        (instance ?BC ?B)
        (part ?AC ?H)
        (part ?BC ?H)
        (instance ?H Animal))
    (capability Extension instrument ?BC))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10671-10682
        (instance ?A
            (BodyAreaFn ?OC))
        (instance ?H Animal)
        (part ?A ?H))
    (exists (?O)
            (instance ?O ?OC)
            (orientation ?A ?O Near)
            (part ?O ?H))))
Medicine.kif 6237-6246
        (instance ?A Animal)
        (instance ?P
            (BodySideFn ?S ?BPC))
        (contraryAttribute ?S ?SO)
        (attribute ?A Healthy))
    (exists (?PO)
            (instance ?PO
                (BodySideFn ?SO ?BPC))
            (orientation ?P ?PO ?S))))
Merge.kif 15001-15012
        (instance ?A Animal)
        (instance ?S AnimalShell)
        (part ?S ?A))
        (instance ?A Invertebrate)
        (instance ?A Reptile)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 11530-11537
        (instance ?ANI Animal)
        (instance ?D DiseaseOrSyndrome)
            (attribute ?ANI ?D)))
    (exists (?P ?W)
            (instance ?P BiologicalProcess)
            (instance ?P Removing)
            (origin ?P ?ANI)
            (instance ?W Sewage)
            (agent ?P ?ANI)
            (objectTransferred ?P ?W))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 2162-2175
        (instance ?ANIMAL Animal)
        (instance ?SKELETON Exoskeleton)
        (part ?SKELETON ?ANIMAL))
    (instance ?ANIMAL Invertebrate))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 11674-11679
        (instance ?ANIMAL Animal)
        (instance ?SKELETON Skeleton)
        (part ?SKELETON ?ANIMAL))
    (instance ?ANIMAL Vertebrate))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 11654-11659
        (instance ?C Chest)
        (instance ?A Animal)
        (instance ?C ?A)
        (part ?C ?A))
    (exists (?T)
            (instance ?T Torso)
            (part ?C ?T)
            (part ?T ?A))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 11218-11228
        (instance ?FISHING Fishing)
        (patient ?FISHING ?TARGET)
        (instance ?TARGET Animal))
    (instance ?TARGET Fish))
Geography.kif 2708-2713
        (instance ?I Intestine)
        (instance ?A Animal)
        (part ?I ?A))
        (exists (?E)
                (instance ?E EscherichiaColi)
                (contains ?I ?E))) Likely))
Medicine.kif 5490-5500
        (instance ?PROC IntentionalProcess)
        (agent ?PROC ?HUMAN)
        (instance ?HUMAN Animal))
        (WhenFn ?PROC)
        (attribute ?HUMAN Awake)))
Merge.kif 10527-10532
        (instance ?S NervousSystem)
        (part ?S ?A)
        (instance ?A Animal))
    (instance ?A Vertebrate))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 11449-11454
        (instance ?SH SafetyHarness)
        (instance ?PERSON Animal)
        (wears ?PERSON ?SH))
    (hasPurpose ?SH
        (exists (?PROC ?INJ ?I)
                (instance ?PROC Process)
                (instrument ?PROC ?SH)
                (patient ?PROC ?PERSON)
                (subclass ?INJ
                    (KappaFn ?I
                            (instance ?I Injuring)
                            (exists (?F ?H ?T)
                                    (instance ?H Human)
                                    (experiencer ?I ?H)
                                    (instance ?F Falling)
                                    (experiencer ?F ?H)
                                    (causes ?F ?I)
                                        (holdsDuring ?T
                                            (experiencer ?I ?PERSON))
                                            (holdsDuring ?T
                                                (patient ?PROC ?PERSON)))))))))
                (prevents ?PROC ?INJ)))))
Cars.kif 3397-3425
        (instance ?VO VitalOrgan)
        (instance ?H Animal)
            (part ?VO ?H)))
        (attribute ?H Living)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 11836-11843
        (instance ?X Respirator)
        (instance ?PERSON Animal)
        (wears ?PERSON ?X))
    (hasPurpose ?X
        (exists (?INHAL ?INJ ?PROTECT ?I)
                (instance ?PROTECT Process)
                (instrument ?PROTECT ?X)
                (prevents ?PROTECT ?INJ)
                (subclass ?INJ
                    (KappaFn ?I
                            (instance ?I Injuring)
                            (exists (?H)
                                    (instance ?H Human)
                                    (patient ?I ?H)
                                    (instance ?INHAL Inhaling)
                                    (agent ?INHAL ?H)
                                    (causes ?I ?INHAL))))))))))
Cars.kif 3539-3560
    (instance ?A Animal)
    (capability Drooling experiencer ?A))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 6582-6584
    (instance ?ANIMAL Animal)
    (exists (?ATTR)
            (instance ?ATTR SexAttribute)
            (attribute ?ANIMAL ?ATTR))))
Merge.kif 18150-18155
    (instance ?ANIMAL Animal)
        (exists (?MOTION)
                (instance ?MOTION BodyMotion)
                (agent ?MOTION ?ANIMAL)))
        (exists (?ATTR)
                (instance ?ATTR BodyPosition)
                (attribute ?ANIMAL ?ATTR)))))
Merge.kif 18069-18079
    (instance ?OBJ
        (FoodForFn Animal))
    (exists (?ATTR)
            (instance ?ATTR TasteAttribute)
            (attribute ?OBJ ?ATTR))))
Merge.kif 17653-17658


    (instance ?VERT Vertebrate)
    (exists (?SPINE)
            (instance ?VERT Animal)
            (component ?SPINE ?VERT)
            (instance ?SPINE SpinalColumn))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10943-10949 A corpuscular object is an instance of vertebrate if and only if there exists another corpuscular object such that the corpuscular object is an instance of animal and the other corpuscular object is a component of the corpuscular object and the other corpuscular object is an instance of spinal column
        (equal ?AF
            (OrganicObjectFn ?F))
        (subclass ?AF AnimalFat)
        (subclass ?F FatTissue))
    (initialPart ?F Animal))
Food.kif 2876-2882
        (equal ?M
            (OrganicObjectFn ?A))
        (subclass ?M Meat))
    (subclass ?A Animal))
Economy.kif 4945-4950
        (instance ?ACT Surgery)
        (patient ?ACT ?ANIMAL))
    (exists (?SUBACT)
            (instance ?SUBACT Cutting)
            (instance ?ANIMAL Animal)
            (patient ?SUBACT ?ANIMAL)
            (subProcess ?SUBACT ?ACT))))
Merge.kif 12281-12290
        (instance ?B Bathing)
        (patient ?B ?A))
    (instance ?A Animal))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 8861-8865
        (instance ?BLEED Bleeding)
        (experiencer ?BLEED ?ANIMAL))
    (instance ?ANIMAL Animal))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 21388-21392
        (instance ?CARNIVORE Carnivore)
        (instance ?EAT Eating)
        (agent ?EAT ?CARNIVORE)
        (patient ?EAT ?PREY))
    (instance ?PREY Animal))
Merge.kif 14625-14631
        (instance ?D AnimalPoweredDevice)
        (instrument ?P ?D))
    (exists (?A)
            (instance ?A Animal)
            (instrument ?P ?A))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 2766-2773
        (instance ?F Feeding)
        (destination ?F ?A))
    (instance ?A Animal))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 11581-11585
        (instance ?F Feeding)
        (patient ?F ?O))
    (instance ?O
        (FoodForFn Animal)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 11575-11579
        (instance ?L LayingEggs)
        (experiencer ?L ?A))
        (instance ?A Animal)
        (attribute ?A Female)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 24130-24136
        (instance ?LANG AnimalLanguage)
        (agent ?PROC ?AGENT)
        (instrument ?PROC ?LANG))
        (instance ?AGENT Animal)
            (instance ?AGENT Human))))
Merge.kif 1420-1427
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG AgricultureForestryFishingAndHunting))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?EV ?MEM)
            (exists (?THING ?EV2 ?MEM2)
                        (instance ?EV Killing)
                        (instance ?EV Maintaining))
                    (patient ?EV ?THING)
                        (instance ?THING Animal)
                        (instance ?THING Plant))
                        (instance ?THING Human))
                    (member ?MEM2 ?ORG)
                    (instance ?EV2 Selling)
                    (agent ?EV2 ?MEM2)
                    (patient ?EV2 ?THING))))))
naics.kif 50-72
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG FoodAndBeverageStores))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?MEM ?EV)
            (exists (?THING)
                    (instance ?EV Selling)
                        (instance ?THING
                            (FoodForFn Animal))
                        (instance ?THING Beverage))
                    (patient ?EV ?THING))))))
naics.kif 7319-7333
        (instance ?PERCEPT Perception)
        (agent ?PERCEPT ?AGENT))
    (instance ?AGENT Animal))
Merge.kif 13477-13481
        (instance ?STRUCTURE AnimalAnatomicalStructure)
        (instance ?ANIMAL Organism)
        (part ?STRUCTURE ?ANIMAL))
    (instance ?ANIMAL Animal))
Merge.kif 15022-15027
        (instance ?SUBSTANCE AnimalSubstance)
        (instance ?ANIMAL Organism)
        (part ?SUBSTANCE ?ANIMAL))
    (instance ?ANIMAL Animal))
Merge.kif 14838-14843
    (instance ?AC AnimalController)
    (hasPurpose ?AC
        (exists (?G ?A)
                (instance ?G Guiding)
                (instrument ?G ?AC)
                (instance ?A Animal)
                (patient ?G ?A)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 2739-2747
    (instance ?AD AnimalDoll)
    (exists (?A)
            (instance ?A Animal)
            (represents ?AD ?A))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 2409-2414
    (instance ?AG AnimalGuiding)
    (exists (?A ?C ?H)
            (instance ?A Animal)
            (agent ?AG ?H)
            (instance ?C Carrying)
            (agent ?C ?A)
            (objectTransferred ?C ?H)
            (instrument ?AG ?A))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 4345-4354
    (instance ?B Burrow)
    (exists (?P ?A)
            (instance ?P Process)
            (agent ?P ?A)
            (instance ?A Animal)
                (instance ?A Human))
            (result ?P ?B))))
Geography.kif 6031-6040
    (instance ?BC BloodCirculation)
    (exists (?O ?V ?A ?B)
            (instance ?O Animal)
            (instance ?B Blood)
            (moves ?BC ?B)
            (instance ?A Artery)
            (instance ?V Vein)
            (part ?A ?O)
            (part ?V ?O)
            (path ?BC ?A)
            (path ?BC ?V))))
Medicine.kif 491-503
    (instance ?C CSGas)
    (hasPurpose ?C
        (exists (?INJ ?ORG)
                (instance ?INJ Injuring)
                (instrument ?INJ ?C)
                (patient ?INJ ?ORG)
                (instance ?ORG Animal)))))
MilitaryDevices.kif 1345-1353
    (instance ?CARRY Carrying)
    (exists (?ANIMAL)
            (instance ?ANIMAL Animal)
            (instrument ?CARRY ?ANIMAL))))
Merge.kif 11393-11398
    (instance ?CLOTHING Clothing)
    (hasPurpose ?CLOTHING
        (exists (?H ?P)
                (instance ?H Animal)
                (part ?P ?H)
                (covers ?CLOTHING ?P)))))
Merge.kif 15936-15943

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(industryProductType FoodManufacturing
    (FoodForFn Animal))
Economy.kif 1744-1744 Food for animal is an industry product type of food manufacturing
(subclass Apple
    (FoodForFn Animal))
Food.kif 2180-2180 Apple is a subclass of food for animal
(subclass Avocado
    (FoodForFn Animal))
Food.kif 2282-2282 Avocado is a subclass of food for animal
(subclass Coconut
    (FoodForFn Animal))
Food.kif 2371-2371 Coconut is a subclass of food for animal
(subclass DateFruit
    (FoodForFn Animal))
Food.kif 2189-2189 Date fruit is a subclass of food for animal
(subclass Honey
    (FoodForFn Animal))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 21632-21632 Honey is a subclass of food for animal
(subclass LemonFruit
    (FoodForFn Animal))
Food.kif 2328-2328 Lemon fruit is a subclass of food for animal
(subclass OrangeFruit
    (FoodForFn Animal))
Food.kif 2342-2342 Orange fruit is a subclass of food for animal
(subclass Pea
    (FoodForFn Animal))
Economy.kif 4113-4113 Pea is a subclass of food for animal
(subclass PearFruit
    (FoodForFn Animal))
Food.kif 2194-2194 Pear fruit is a subclass of food for animal
(subclass WineGrape
    (FoodForFn Animal))
Food.kif 3689-3689 Wine grape is a subclass of food for animal

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