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Sigma KEE - Organization
An Organization is a corporate or similar institution. The members of an Organization typically have a common purpose or function. Note that this class also covers divisions, departments, etc. of organizations. For example, both the Shell Oil Corporation and the accounting department at Shell would both be instances of Organization. Note too that the existence of an Organization is dependent on the existence of at least one member (since Organization is a subclass of Collection). Accordingly, in cases of purely legal organizations, a fictitious member should be assumed.
Parents AutonomousAgent Something or someone that can act on its own and produce changes in the world.
  Group A Collection of Agents, e.g. a flock of sheep, a herd of goats, or the local Boy Scout troop.
Children BusinessAn instance of Business is an Organization that is a CommercialAgent.
 護理組織Any Organization whose purpose is to provide medical care for for Humans who reside there, either permanently or temporarily.
 ClubA Club is an Organization of people that share some desire
 佣金A small, temporary Organization whose purpose is to investigate some issue.
 溝通組織CommunicationOrganization is the subclass of Organizations that manage Communications over physical infrastructure owned or leased by the organization. Such organizations may also produce and disseminate information, entertainment, or other content. Also see MediaOrganization.
 CopyrightAuthorityAn instance of CopyrightAuthority is an Organization with whom a creative work may or must be registered for the purpose of establishing copyright.
 CrossFunctionalTeamAn Organization where members of that organization have different skills, but a common Entity inScopeOfInterest.
 CustomerSupportAn Organization which is a businessUnit of a company, that hasPurpose of having its members be customerRepresentatives.
 EducationalOrganizationA EducationalOrganization is an institution of learning. Some examples are public and private K-12 schools, and colleges and universities.
 金融機構The class FinancialOrganization includes, as subclasses, BankFinancialOrganization, CreditUnion and SavingsAnLoans.
 政府組織GovernmentOrganization is the class of official Organizations that are concerned with the government of a GeopoliticalArea at some level. They may be a subOrganization of a government.
 HotelFrontDeskHotelFrontDesk is a subOrganization of a TravelerAccommodation that takes charge of all CheckInService and CheckOutService transactions. They often do other miscellaneous things too at the request of the hotel guest
 國際組織InternationalOrganization is the class of Organizations whose activities have international scope and which typically have members who are, or are from, different Nations.
 司法組織JudicialOrganization is the class of Organizations whose primary purpose is to render judgments according to the statutes or regulations of a government or other organization. Judicial bodies are not necessarily government organizations, for example, those associated with sporting associations.
 立法組織LegislativeOrganization is the class of Organizations that have as their main purpose the passing of laws or regulations.
 MarchingBandMarchingBand refers to a group of instrumental musicians perform outdoors and incorporate some type of marching with their musical performance.
 媒體組織MediaOrganization is the subclass of Organization for groups whose primary purpose is the production or dissemination of media content. For organizations that physically enable Communication, see CommunicationOrganization.
 冶金廠MetallurgicalPlant is the subclass of Organization that includes metal refining and manufacturing plants. Such plants typically release extremely toxic waste which can pollute air and groundwater if not properly treated.
 非盈利機構Any Organization whose purpose is something other than making a profit.
 組織委員會Part of an Organization that is responsible for managing the Organization.
 PoliticalOrganizationAn Organization that is attempting to bring about some sort of political change.
 ReligiousOrganizationAn Organization whose members share a set of religious beliefs.
 安全部門The Organization that is charged with ensuring the security of members of the overall Organization and the property of the Organization.
 服務組織An Organization that performs a public service and is regulated by the Government.
 船員A ShipCrew is an Organization of people who operate a Ship, Plane, Train, or other transportation vehicle.
 體育聯盟An Organization whose members are SportsTeams and whose purpose is to set up games between its members.
 股市General term for the organized trading of stocks through exchanges and over-the-counter.
 運輸當局TransportationAuthority is the class of Organizations that are responsible for one or more systems of transportation, usually within a particular GeopoliticalArea.
 工會組織An Organization comprised of workers from the same Corporation or Industry. The purpose of the UnionOrganization is to strengthen its representation in bargaining with the Corporation or Industry.

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