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Sigma KEE - Text

A LinguisticExpression or set of LinguisticExpressions that perform a specific function related to Communication, e.g. express a discourse about a particular topic, and that are inscribed in a CorpuscularObject by Humans.
Parents Artifact An Object that is the product of a Making.
  ContentBearingObject Any SelfConnectedObject that expresses content. This content may be a Proposition, e.g. when the ContentBearingObject is a Sentence or Text, or it may be a representation of an abstract or physical object, as with an Icon, a Word or a Phrase.
  LinguisticExpression This is the subclass of ContentBearingPhysical which are language-related. Note that this Class encompasses both Language and the the elements of Languages, e.g. Words.
Children ArticleA relatively short Text that either is unbound or is bound with other Articles in a Book.
 日曆A representation of one or more Days in a tabular form. It generally has groupings by week, month or year.
 CertificateA Text that confers a right or obligation on the holder of the Certificate. Note that the right or obligation need not be a legal one, as in the case of an academic diploma that grants certain privileges in the professional world.
 主席出版物A publication by the Chairman of the JCS, subsuming instructions and manuals.
 基督教福音書Four books in the New Testament of the ChristianBible that describe the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and that are referred to, respectively, as Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
 教義Fundamental principles by which the military forces or elements thereof guide their actions in support of national objectives. It is authoritative but requires judgment in application.
 事實文本The class of Texts that purport to reveal facts about the world. Such texts are often known as information or as non-fiction. Note that something can be an instance of FactualText, even if it is wholly inaccurate. Whether something is a FactualText is determined by the beliefs of the agent creating the text.
 虛構的文字The class of Texts that purport to be largely a product of the author's imagination, i.e. the author does not believe that most of the content conveyed by the text is an accurate depiction of the real world. Note that something can be an instance of FictionalText, even if it is completely true. Whether something is a FictionalText is determined by the beliefs of the agent creating the text.
 表格文字A page or set of pages containing spaces where information is to be entered by an AutonomousAgent.
 聯合出版物A publication containing joint doctrine that is prepared under the direction and authority of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and applies to all US military forces. Also called JP.
 標籤A very brief Text that is attached to an Object and that indicates very specific information about the Object, e.g. its name, its monetaryValue, etc.
 LiveTestUpdateA report of an eBay experiment. This used to be a live report as an experiment was occurring, but the historical name has been kept, even though it now denotes a report after conclusion of the test.
 歌詞Any Text which is intended to be sung.
 MotionPictureA ContentBearingObject which depicts motion (and which may have an audio or text component as well). This Class covers films, videos, etc.
 音樂文本A Text in a Language that represents a form of music.
 敘述文本Any Text that tells a story, whether true or false.
 A Text which consists of one or more sentences, begins with an indented line, and expresses a single topic.
 PrescriptionInstructions to a Pharmacist and patient concerning Medicines and possibly their dosage and schedule, to be taken by the patient.
 SeriesA Text consisting of multiple self-contained units. Some examples are an encyclopedia containing a couple dozen volumes, a television series made up of many episodes, a film serial, etc.
 SpamAn unsolicited message that is the result of Spamming.
 SummaryA short Text that is a summary of another, longer Text.
 條約文件TreatyDocument is the subclass of Texts that represent written agreements between Nations.

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