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Sigma KEE - Africa

appearance as argument number 1

(externalImage Africa " continents/ africa.png") pictureList.kif 210-210
(geographicSubregion Africa EasternHemisphere) Geography.kif 3525-3525 Africa is a geographic subregion of eastern hemisphere
(instance Africa Continent) Geography.kif 3521-3521 Africa is an instance of continent
(orientation Africa NorthAmerica Southeast) Geography.kif 282-282 Africa is southeast to north america
(orientation Africa SouthAmerica Northeast) Geography.kif 280-280 Africa is northeast to south america
(overlapsSpatially Africa NorthernHemisphere) Geography.kif 3523-3523 Africa and northern hemisphere overlapsSpatially
(overlapsSpatially Africa SouthernHemisphere) Geography.kif 3524-3524 Africa and southern hemisphere overlapsSpatially

appearance as argument number 2

(geographicSubregion CentralAfrica Africa) Geography.kif 139-139 Central africa is a geographic subregion of africa
(geographicSubregion EasternAfrica Africa) Geography.kif 140-140 Eastern africa is a geographic subregion of africa
(geographicSubregion NorthernAfrica Africa) Geography.kif 141-141 Northern africa is a geographic subregion of africa
(geographicSubregion SouthernAfrica Africa) Geography.kif 142-142 Southern africa is a geographic subregion of africa
(geographicSubregion WesternAfrica Africa) Geography.kif 143-143 Western africa is a geographic subregion of africa
(habitatOfOrganism Badger Africa) Mid-level-ontology.kif 20317-20317 Badger inhabits africa
(habitatOfOrganism Cheetah Africa) Mid-level-ontology.kif 30594-30594 Cheetah inhabits africa
(habitatOfOrganism Crocodile Africa) Mid-level-ontology.kif 30572-30572 Crocodile inhabits africa
(habitatOfOrganism Lion Africa) Mid-level-ontology.kif 30396-30396 Lion inhabits africa
(habitatOfOrganism Parrot Africa) Mid-level-ontology.kif 30476-30476 Parrot inhabits africa
(habitatOfOrganism Rhinoceros Africa) Mid-level-ontology.kif 30459-30459 Rhinoceros inhabits africa
(names "Africa" Africa) Geography.kif 3522-3522 Africa has name "Africa"
(orientation Europe Africa North) Geography.kif 275-275 Europe is north to africa
(orientation MiddleEastRegion Africa Northeast) Geography.kif 286-286 Middle east region is northeast to africa
(part Morocco Africa) CountriesAndRegions.kif 126-126 Morocco is a part of africa
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Africa "非洲") domainEnglishFormat.kif 5724-5724
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Africa "非洲") domainEnglishFormat.kif 5723-5723
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Africa "africa") domainEnglishFormat.kif 5722-5722


    (instance ?CONTINENT Continent)
        (equal Africa ?CONTINENT)
        (equal NorthAmerica ?CONTINENT)
        (equal SouthAmerica ?CONTINENT)
        (equal Antarctica ?CONTINENT)
        (equal Europe ?CONTINENT)
        (equal Asia ?CONTINENT)
        (equal Oceania ?CONTINENT)))
Geography.kif 3504-3513 An entity is an instance of continent if and only if africa is equal to the entity or north america is equal to the entity or south america is equal to the entity or antarctica is equal to the entity or europe is equal to the entity or asia is equal to the entity or oceania is equal to the entity
    (instance ?PLAIN Veldt)
    (located ?PLAIN Africa))
Geography.kif 6719-6721

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