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Sigma KEE - Proposition
Propositions are Abstract entities that express a complete thought or a set of such thoughts. As an example, the formula '(instance Yojo Cat)' expresses the Proposition that the entity named Yojo is an element of the Class of Cats. Note that propositions are not restricted to the content expressed by individual sentences of a Language. They may encompass the content expressed by theories, books, and even whole libraries. It is important to distinguish Propositions from the ContentBearingObjects that express them. A Proposition is a piece of information, e.g. that the cat is on the mat, but a ContentBearingObject is an Object that represents this information. A Proposition is an abstraction that may have multiple representations: strings, sounds, icons, etc. For example, the Proposition that the cat is on the mat is represented here as a string of graphical characters displayed on a monitor and/or printed on paper, but it can be represented by a sequence of sounds or by some non-latin alphabet or by some cryptographic form.
Parents Abstract Properties or qualities as distinguished from any particular embodiment of the properties/qualities in a physical medium. Instances of Abstract can be said to exist in the same sense as mathematical objects such as sets and relations, but they cannot exist at a particular place and time without some physical encoding or embodiment.
Children 協議Agreement is the class of Propositions that express the contents of agreements entered into by CognitiveAgents. Agreement includes treaties, contracts, purchase orders, pledges, marriage vows, etc. An Agreement may be written down in a document or other ContentBearingObject, it can be verbal Communication, it can even be an implied agreement.
 爭論Any proposition which has the form of a deductive or inductive argument, i.e. a set of premises which, it is claimed, imply a conclusion.
 銀行對帳單A monthly report sent to a debtor or bank depositor.
 Cataloga Catalog is a Proposition of the classes of resources that an agent provides or offers
 分類方案A ClassificationScheme is a conceptual structure, an abstract arrangement of concepts and the relations that link them.
 憲法The class Constitution includes the bodies of abstract principles formulated to guide the laws, institutions and practices of various Governments. Also see ConstitutionDocument.
 經濟指標Data which provide information about or predict the overall health of the economy or the financial markets, examples are inflation, interest rates, employment, etc.
 方程a mathematical statement that two expressions are equal.
 FieldOfStudyAn academic or applied discipline with recognized experts and with a core of accepted theory or practice. Note that FieldOfStudy is a subclass of Proposition, because a FieldOfStudy is understood to be a body of abstract, informational content, with varying degrees of certainty attached to each element of this content.
 GraphThe Class of graphs, where a graph is understood to be a set of GraphNodes connected by GraphArcs. Note that this Class includes only connected graphs, i.e. graphs in which there is a GraphPath between any two GraphNodes. Note too that every Graph is required to contain at least two GraphArcs and three GraphNodes.
 GraphElementNoncompositional parts of Graphs. These parts are restricted to GraphNodes and GraphArcs.
 HotelPackageHotelPackage is a type of Proposition initiated by a hotel or travel management company that includes a stay at a hotel as well as other inclusions that take advantage of a hotel's amenities
 LyricalContentLyricalContent is the conceptual idea of Lyrics.
 MealPlanMealPlan refers to the Meal that are included in a particular stay at a TravelerAccommodation
 模型An abstract object that models certain aspect of a physical object, is subject to abstraction and idealization.
 多極假設One of the postulates of the multipole modeling theory.
 MusicMusic refers to the conception of music - it's notes, tempo, arrangement, lyrics, etc. as thought by its composers and lyricist. Some types of Music are conceptualized with only the background instrumentation thought of, while some types of Music are conceptualized with the thought of having both lyrics and musical composition combined.
 PolicyPolicy is (the contents of) a type of Declaring created and enforced by an Organization such as a government or a business, which contains guiding principles or a plan or course of action adopted by that organization.
 PricingSchemePricingScheme refers to the conditions attached to the price of a product of service
 ProcedureA sequence-dependent specification. Some examples are ComputerPrograms, finite-state machines, cooking recipes, musical scores, conference schedules, driving directions, and the scripts of plays and movies.
 區域法RegionalLaw is the class of regional laws, considered as a body, established by particular Governments to regulate activities under their jurisdictions. For example, (RegionalLawFn UnitedStates) represents the content of the laws, statutes, and rulings of the United States.
 科學法A generalization based on recurring facts or events (in science or mathematics etc)
 選舉法SuffrageLaw is a class that includes the various types of suffrage rules of different Nations. Instances of SuffrageLaw represent the propositional content of various suffrage laws.
 TPFDDThe Joint Operation Planning and Execution System database portion of an operation plan, it contains time-phased force data, non-unitrelated cargo and personnel data, and movement data for the operation plan, including the following: (a) In-place units (b) Units to be deployed to support the operation plan with a priority indicating the desired sequence for their arrival at the port of debarkation (c) Routing of forces to be deployed (d) Movement data associated with deploying forces (e) Estimates of non-unit-related cargo and personnel movements to be conducted concurrently with the deployment of forces and (f) Estimate of transportation requirements that must be fulfilled by common-user lift resources as well as those requirements that can be fulfilled by assigned or attached transportation resources. Also called TPFDD. See also time-phased force and deployment data maintenance, time-phased force and deployment data refinement, time-phased force and deployment list.

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