Parents |
HumanLanguage |
The subclass of Languages used by Humans.
Children |
非洲亞洲語言 | An AfroAsiaticLanguage is any one of 372 languages forming a major family of languages of Africa and Asia.(extract from |
| alacalufan語言 | An AlacalufanLanguage is either of two languages found in the Chile that form a family of languages apparently unrelated to others. One of these two is now extinct.(extract from |
| algic 語言 | An AlgicLanguage is any one of 40 languages forming a major family of languages.(extract from |
| 阿爾泰語 | An AltaicLanguage is any one of 65 languages forming a major family of languages.(extract from |
| amto musan 語言 | An AmtoMusanLanguage is either of two related languages of PapuaNewGuinea that form a family of languages apparently unrelated to others.(extract from |
| andamanese語言 | An AndamaneseLanguage is any of 13 related languages of the Andaman Islands of India that form a family of languages apparently unrelated to others.(extract from |
| araucanian語言 | An AraucanianLanguage is either of two languages found in the Chile and Argentina that form a family of languages apparently unrelated to others.(extract from |
| 阿拉瓦坎語言 | An ArawakanLanguage is any one of 60 languages forming a major family of languages apparently unrelated to other languages.(extract from |
| aruan語言 | An AruanLanguage is any of eight related languages of Brazil that form a family of languages apparently unrelated to others.(extract from |
| arutani sape 語言 | An ArutaniSapeLanguage is either of two languages found in Brazil and Venezuela that form a family of languages apparently unrelated to others. Both languages are now nearly extinct.(extract from |
| 澳大利亞語言 | An AustralianLanguage is any one of 258 languages forming a major family of languages apparently unrelated to other languages.(extract from |
| 奧斯特亞洲語言 | An AustroAsiaticLanguage is any one of 168 languages forming a major family of languages apparently unrelated to other languages.(extract from |
| 奧地利語 | An AustronesianLanguage is any one of 1262 languages forming a major family of languages apparently unrelated to other languages.(extract from |
| aymaran語言 | An AymaranLanguage is any of three languages found in SouthAmerica that form a family of languages apparently unrelated to others.(extract from |
| 巴巴科語言 | A BarbacoanLanguage is any of seven languages found in SouthAmerica that form a family of languages apparently unrelated to others.(extract from |
| 巴斯克語言 | A BasqueGroupLanguage is a small family of languages consisting entirely of three varieties of Basque from France and Spain and which are apparently unrelated to all other languages.(extract from |
| bayono awbono 語言 | A BayonoAwbonoLanguage is either of two languages found in Indonesia (Irian Jaya) that form a family of languages apparently unrelated to others.(extract from |
| caddoan語言 | A CaddoanLanguage is any of seven languages of the UnitedStates that form a family of languages apparently unrelated to others.(extract from |
| cahuapanan語言 | A CahuapananLanguage is either of two languages found in Peru that form a family of languages apparently unrelated to others.(extract from |
| cant 語言 | A CantLanguage is the single EnglishTahitianLanguage known as the PitcairnNorfolkLanguage. This language is apparently unrelated to all other languages, thus forming a language family consisting of a single member.(extract from |
| 加勒比語 | A CaribLanguage is any of 29 languages that form a family of related languages apparently unrelated to others.(extract from |
| chapacura wanham 語言 | Of the 29 CaribLanguages, five more closely related languages are classified as a ChapacuraWanhamLanguage.(extract from |
| chibchan語言 | A ChibchanLanguage is any of 22 languages that form a family of related languages apparently unrelated to others.(extract from |
| chimakuan語言 | A ChimakuanLanguage is the single language of the UnitedStates (Washington State) known as the QuileuteLanguage. This nearly extinct language is apparently unrelated to all other languages, thus forming a language family consisting of a single member.(extract from |
| ChineseLanguage | ChineseLanguage is a group of languages spoken mostly by a GroupOfPeople who live in China, Taiwan, HongKong, Singapore and expatriates from these places and their descendants. |
| choco語 | A ChocoLanguage is any of 10 languages that form a family of related languages apparently unrelated to others.(extract from |
| chon語言 | A ChonLanguage is either of two languages found in Argentina that form a family of languages apparently unrelated to others. Both of these languages are now nearly extinct.(extract from |
| chukotko kamchatkan 語言 | A ChukotkoKamchatkanLanguage is any of five languages found in Russia (Asia) that form a family of languages apparently unrelated to others.(extract from |
| chumash集團的語言 | A ChumashGroupLanguage is any of seven languages found in the UnitedStates that form a family of languages apparently unrelated to others. All seven languages are now extinct meaning that this language family is also extinct.(extract from |
| coahuiltecan語言 | A CoahuiltecanLanguage is the single language of the UnitedStates (Oklahoma) known as the TonkawaLanguage. This now extinct language is apparently unrelated to all other languages, thus forming an extinct language family consisting of a single member.(extract from |
| 克里奧爾語 | A CreoleLanguage is a PidginLanguage that has developed and become the mother tongue for a community of people. This process is called 'creolization' and results in an expanded vocabulary and grammar structure that allow for communication as rich and complex as that of non_creole languages. While pidgins are regarded as reduced languages, creoles are considered expanded languages. That is, while pidgins develop to enable communication in relatively isolated domains, creoles allow for a full range of expressive possibilities on a par with more 'recognized' languages.(extract from |
| 德拉威語 | A DravidianLanguage is any one of 75 languages forming a major family of languages of southern India.(extract from |
| 東鳥頭語 | An EastBirdsHeadLanguage is any of three languages found in Indonesia (Irian Jaya) that form a family of languages apparently unrelated to others.(extract from |
| 東papuan語言 | An EastPapuanLanguage is any one of 36 languages forming a distinct family of languages of PapuaNewGuinea.(extract from |
| 愛斯基摩人阿拉伯語 | An EskimoAleutLanguage is any one of 11 languages forming a distinct family of languages of NorthAmerica.(extract from |
| geelvink灣語言 | A GeelvinkBayLanguage is any one of 33 languages forming a distinct family of languages.(extract from |
| guahiban語言 | A GuahibanLanguage is any of five languages found in Colombia that form a family of languages apparently unrelated to others.(extract from |
| 海灣語 | A GulfLanguage is any of four languages found in the Gulf of Mexico region of the UnitedStates that form a family of languages apparently unrelated to others. Since all four of these languages are now extinct, the entire language family is extinct.(extract from |
| 哈拉克貝特語 | A HarakmbetLanguage is either of two languages found in Peru that form a family of languages apparently unrelated to others.(extract from |
| hokan語言 | A HokanLanguage is any one of 28 languages forming a distinct family of languages unrelated to others.(extract from |
| huavean語言 | A HuaveanLanguage is any of the four Huave languages found in Mexico that together form a family of languages apparently unrelated to others.(extract from |
| 日本語言 | A JapaneseGroupLanguage is any of 12 related languages, spoken in Japan, forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| jivaroan語言 | A JivaroanLanguage is any of four related languages, spoken in Peru, forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| katukinan語言 | A KatukinanLanguage is any of three related languages, spoken in Brazil, forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| keres語言 | A KeresLanguage is either of two closely related languages, spoken in the UnitedStates, forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| 科伊桑語 | A KhoisanLanguage is any of 29 closely related languages forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| kiowa | A KiowaTanoanLanguage is any of six closely related languages, spoken in PapuaNewGuinea, forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| left may語言 | A LeftMayLanguage is any of seven closely related languages, spoken in PapuaNewGuinea, forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| 較低的mamberamo語言 | A LowerMamberamoLanguage is either of two closely related languages, spoken in Indonesia (Irian Jaya), forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| lule vilela 語言 | A LuleVilelaLanguage is the single VilelaLanguage of Argentina. This language is apparently unrelated to all other languages, thus forming a language family consisting of a single member.(extract from |
| macro ge語言 | A MacroGeLanguage is any one of 32 related languages forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| maku語言 | A MakuLanguage is any one of six related languages, spoken in SouthAmerica, forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| mascoian語言 | A MascoianLanguage is any one of five related languages, spoken in Paraguay, forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| mataco guaicuru 語 | A MatacoGuaicuruLanguage is any one of 11 related languages, spoken in SouthAmerica, forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| 瑪雅語 | A MayanLanguage is any one of 69 related languages forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| misumalpan語言 | A MisumalpanLanguage is any one of four related languages, spoken in Nicaragua and formerly in ElSalvador, forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| 混合語言 | A MixedLanguage is a SpokenHumanLanguage that combines grammar and lexical items from two or more languages to create a new language that is essentially a linguistic mixture.(extract from |
| mixe zoque 語言 | A MixeZoqueLanguage is any one of 16 related languages forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| 莫斯特南語 | A MosetenanLanguage is the single TsimaneLanguage of Bolivia. This language is apparently unrelated to all other languages, thus forming a language family consisting of a single member.(extract from |
| mura語言 | A MuraLanguage is the single MuraPirahaLanguage of Brazil. This language is apparently unrelated to all other languages, thus forming a language family consisting of a single member.(extract from |
| muskogean語言 | A MuskogeanLanguage is any one of six related languages, spoken in the UnitedStates, forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| na dene 語言 | A NaDeneLanguage is any one of 47 related languages forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| nambiquaran語言 | A NambiquaranLanguage is any one of five related languages, spoken in Brazil, forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| 尼日爾剛果語 | A NigerCongoLanguage is any one of 1489 related languages forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| nilo撒哈拉語言 | A NiloSaharanLanguage is any one of 199 related languages forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| 北方白種人語言 | A NorthCaucasianLanguage is any one of 34 related languages forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| oto manguean 語 | An OtoMangueanLanguage is any one of 172 related languages forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| paezan語言 | A PaezanLanguage is the single PaezLanguage of Colombia. This language is apparently unrelated to all other languages, thus forming a language family consisting of a single member.(extract from |
| 全盤語言 | A PanoanLanguage is any one of 30 related languages forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| peba yaguan 語 | A PebaYaguanLanguage is either of two closely related languages, spoken in Peru, forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| penutian語言 | A PenutianLanguage is any one of 33 related languages forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| 洋涇浜語 | A PidginLanguage is not the native language of anyone but is used as an auxiliary or supplemental language between two mutually unintelligible speech communities. Pidgins are reduced languages, characterized by having a limited vocabulary and a simple grammar which serve to satisfy basic communication needs. Historically these languages have primarily arisen in trade centers and plantations (with slaves from different language backgrounds), areas where large groups of people lacking a common language need to communicate. By definition, a pidgin has no native speakers, it is always a person's second (or more) language.(extract from |
| quechuan語言 | A QuechuanLanguage is any one of 46 related languages forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| 薩利珊語 | A SalishanLanguage is any one of 27 related languages forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| salivan語言 | A SalivanLanguage is either of two closely related languages, spoken in Colombia and Venezuela, forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| sepik ramu 語 | A SepikRamuLanguage is any one of 104 related languages forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| siouan語言 | A SiouanLanguage is any one of 17 languages, spoken in NorthAmerica, forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| sko語言 | A SkoLanguage is any one of seven languages, spoken in PapuaNewGuinea and Indonesia, forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| 南方白種人語言 | A SouthCaucasianLanguage is any one of five languages forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| subtiaba tlapanec 語 | A SubtiabaTlapanecLanguage is any one of four languages forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| 塔卡語 | A TacananLanguage is any one of six languages, spoken in Bolivia, forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| tai kadai 語 | A TaiKadaiLanguage is any one of 70 languages forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| 音調語言 | Any SpokenHumanLanguage that uses pitch to differentiate otherwise identical words, e.g. Chinese. |
| 托里切利語 | A TorricelliLanguage is any one of 48 languages forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| 托博納坎語 | A TotonacanLanguage is any one of 11 languages forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| 反式新幾內亞語 | A TransNewGuineaLanguage is any one of 552 languages forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| tucanoan語言 | A TucanoanLanguage is any one of 25 languages forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| 圖皮語 | A TupiLanguage is any one of 70 languages forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| 非語言口語 | An UnclassifiedSpokenLanguage is a SpokenHumanLanguage of unknown relationship to other SpokenHumanLanguages.(extract from |
| uralic語言 | A UralicLanguage is any one of 38 languages forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| uru chipaya 語 | A UruChipayaLanguage is either of two languages found in Bolivia that form a family of languages apparently unrelated to others.(extract from |
| uto aztecan 語 | An UtoAztecanLanguage is any one of 62 languages forming a distinct family of languages that are unrelated to any others.(extract from |
| 瓦卡山語 | A WakashanLanguage is any of five languages found in Canada that form a family of languages apparently unrelated to others.(extract from |
| 西papuan語言 | A WestPapuanLanguage is any one of 26 languages forming a distinct family of languages of Indonesia.(extract from |
| witotoan語 | A WitotoanLanguage is any of six related languages found in Peru and Colombia that form a family of languages apparently unrelated to others.(extract from |
| yanomami語言 | A YanomamLanguage is any of four languages found in Brazil and Venezuela that form a family of languages apparently unrelated to others.(extract from |
| yenisei ostyak 語 | A YeniseiOstyakLanguage is either of two languages found in Russia (Asia) that form a family of languages apparently unrelated to others.(extract from |
| yukaghir語言 | A YukaghirLanguage is either of two languages found in the Russia (Asia) that form a family of languages apparently unrelated to others.(extract from |
| yuki組語言 | A YukiGroupLanguage is either of two languages found in the UnitedStates that form a family of languages apparently unrelated to others. Both are now nearly extinct.(extract from |
| zamucoan語言 | A ZamucoanLanguage is either of two languages found in Paraguay that form a family of languages apparently unrelated to others.(extract from |
| 薩帕羅語 | A ZaparoanLanguage is any of seven languages primarily found in Peru that form a family of languages apparently unrelated to others. Many of these languages are now extinct or nearly extinct.(extract from |