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Sigma KEE - StandardRoom

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation StandardRoom EnglishLanguage "StandardRoom describes the most basic room type offered by the hotel. It is mean to describe a room in relation to other rooms in the same hotel as opposed to the same type of room in a different hotel") Hotel.kif 985-987
(instance StandardRoom HotelRoomAttribute) Hotel.kif 984-984 StandardRoom and HotelRoomAttribute
(successorAttribute StandardRoom DeluxeRoom) Hotel.kif 995-995 繼承屬性 StandardRoom and DeluxeRoom
(successorAttributeClosure StandardRoom Suite) Hotel.kif 989-989 後繼屬性關閉 StandardRoom and Suite

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage StandardRoom "standard room") Hotel.kif 988-988

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