Parents |
AutonomousAgent |
Something or someone that can act on its own and produce changes in the world.
GeographicArea |
A geographic location, generally having definite boundaries. Note that this differs from its immediate superclass Region in that a GeographicArea is a three-dimensional Region of the earth. Accordingly, all astronomical objects other than earth and all one-dimensional and two-dimensional Regions are not classed under GeographicArea.
Children |
City | A LandArea of relatively small size, inhabited by a community of people, and having some sort of political structure. Note that this class includes both large cities and small settlements like towns, villages, hamlets, etc. |
| 市區 | Any geopoliticalSubdivision of a City. |
| 縣 | A GeopoliticalArea that is larger than a city, usually encompassing several cities, and smaller than a StateOrProvince. Aside from City, this is the smallest geopolitical subdivision, and it is known by various names in various countries, e.g. parrish, commune, etc. |
| 依賴或特殊主權領域 | DependencyOrSpecialSovereigntyArea is a subclass of GeopoliticalArea, representing the classification 'Dependency or Special Sovereignty Area' used by the CIA World Fact Book. Cf. IndependentState. |
| 獨立國家 | IndependentState is a subclass of GeopoliticalArea, representing the classification 'Independent State' used by the CIA World Fact Book. Cf. DependencyOrSpecialSovereigntyArea. |
| Nation | The broadest GeopoliticalArea, i.e. Nations are GeopoliticalAreas that are not part of any other overarching and comprehensive governance structure (excepting commonwealths and other sorts of loose international organizations). |
| 海外地區 | OverseasArea is the class of GeopoliticalAreas that are related to a Nation as overseas territories, possessions, protectorates, or departments. |
| 議會領土 | |
| 港口設施 | PortFacility is the class of port complexes, including piers and docking space, moorings, cargo-handling and other support facilities for marine traffic. Ships are loaded and unloaded at a PortFacility. |
| 自治領土 | |
| StateOrProvince | Administrative subdivisions of a Nation that are broader than any other political subdivisions that may exist. This Class includes the states of the United States, as well as the provinces of Canada and European countries. |