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Sigma KEE - Stating
Instances of this Class commit the agent to some truth.For example, John claimed that the moon is made of green cheese.
Parents linguistic communication A Communication that involves the transfer of information via a LinguisticExpression.
Children answeringResponding to a Questioning, i.e. trying to answer someone's question.
 apologizingThe speaker states that some action he or she took previously was wrong in some way, that it caused harm to the hearer.
 arguingAny Stating which has the form of an Argument.
 confirmingAn utterance in which the speaker is part of a ReachingAgreement and in which the Proposition under consideration has already been Stated.
 correctingA Correcting is a part of a Disagreeing in which the speaker explicitly refers to a prior statement.
 disagreeingA Stating in which two Agents have contradictory statements. This is distinguished from Arguing in that the statement in dispute may be a simple assertion, rather than a chain of deduction, and that two entities must be disagreeing with each other, whereas a single entity may craft an argument for a given point of view, without the need for another agent to disagree with.
 misdiagnosingA Process whereby a MedicalDoctor communicates that a patient has a DiseaseOrSyndrome that he or she does not. Note that this is done in good faith and the doctor believes that the diagnosis is accurate - this is not a case of TellingALie.
 pleadingStating in a court of law a claim about whether or not one is guilty of the crime of which one has been accused.
 reaching agreementInstances of this Class are Statings in which two or more agents affirm the same thing (acknowledge the truth of the same Propositions).
 registeringSubmitting official paperwork in a government agency, e.g. filing for divorce, making a legal claim against someone.
 SITREPA SITuation REPort - a military report on status and actions taken, plans and isues in a given conflict situation. It can be delivered verbally or in written form.
 terminal attack controlThese are actions to identify and precisely report the location of targets, and with global positioning systems, laser designators, beacons, or other means, conduct either terminal attack control (TAC) or terminal guidance operations (TGO) to effectively engage them. TAC involves actions to control the maneuver of and grant weapons release clearance to attacking aircraft. TGO includes any electronic, mechanical, voice or visual communication that provides approaching aircraft or weapons additional information regarding a specific location or target. TAC differs from TGO in that TAC includes the authority to clear aircraft to release ordnance and TGO does not. Because of this, TAC requires individuals to be qualified as joint terminal attack controllers, but TGO does not.
 terminal guidanceThese are actions to identify and precisely report the location of targets, and with global positioning systems, laser designators, beacons, or other means, conduct either terminal attack control (TAC) or terminal guidance operations (TGO) to effectively engage them. TAC involves actions to control the maneuver of and grant weapons release clearance to attacking aircraft. TGO includes any electronic, mechanical, voice or visual communication that provides approaching aircraft or weapons additional information regarding a specific location or target. TAC differs from TGO in that TAC includes the authority to clear aircraft to release ordnance and TGO does not. Because of this, TAC requires individuals to be qualified as joint terminal attack controllers, but TGO does not.
 testifyingGiving testimony as part of a JudicialProcess.

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