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Sigma KEE - Relation
The Class of relations. There are two kinds of Relation: Predicate and Function. Predicates and Functions both denote sets of ordered n-tuples. The difference between these two Classes is that Predicates cover formula-forming operators, while Functions cover term-forming operators.
Parents Abstract Properties or qualities as distinguished from any particular embodiment of the properties/qualities in a physical medium. Instances of Abstract can be said to exist in the same sense as mathematical objects such as sets and relations, but they cannot exist at a particular place and time without some physical encoding or embodiment.
Children BinaryRelationBinaryRelations are relations that are true only of pairs of things. BinaryRelations are represented as slots in frame systems.
 可繼承的關係The class of Relations whose properties can be inherited downward in the class hierarchy via the subrelation Predicate.
 有意圖的關係The Class of Relations between an AutonomousAgent and one or more Entities, where the Relation requires that the AutonomousAgent have awareness of the Entity.
 PartialValuedRelationA Relation is a PartialValuedRelation just in case it is not a TotalValuedRelation, i.e. just in case assigning values to every argument position except the last one does not necessarily mean that there is a value assignment for the last argument position. Note that, if a Relation is both a PartialValuedRelation and a SingleValuedRelation, then it is a partial function.
 基於PPP的經濟估值PPPBasedEconomicValuation is a class of relations used to state international economic information in U.S. dollar amounts. The U.S. dollar amounts are derived from Purchasing Power Parity conversions of economic totals (e.g., GDP) given in local currency. This contrasts with a method of conversion based on currency exchange rates. The PPP method is used by the CIA World Fact Book for the purpose of presenting economic data for all countries covered. Their basis for PPP dollar price weights is the UN International Comparison Program (UNICP) and the work of Professors Robert Summers and Alan Heston of the University of Pennsylvania.
 PredicateA Predicate is a sentence-forming Relation. Each tuple in the Relation is a finite, ordered sequence of objects. The fact that a particular tuple is an element of a Predicate is denoted by '(*predicate* arg_1 arg_2 .. arg_n)', where the arg_i are the objects so related. In the case of BinaryPredicates, the fact can be read as `arg_1 is *predicate* arg_2' or `a *predicate* of arg_1 is arg_2'.
 ProbabilityRelationThe Class of Relations that permit assessment of the probability of an event or situation.
 QuaternaryRelationQuaternaryRelations relate four items. The two subclasses of QuaternaryRelation are QuaternaryPredicate and TernaryFunction.
 QuintaryRelationQuintaryRelations relate five items. The two subclasses of QuintaryRelation are QuintaryPredicate and QuaternaryFunction.
 RelationExtendedToQuantitiesA RelationExtendedToQuantities is a Relation that, when it is true on a sequence of arguments that are RealNumbers, it is also true on a sequence of instances of ConstantQuantity with those magnitudes in some unit of measure. For example, the lessThan relation is extended to quantities. This means that for all pairs of quantities ?QUANTITY1 and ?QUANTITY2, (lessThan ?QUANTITY1 ?QUANTITY2) if and only if, for some ?NUMBER1, ?NUMBER2, and ?UNIT, ?QUANTITY1 = (MeasureFn ?NUMBER1 ?UNIT), ?QUANTITY2 = (MeasureFn ?NUMBER2 ?UNIT), and (lessThan ?NUMBER1 ?NUMBER2), for all units ?UNIT on which ?QUANTITY1 and ?QUANTITY2 can be measured. Note that, when a RelationExtendedToQuantities is extended from RealNumbers to instances of ConstantQuantity, the ConstantQuantity must be measured along the same physical dimension.
 SingleValuedRelationA Relation is a SingleValuedRelation just in case an assignment of values to every argument position except the last one determines at most one assignment for the last argument position. Note that not all SingleValuedRelations are TotalValuedRelations.
 SpatialRelationThe Class of Relations that are spatial in a wide sense. This Class includes mereological relations and topological relations.
 TemporalRelationThe Class of temporal Relations. This Class includes notions of (temporal) topology of intervals, (temporal) schemata, and (temporal) extension.
 TernaryRelationTernaryRelations relate three items. The two subclasses of TernaryRelation are TernaryPredicate and BinaryFunction.
 TotalValuedRelationA Relation is a TotalValuedRelation just in case there exists an assignment for the last argument position of the Relation given any assignment of values to every argument position except the last one. Note that declaring a Relation to be both a TotalValuedRelation and a SingleValuedRelation means that it is a total function.
 VariableArityRelationThe Class of Relations that do not have a fixed number of arguments.

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